Not only did the new Navy Marshal Akainu personally take action, but he also brought a general and five lieutenant generals!Coupled with thousands of sea soldiers, such a huge team, even if they face any of the four emperors alone, they are not afraid at all!

This is why Akainu is cautious!After all, before Fanxing and Kaido went to war, Akainu couldn't predict what the outcome would be. If Yeyue and Kaido were both injured, and there were fewer people in Akainu's lead, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity?

From the very beginning, Akainu had the idea of ​​catching everything in one go!Whether it is Kaido or Yeyue, they are both great threats to the navy. In comparison, the turmoil in the new world is nothing at all!As long as Fanxing and Kaido can be wiped out smoothly, there will be only two emperors left in the new world, and the pressure on the navy will definitely be relieved a lot.


Yeyue stood at the bow of the ship, squinting her eyes slightly at the fast approaching warship, but her heart was not disturbed.With Yeyue's cleverness, how could she not consider the existence of the navy?

From the beginning, Yeyue knew that the Navy would definitely intervene!In other words, whether it was Yeyue or Kaido, they all knew in their hearts that after the war, they would have to face the siege of the navy again!

But Yeyue and Kaido are not afraid!Kaido thinks that he can easily solve Yeyue, of course he is not afraid of the navy, but what about Yeyue?Of course, I will not be afraid of fighting with the Navy again and again.

Taking [-] steps back, even if Yeyue was seriously injured after defeating Kaido, and the Star Pirates were unable to fight again, Yeyue could easily escape from the navy's net with the Starry Night's ability to fly!This is the foundation of the night moon!

The Starry Night was transformed from the golden ark of Anilu. As long as it has sufficient lightning, it can fly in the air for a long time, but with this, Yeyue is not afraid of any opponent!

Seeing Yeyue's indifferent expression, Saeko and the other women calmed down, standing behind Yeyue quietly watching the arrival of the navy.

Although there are a lot of people on the navy side, the top powerhouses only have two generals and five lieutenant generals. The only ones who can really threaten Saeko and the others are two generals, and five lieutenant generals, let alone Nami and the others. Even Alice and the others are not afraid!

After the sublimation of their physique, the strength of Kalifa and Robin has already surpassed that of lieutenant generals. Even Alice and Shizuka have the strength of lieutenant generals, and this special dog, Jike, is the biggest gain this time!

Gek's strength is directly linked to his physique, and the enhancement of his physique directly makes his maddening fruit ability to a higher level. In terms of heads-up, I am afraid that Nami and Mami are not necessarily Gek's opponents!

From the outside, Jack is just a fierce big dog, but in fact it is comparable to a general, and its strength is extremely terrifying!What's even more surprising is that with the improvement of his strength, Jike's brain has become more and more psychic, and his intelligence is comparable to that of a teenage boy!

The overall combat power of the current Star Pirates has been greatly improved. Even in the face of the encirclement of the huge naval fleet at this moment, Yeyue is not afraid at all!

What's more, he just devoured Kaido's life energy, and used the only deprivation opportunity left on Kaido to obtain Kaido's perverted vitality and resilience, which overlapped with Yeyue's own ability to evolve. At this time, the vitality possessed by Yeyue has risen to a height that ordinary people cannot match!

With a significant improvement in strength, Yeyue of course also wanted to try to see the changes in his body. Akainu took the initiative to bring it to his door. Of course he was happy to accept it, so why would he choose to flee without a fight? …

Chapter 317

"Report to the marshal, [-] warships have successfully surrounded the Star Pirates, all the members of the Star Pirates are here, and no one escapes!"

On a large warship, Akainu was standing on the bow and staring at the Starry Night standing still on the sea. The deputy's report sounded in his ears, but it was obvious that the deputy's report was meaningless. Akainu could see it at a glance. I saw Yeyue and others standing in a row on the Starry Night.

The corner of his eye swept across the broken wood and broken flags on the sea, and it was not difficult for Akainu to guess that the dozen or so pirate groups that had just launched the first attack no longer existed.

The entire island of death was shattered and disappeared, and the Kaido Pirates also disappeared. Only the members of the Star Pirates were present, and they were all unscathed. Seeing this scene, Akainu couldn't help but be horrified. What happened here? what?

