
The subtle lightning flashed, Fan Oka couldn't help sneering in his heart when he saw it, it was useless!Knowing that you are a natural type, how could my bullets not have an additional armament color?Elementalized now?too late!

This is a blow carefully prepared by Fan Aoka, in order to kill Yeyue, the most dazzling emperor at sea, by himself. Once successful, Fan Aoka will ascend to the sky in one step and become famous!

And now it seems that he has succeeded!

But...the smile on Fan Oka's face has not yet bloomed, his eyes froze, followed by an unbelievable look!

What did he see?He actually saw that the hole in Yeyue's head healed in an instant!It's like the natural system recovers instantly after being physically attacked, there is no difference.

But how can there be no difference?The natural system can ignore physical attacks because physical attacks are ineffective against elementalization!But the attack of the armed color is enough to ignore the elementalization?Why does it fail here in the night moon?

Chop it! !

The lightning flashed across, and the dazzling light instantly engulfed Fan Aoka. Until his death, Fan Aoka was still horrified. He couldn't believe what his eyes saw!

"The frog at the bottom of the well."

Yeyue seemed to read the doubts in Fan Oka's heart, and couldn't help but sneer and sneer.

In terms of the cognition and application of domineering, how can mere Van Oka be compared to Yeyue?The moment Fan Oka attempted to sneak up on Yeyue, Yeyue had already noticed it and was naturally prepared to deal with it.

When the bullet was about to hit Yeyue's forehead, Yeyue took the initiative to elementalize it, and her body remained in its original shape, but a hole was left in the forehead, allowing the bullet to penetrate through, but not touching Yeyue itself!

This is the genius of Night Moon!

Armed colors can catch the elements, provided you can catch them!What if the element actively avoided it?So what can you do?

After Yeyue is elementalized, it actively avoids the trajectory of the bullet, so the bullet just hits the air, what effect can it have on Yeyue?

It's a pity that Fan Oka couldn't figure out the key, and he didn't understand the strange situation he saw.

Chapter 347 Sick Lafitte

It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do in practice!

In order to make the elemental body take the initiative to avoid the upcoming attack, it is necessary not only to predict in advance, but also to have precise control. Leave a gap the size of a bullet for the bullet to pass smoothly.

The seemingly simple response actually reflects Yeyue's shocking strength!Unfortunately, almost no one present could see the mystery, even Blackbeard looked suspicious.

Although Blackbeard was convinced that the elementalization of the natural element would never be able to resist the armed color, he could not figure out the key point for a while. After all, although his dark fruit was also a natural element, it could not be elementalized, so it was naturally difficult to understand.


Seeing that Fan Oka died so easily, Blackbeard couldn't help but scolded in a low voice. He never thought that Yeyue's strength was so powerful that he could kill his subordinates with a single gesture.

"The thunder fruit is really troublesome! If you can get it..."

Blackbeard stared at Yeyue's figure with burning eyes, but he couldn't help but feel a little longing in his heart.It is also a natural system, but the Thunder Fruit is worthy of being the fruit known as the strongest natural system. Whether it is attack power or speed, it is unparalleled.

Stronger than Fan Oka, isn't he killed in seconds without any resistance at all?

With Yeyue's current strength, if you really do it, everyone except Blackbeard and Shiliu of Rain can instantly kill everyone. The power of thunder and lightning is not just talking about it, but it is very boring to say that. How to say this? It also symbolizes the first battle of the Star Pirates' comeback after two years!

Fan Oka's death did not affect the unfolding of this battle. Saeko rushed towards Shiliu of Rain at a very fast speed. The cold light of Murasame in his hand flickered, and he waved a purple blade mercilessly!

"Good come!"

Shiliu of the Rain's eyes flashed, and he instantly pulled out the long knife around his waist, slashing forward at lightning speed, and easily received the casual blow from Saeko. To Saeko's heart!

Whoops! !

Shiryu of the Rain is extremely fast!From drawing the knife to swinging the knife to counterattack, it was only a blink of an eye, but at this moment, his attack had already come to Saeko.

Clang! !

Saeko was not in a hurry, and the Murasame in his hands clenched tightly, landing precisely on Shiliu's blade, and then swiped forward, the force of inertia made the blade in Shiliu's hand rise uncontrollably, never again. Can't threaten Saeko.

But Saeko's Murasame walked all the way, and with a click, the blade was finally blocked by Shiliu's handle, but Saeko seemed to have expected it, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a slight flick of his wrist, that Murasame turned around, strangely. He jumped over the handle and slashed straight at Shiliu's finger holding the knife.

Once the finger is cut, it means that Shiliu is defeated in an instant!A swordsman, the hand holding the knife has been abolished, how can he fight?

Shiliu of the Rain obviously did not expect Saeko's attack to be so swift and strange. In horror, he hurriedly kicked Saeko's abdomen, but his upper body fell backwards to avoid the deadly attack in front of him.

boom! !

Shiliu of the Rain's response was not bad, but Shiliu's reaction was also very fast. At the moment Shiryu of the Rain stepped out, Shiliu also kicked Shiliu's calf at the same time, preventing Shiryu of the Rain in advance. This blow, the movement of the hand also changed, from the front to the down, there is no intention to let him go!


Shiliu of the Rain immediately felt the intractability of the scorpion, and cursed inwardly, but his body did not dare to stop in the slightest. With the anti-shock force that was blocked on his legs, the whole person almost fell to the ground, As soon as the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, his body quickly slid back, trying to escape Saeko's pursuit.

puff! !

The white light flashed, and Shiliu of the Rain had just avoided, when the blade of Murasame landed on the deck, leaving a smooth slashing mark, but Saeko didn't even look at it, and went straight to Shiryu!

The battle between the strong is like this, once you catch the flaw, you will never let it go easily!As soon as Saeko played against Shiryu of the Rain, Shiryu revealed her flaws because of her carelessness. How could Saeko let go of this perfect opportunity?

After the blow was missed, Saeko held Murasame tightly, turned her wrist again, and swung forward with inertia, and another blade shot out of the air, pointing directly at the gap between Shiryu's legs, trying to cut it in half .

But when Shiliu of the Rain saw this, he couldn't help but rush out. That blade was aimed at his lifeblood!If the lifeblood is hurt, what's the point of being a human being?Shiliu of the Rain didn't dare to be careless at all, and hurriedly slapped the ground with a palm, rolled over and rolled to the side, avoiding the blow dangerously and dangerously.

"Damn it! Still coming?"

Just standing up from the ground, Shiliu of the Rain didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, the corner of his eyes once again swept the figure of Saeko, cursed again, and had no choice but to step back, with the speed to open the distance between Saeko and Saeko. , to avoid falling into Saeko's attack rhythm again.

"So strong! Lord Saeko is still so strong!"

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