"Hey, I can't lose! I'm a fighting champion!"

Bagas shook his slightly numb right hand, his eyes were fixed on Tisian, and there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth. Anyone who knew Bagas knew that this was Bagas's performance after being provoked!

boom! !Bagas collided with his fists and made a muffled sound. This was the boxer's subconscious action before the fight!Although Bagas is not a real boxer, he has also developed such a habit.


Bagas shouted, his fists raised above his head, his fists that were covered with domineering black light fell like a hammer, and slammed into Tyrsan's head. The whole person is smashed into meat sauce!

"Fist punch!!"

In the face of the menacing Bagas, Tyrsan remained calm and responded with punches again, but with a slight difference, this punch was a double punch!

Clang! !

A deafening roar followed!It's hard to imagine that it was a punch to the flesh, but the sound it made was more like the roar of steel!From this, it can be seen that both of them are extremely powerful in their armament skills!Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve such an effect!


After one punch, the offensive of the two did not stop there, but continued to fight!Bagas is not a boxer, but a fighter. Except for his fists, his whole body is an offensive weapon!

And Tirian is focused on boxing, relying on a pair of iron fists!Don't think that Tyrsian will suffer in this way. On the contrary, focusing on fists may suffer in attacking methods, but in the case of intensive boxing, Tyrsian's boxing skills are definitely far better than Bagas!

The so-called greedy and chewy, not the more attacking methods, the stronger!Sometimes it will be stronger if you refine it!What's more, Tyrsan's fist is very fast, almost to the extreme!Ordinary people can't see it at all, as if his fist disappeared! …

Chapter 339 Heroic Sharpshooter

Bang bang bang! 

The explosion-like roar continued to sound, but it was not the cannonball that caused such a terrifying sound, but just the fist!

A fighting champion, a boxing master!The fists between the two collided, and the terrifying power was no less than that of a cannonball, even stronger than a cannonball!

The strength of Bagas is not known yet, but Tyrsian's full-strength blow can easily shatter the ten-meter-thick solid city wall!

This is Tyrsiana's extremely exaggerated strength!The power of one punch, no one in the entire sea can block it head-on!Of course, although the power is strong, whether it can be hit is another matter.

At this moment, the duel between Tyrsian and Bagas was really a fist-to-fist match, without the slightest moisture!The competition of pure power and speed is enough to make any audience see the blood boil!

It's a pity that there are no spectators here, only the pirates from both sides!One side is the Blackbeard who came to take revenge on Yeyue, and the other side is the alliance of evil spirits to protect Yeyue. The two sides will never give up if they don't decide between life and death!

Tisian's strength is a little stronger, and from the beginning, he slightly suppressed Bagas with the advantage of speed, making him fall into his own rhythm and unable to get out, but Bagas's fighting experience is also rich, and he knows it. With his shortcomings, he turned into a defensive force, firmly defending Tyrsan's fierce attack, and always looking for opportunities to counterattack!

On the other hand, Cavendish has a slight disadvantage!After all, Shiliu of the Rain is a veteran powerhouse who has been famous for many years, but his combat experience has overwhelmed Cavendish, not to mention that although Cavendish has high potential, it has not yet fully grown, and it is inevitable to fall into a disadvantage.

But in the same way, just as Tyrsan couldn't defeat Bagas in a short time, Cavendish would not easily lose to Shiliu of Rain!

Seeing that Tirsian and Cavendish were in a bitter battle, Wilbur, the captain of the Evil Ghost Alliance, could not help frowning slightly, and the corner of his eyes swept over the dangerous figures behind Blackbeard, and he felt unexpectedly in his heart. Feeling a little uneasy!

Such a powerful pirate group, Wilbur has never met since he surrendered to Yeyue!Even the pirate group that nearly defeated the Evil Ghost Alliance two years ago couldn't compare to Blackbeard!

Wilbur has realized that today is bound to be an uphill battle!Even if the Evil Ghost Alliance will not be easily defeated, it is impossible to defeat the enemy easily!