If the Star Pirates killed the Kaido Pirates unscathed, and then destroyed more than a dozen large pirates, Akainu would not believe it!If Yeyue really had such strength, I am afraid she would have become a god by now!

After all, Kaido is one of the Four Emperors, one of the top powerhouses in the world, so how could he be easily killed by a young boy who was still young?

But what Akainu saw in front of his eyes seemed to be the case!The Kaido pirates and those pirates who were trying to get cheap have disappeared, leaving only Fanxing and his group safe and sound!

No matter how you think about it, you can't figure it out!Akainu was puzzled in his heart, but he couldn't care much at this time, so he could only solve the Fanxing group first!

Of course, the strange disappearance of the Kaido pirates and the dozen or so pirates also made Akainu secretly vigilant in order to prevent them from being ambushed.

"Kid Night Moon, where's Kaido?"

As the warship slowly surrounded, the distance between Akainu and Yeyue also narrowed. Looking at Yeyue in front of him, Akainu couldn't help frowning slightly and asked the doubts in his heart.


Ye Yue's simple and clear answer made Akainu even more puzzled.Although he had personally experienced Yeyue's strength two or three months ago, coupled with Yeyue's obvious terrifying growth rate, it is reasonable to say that it is not impossible for Yeyue to defeat and kill Kaido, but Akainu no matter what. Can't accept this kind of thing!

Possessing the strength of the four emperors, and the strength of killing the four emperors, the two cannot be equated at all!Even if he is as strong as the Four Emperors, it is not easy to kill a general, let alone an opponent of the same level!Otherwise, the four emperors of the new world have been fighting each other for many years, how can they always want to kill the four emperors, they must have the strength beyond the four emperors!In less than three months, Yeyue has risen from the rank of general to surpassing the four emperors?How could Akainu accept such absurd things?

"Humph! I'll catch him again when I get rid of you!"

Akainu snorted coldly, apparently determined that Yeyue didn't tell the truth, shook his head slightly, Akainu no longer entangled with Kaido's trail, and set the target on the Star Pirates.

"The whole army listens to the order, and the cannon fodder is cross-covered! Destroy the Star Pirates with all their strength!"

As soon as a word disagrees, the fight begins. Akainu is a resolute personality. Since he can't get the answer he wants from Yeyue's mouth, the only way to go is to fight!

In the face of pirates, Akainu does not understand what kindness is!Staring coldly at Yeyue on the Starry Night, Akainu gave the order to fire without hesitation. Immediately, the gun doors on the thirty warships opened one after another, and the gun muzzles quickly adjusted the direction and angle.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Under the command of the adjutant, hundreds of cannons fired in unison, and the overwhelming shells flew towards the starry night in the center. The starry night was besieged in the center.

If it were an ordinary pirate group, in this case of being surrounded by many, in addition to kneeling and surrendering, they could only shiver and die in despair, even if they were as strong as the Four Emperors, when there was only one ship. Under the circumstance, this situation can also be called a desperate situation!

But the Star Pirates are different, because this pirate group is the most unexpected!A variety of means emerge in an endless stream!Yeyue alone can easily deal with this desperate scene in front of her!

"A thousand purples and a thousand reds!"

Of course, there is no need for Yeyue to shoot, and Robin's voice will be remembered!The same move, but there are great changes before and after!For the previous Robin, this trick still exists in the imagination, and it takes all effort to perform.

But now, with the great improvement of his physique, Robin can easily summon thousands of pink arms, intertwined with each other, covering the entire Starry Night, like a towering tree overseeing the Starry Night. shelter in it.



Countless cannonballs smashed on the giant umbrella formed by the arms, followed by continuous explosions, and many bombs fell on the sea around the Starry Night. The violent explosion caused the sea to be choppy. The No. swayed like a small boat in a heavy rain, but it was always safe and sound.

After a round of artillery fire, almost all the arms that Robin called out have been destroyed, and the surging sea has gradually returned to calm, but the Starry Night is unscathed!

"This, how is this possible! When did the devil's son become so powerful?!!"

Seeing this, the adjutant next to Akainu couldn't help but gasped, and then lost his voice in horror.As Akainu's adjutant, of course he recognized Robin's identity. The girl named by the navy as the child of the devil, the initial reward was as high as [-] million!

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