In the battle of the top, they lost a huge amount of strength. After Whitebeard died, they went a lot. The huge Whitebeard Pirates only had about half of their strength from their peak.

But even if it is only half of its strength, it is still stronger than most of the pirate groups in the new world!Even if the current Whitebeard Pirates do not have the leader of Whitebeard, it can only be said that they are lingering, but it is enough to deter the younger generation, and no one dares to provoke them at will.

The current Whitebeard Pirates have not established a new captain, as if Whitebeard is their default captain, they will never surrender to anyone!

That's the beauty of Whitebeard!Even in death, his former subordinates are still loyal!

The Whitebeard Pirates are now jointly led by the captains, and the small matters are basically decided by Marco, and the major matters are decided by the captains together.

A tiger without teeth is still fierce!This is the current Whitebeard Pirates!Even without Whitebeard, Marco and the others can still have a foothold in the new world!

However, as the former maritime hegemons, their current situation is not very good. They will always encounter some pirate groups who try to seek pride by falling into trouble. They can handle it once or twice, but they will fight once every three days. , Marco and the others can't stand it no matter how strong they are!

In the end, they had no choice but to find Yeyue here, looking for a safe place to rest.

To be honest, Yeyue is not a good-natured person. He doesn't like to be helpful, and he will never show kindness to things that are not good!

But Yeyue agreed to Marco's request without hesitation.

Yeyue's intention is also very obvious, it is nothing more than the idea of ​​Marco's captains!As the former emperor of the Whitebeard Pirates, although Whitebeard's own strength has contributed greatly, the captains under him are also not bad!

Especially Marco, his strength is comparable to that of a general!If you can conquer the Whitebeard Pirates, you can get countless powerful subordinates for nothing, but a subordinate of Marco's level is already the biggest gain!

But Yeyue also knew that with the loyalty of Marco and the others to Whitebeard, it was impossible to subdue Marco and the others casually, otherwise the Whitebeard Pirates would have disintegrated long ago.

Can there be a word to say?Seeing people's hearts for a long time?Love for a long time?Bah Bah!Wrong, it is the drop of water that penetrates the stone, imperceptibly!

First agree to Marco's request and give them a place to live. After getting along for a long time, maybe Marco and the others are willing to surrender?

Even if the final plan to pry the corner fails, Yeyue won't suffer, right?What's more, eating people has a short mouth and a short hand!He sold his favor to Marko and the others in vain. After that, if there is anything to ask them for help, Marko will never refuse, right?

Sure enough, two years later, the Whitebeard Pirates never left Yeyue's territory. Although they did not join the Fanxing Pirates, they even claimed that they were only allies with Fanxing, but in the eyes of outsiders, the Whitebeard Pirates The affiliated pirates of Fanxing have long since died.

What is even more terrifying is that even within the Whitebeard Pirates, there are many pirates who unconsciously regard themselves as stars.

This is the terrifying subtlety of subtlety!

People are always vulnerable!No matter how firm your will is, if someone talks about the stars in your ear every day, and you can touch the stars every day, then over time, you will gradually get close to the stars subconsciously.

Yeyue didn't care too much about the Whitebeard Pirates, anyway, no matter what the outcome of the matter was, Yeyue wouldn't lose anything, so he would go.

But recently, in the peaceful new world, a big sensation happened!Blackbeard and Redhead go to war!

To be honest, when many people first heard the news, they were very disdainful, because they didn't know who Blackbeard was, and subconsciously thought it was just a guy who wanted to be famous and crazy.

But when the story of Blackbeard slowly spread, people became interested in this war!

Blackbeard Tiki, who used to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, even seized Fire Fist Ace and dedicated it to the navy after his defection, thus becoming the Qiwuhai, and single-handedly promoted the occurrence of the Battle of the Top!

Afterwards, he killed Whitebeard himself at the last moment of the Battle of the Top!

Although many people know that Blackbeard can kill Whitebeard not by strength, but by despicable means, such a record is enough to arouse people's curiosity and attention!

And the result did not disappoint people, Blackbeard did not fail easily!Although they did not defeat the red hair, both sides suffered a loss, and it is said that the black beard also showed the ability to shock the fruit, which shocked the eyes of countless people!

That's a shocking fruit!Once Whitebeard's signature ability!Now it appears on Blackbeard!what does that mean?

Since the death of Whitebeard, countless people have devoted themselves to the whereabouts of the Zhenzhen Fruit, isn't it just to be the first to get the Zhenzhen Fruit?

This super fruit that once created an emperor is the ability that countless people dream of!Many ignorant and ignorant people even think that getting the Zhenzhen Fruit is equivalent to becoming the strongest at sea!

But such a fruit fell into the hands of Blackbeard. What does this mean?Could it be that Blackbeard is about to become the new emperor?

no doubt!Although the battle between Blackbeard and Redhead did not achieve his ideal results, it still brought him huge gains!

Even if it was just a lose-lose situation, Blackbeard successfully showed the sea his powerful strength and the potential to become an emperor!

Immediately after the battle, many pirates joined the Blackbeard Pirates. In just half a month, the name of Blackbeard resounded in the sea, and it was the first time after becoming the Three Emperors. Signs of the Four Emperors!

Just as many people were speculating whether the new world was about to reappear at the peak of the Four Emperors after a lapse of two years, another exciting news appeared!

The Blackbeard Pirates have declared war on Fanxing!

The new world is boiling again! …

Chapter 333 Kuzan and the Conversation

"Hey, hey, have you heard? Great news! Blackbeard has declared war on the evil ghost Yeyue!"

"Cut! I've already known about it, sir? But, where did the black beard come from? He doesn't know whether to live or die, and he dares to provoke the evil ghost!"

Obviously, the person who responded seems to be an admirer of Yeyue?The words were full of disdain for Blackbeard and reverence for Yeyue.

Of course it is!Yeyue became one of the three emperors of the new world at the age of twenty, and she seemed to be the strongest among the three emperors!Such strength will not only shock others, but also make people respectable!

In the world of pirates, only strength comes first!As long as your strength is strong enough, even if you are a ladyboy or a disabled person, you can be respected by others!

On the other hand, Yeyue, who is young but has strength that others cannot match, and looks handsome and handsome, such a perfect powerhouse, how can there be no admirers?

Of course, with the selfish personality of the pirates in the future, most people will not worship Yeyue even if they are in awe of Yeyue's strength. No, there will be guys who are jealous of Yeyue's strength and status immediately.

"Lord Evil? Isn't he just a young boy who can also be called an adult? Although it is true that the boy is the Three Emperors, but the strength of Blackbeard should not be underestimated! Maybe it is just like Kaido back then, unexpectedly. Was trampled down by someone?"

This person is obviously targeting Yeyue on purpose. According to his words, he is obviously implying that Yeyue used some shady means to defeat Kaido and ascend to the throne of the Three Emperors!And now, maybe Blackbeard will also defeat the evil ghost Yeyue.

It stands to reason that the challenge that lasted for more than half a year two years ago should be enough to illustrate the strength of the Star Pirates!But there are always some guys with ulterior motives, who deliberately emphasize that those battles are all shot by people from the Evil Ghost Alliance, not the Star Pirates who defeated the challengers themselves!

For these cowards who only speak badly behind their backs, but dare not challenge the evil ghost Yeyue face to face, most pirates disdain to argue with them.

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