Shanks is easy-going and has a broad mind like the sea. When Yeyue found him, he smiled happily and held a banquet to welcome Yeyue. It was not until the three tours after drinking that he finally talked to Yeyue. business.

The achievement of cooperation is to be expected. The red hair does not have much ambition, but when it comes to his disgust for the world government, he is also one of them. If he has the opportunity to participate in this war, of course, the red hair will not refuse. of.

At first Shanks was worried that Yeyue was too reckless, but when he learned about Yeyue's helpers and the cooperation with the revolutionary army, he was no longer worried. He knew that Yeyue's shrewdness would never Will do unsure things.

Afterwards, Shanks also took advantage of Jiuxing and made a request to Yeyue to learn from each other. Yeyue certainly did not refuse, and the result was as expected. Shanks was defeated without any suspense. Cox and Yeyue are not on the same level either.

The power of Yeyue is beyond the scope of the Three Sovereigns.

But unexpectedly, the last three emperors, Charlotte Lingling, was more talkative than Yeyue imagined. When Yeyue proposed her idea, she agreed without too much hesitation. Taking the opportunity to make many seemingly excessive demands, Yeyue is keenly aware that she seems to be covering up something.

To this end, Yeyue kept her mind secretly, but she didn't make a sound on the surface, and reached a cooperation with Auntie with a look of joy.

Since then, the three emperors of the new world have secretly united, quietly preparing for the upcoming war, but Yeyue's actions have not stopped. The next target is the one who once fought with the Pirate King Roger. The king of juxtaposition, the golden lion!

Unlike the redhead with a broad mind, the golden lion is an ambitious man. His goal is not only to become the pirate king, but also to dominate the world, to be famous in history, and secretly work hard for it!

Finding a group of floating islands in the sky is not easy, especially when there is no certain location!Even at the speed of Yeyue, it took a full two months to visit the new world and the great route, and finally found the target near the East China Sea.

To convince a careerist like the Golden Lion to use it for himself, of course it is difficult to say, but it is actually very simple to say. Men, especially men like the Golden Lion, believe in fists!

Once you show a fist bigger and stronger than him, even if he is unwilling, he can only lower his head obediently.

To be honest, after seeing Yeyue's strength, the golden lion suddenly woke up. After escaping from the big underwater prison more than ten years ago, he lurked to accumulate strength for his own ambitions, and almost cut off contact with the outside world. Although he had heard of Yeyue's name occasionally, he never took it to heart.

But he didn't expect that this rising star actually came to the door, even had a fight with him, and actually abused him!

He was a strong man who was on par with Roger, the Pirate King, and he pushed Roger into a desperate situation several times. If the goddess of luck had not favored Roger, I am afraid that the title of the first Pirate King in history would have belonged to the Golden Lion. instead of Roger.

Even if the golden lion is no longer in his prime, his strength has declined. In addition, the amputation of his feet has been replaced by two knives, and a lump of wood has been embedded in his skull, which has had a great impact on his strength. Still at the general level!

However, in front of the evil ghost Yeyue, he didn't even have the strength to fight back. He was completely abused and finally had to choose to surrender. Otherwise, his achievements in the past ten years may have been turned into ashes. What can he do? Fulfill your own ambitions?

He is old and has no time or courage to start all over again, so even if he is reluctant, he has to choose to cooperate with Yeyue. After everything is done, he can still share some benefits, right?

Of course, the main reason why he is willing to cooperate with Yeyue is that he knows other partners who cooperate with Yeyue, such as the revolutionary army, such as the Three Emperors. These are all extremely powerful forces. Once they are united, he can imagine, Not even the world government can stop it!

After successfully recruiting the golden lion, Yeyue's purpose has basically been achieved, and the rest are some insignificant small forces.

The so-called embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by ant nests. Too many ants can kill an elephant. In the face of such a behemoth as the World Government, if you don’t make some preparations, I’m afraid you won’t know how it will die!

So Yeyue didn't let go of those pirate groups that were a little famous and had good strength, and personally went to the door to discuss cooperation. Of course, the consequence of not being able to negotiate was that the pirate group silently disappeared.

As for whether there will be people who are willing to violate the yin and yin, promise on the surface, but betray Yeyue behind the scenes?Hehe, under Yeyue's heart net, any strange thoughts will be detected, and what follows is rolling thunder, blasting the target into scum.