Only the three captains of the Evil Ghost Alliance can do it!Although the remaining ten captains are not weak, it is also difficult for them to be independent.

But although the remaining members of the Blackbeard Pirates are not very strong, Wilbur always has a sense of crisis!Blackbeard itself is their worst enemy!Even though Wilbur is very confident in his own strength, he is not sure of defeating Blackbeard!

After weighing it in his heart for a long time, Wilbur finally gritted his teeth and his eyes became firm!No matter how powerful the enemy is, as a member of the Evil Ghost Alliance, their task is to defend against any incoming enemy for the emperor!Even sacrificing your own life!

But in the same way, Wilbur will never allow anyone to threaten his most revered emperor!Even if he has decided to fight to the death, he must send the news first so that his emperor can be alert in advance!

After making a decision in his heart, Wilbur turned his hands behind him and made a silent gesture. When the younger brother behind him saw it, he immediately retreated silently. A minute later, a message was quickly delivered to the beasts through the phone bug. Castle on the island.

Bang bang bang! !

In the training ground, dozens of gunshots rang out at the same time, and the dazzling moving targets on the opposite wall were all penetrated by the bullseye.

The height of [-] meters is a little short for the women in the Pirate World. She wears a tight sports vest on her upper body, which not only highlights the peaks and peaks she holds in her hands, but also shows the white and red tenderness on her slender waist. Skin, leather pants and boots, coupled with long flaxen wavy hair, make Nakaoka Asami feel heroic!

The former short-haired female police officer, after two and a half years of practice, transformed herself into a charming sharpshooter today. The confident smile on her face made Mami look extraordinarily heroic and feminine.

"Mami-sama! Mami-sama is not good!"

Just as Mami held up her gun and carefully wiped the gun in her hand, a girl broke through the door and rushed into the training ground in a panic.

"Yuko, what happened to be so flustered? Don't worry, speak slowly! Isn't the captain still holding the sky when it falls?"

Mami put away the gun and turned to look at the person who came. Although her brows were slightly wrinkled, she did not blame the person, but softly comforted her.

"Mami-sama, I received... I received... the news from... Wilbur-sama, saying... I have fought... Blackbeard... Pirates... fight... Yes... the other party... is stronger than expected, But they...they will fight to the death to block the enemy!"

The girl who was called Yuko breathed out a series of words. If it wasn't for Mami's strong hearing and discernment, I'm afraid she might not be able to understand Yuko's messy words.

Yuko is one of the servants selected from the Beast Island two years ago!The Starry Castle is so big, and the people who live in the entire Starry Pirates must of course have servants who take care of their daily life and food!

And Yuko is the smartest and well-behaved among them, and is responsible for the transmission of various news inside the castle on weekdays!Wilbur's news was passed to the intelligence department through the phone bug, and then the intelligence department uploaded it to the Starry Castle, and Yuko passed it to Mami, who was in charge of the intelligence.

"Blackbeard? Are you really here? Okay, I know, you go down first."

Hearing this, Mami raised her brows and waved her hand casually to signal Yuuko to do her own work. Then she walked to the hanger next to her, picked up the leather jacket and put it on, and left the training ground in a hurry.

After two years of precipitation, Mami is no longer the novice pirate she used to be!Used to seeing all kinds of bloody storms, Mami has already learned to deal with things calmly and face any crisis calmly!After all, for the gunman, once he loses his cool, the bullet loses its aim!

What's more, the Blackbeard Pirates are not a crisis at all for Fanxing!What's so nervous about Mami?

Looking at Mami's attitude, Yuko's originally anxious heart couldn't help cooling down, and she was amused by her panic just now. The object she served was the Star Pirates!The king of the new world!One of the most powerful pirates in the sea!

Even if that Blackbeard is a bit powerful, even Wilbur of the Demon Alliance is difficult to defeat, but so what?In the past two years, Yuko has already established almost blind confidence in Yeyue and the others!No matter who the enemy is, it can never be the opponent of this group of monsters!

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