This time, the preparations lasted for nearly half a year. From the great route to the new world, almost some powerful pirate groups have been patronized by Yeyue, either secretly become his partners, or quietly lost. trace.

Chapter 356 The hot competition

The new world, Dressrosa, was once the kingdom of toys. It was once the territory of Shichibukai Doflamingo, but it had already become Yeyue's territory two years ago.

Although Dressrosa is now clearly ruled by King Liku, everyone knows that the real ruler of this kingdom is the evil ghost Yeyue.

The war two years ago almost destroyed this prosperous kingdom, but in the past two years, under the rule of King Liku, the country has regained prosperity again, exuding a vibrant atmosphere from the inside out. Pedestrians coming and going on the street are full of smiles from the heart, and there is a hint of pride hidden in the bottom of their eyes.

Yes, proud!In fact, the citizens of this country also know very well that their real king is the most powerful three emperors in the new world, the evil ghost Yeyue!

It is because of him that they were freed from Doflamingo's dark rule two years ago, and truly gained freedom and happiness. Even though the prosperity of the kingdom has attracted countless pirates to come here, but none of the pirates have. Courage to make trouble here.

Every pirate who sets foot on this island is all respectful and does not dare to have the slightest temper, for fear of angering the people of the Evil Ghost Alliance, and then being cleaned up like garbage.

As for messing with the Star Pirates?Hehe, are ordinary pirates qualified to provoke them?A single evil spirit alliance can easily solve them.

And recently, Dressrosa has become more lively than ever, and the crowded streets are full of pirates, as if it became a pirate's paradise overnight!

But in fact, what caused such a scene was because of the recent prosperity of Dressrosa, which attracted many famous pirates from the New World and the Great Route.

Burn the fruit!With the battle of the top two years ago, the name of Fire Fist Ace spread all over the world, and the power of burning fruit also made countless pirates jealous, and with the death of Ace, this also means burning The fruit will have a new owner!

Such news once aroused the enthusiasm of the pirates. In that period, almost all pirates in the world were frantically searching for the whereabouts of the burning fruit, but unfortunately, two years later, there is still no news of burning the fruit. Few people suspect that this natural devil fruit may have been obtained, but it has not been exposed.

But a while ago, the news of burning the fruit suddenly spread all over the sea, and it was spread by an announcement in the name of Dressrosa.

The general content of the announcement is that an unprecedented competitive competition is about to be held in Dressrosa's bullfighting arena, and the final winner's prize is this burning fruit!

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole sea immediately boiled!Countless pirates flocked to Dressrosa like crazy, roaring with red eyes to go to the competition.

If the burning fruit is not very attractive to those who already have the fruit ability, then the last sentence in the announcement really detonated the enthusiasm of the pirates!

Those who perform well will almost join the Evil Ghost Alliance, and those with outstanding strength can even join the Star Pirates.

The power of the Evil Ghost Alliance has been fully demonstrated through countless battles in the past two years, and of course it has also attracted the pursuit of many pirates. Strict, most of the pirates did not meet the requirements, let alone join the Star Pirates.

You must know that even the three captains of the Evil Ghost Alliance are not strictly speaking members of the Star Pirates!

The Star Pirates, the Evil Ghost Yeyue, these two names are synonymous with power for pirates, the supreme emperor. I don’t know how many people in the sea want to join the Star Pirates, but they have no way to do it. Now, is there a chance to join in a competitive competition?

Don't be ridiculous, even if it is a one in ten thousand chance, there will be countless fanatics swarming here without the slightest hesitation!

That was the Star Pirates, the head of the Three Emperors!Once you join, it is equivalent to a carp leaping over the dragon gate, reaching the sky in one step!

Whether it's burning the fruit or an opportunity to join the Star Pirates, these two selling points have a fatal attraction to the pirates. In an instant, countless pirates poured into Dressrosa. The already bustling island was full overnight.

Whether it is a hotel or a civilian's home, they are full of pirates who come here because of their fame. The people of Dressrosa made a lot of money overnight, and many smart guys bought a lot of money. Tent, set up tents in remote fields for rent, and made a lot of windfall.

Immediately afterwards, someone painted a gourd in the same way, and in an instant, the entire island and even the fields were filled with pirates. Such a grand occasion can be described as crazy.

If it wasn't for the fact that King Liku had already issued an order in advance, so that most of the country's civilians would travel and rent their homes to pirates to live in, I'm afraid this island would have already been full.

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