So, in the inexplicable eyes of people, one giant sea king was transported to the palace of Dressrosa. What is even more strange is that under the attention of some people, the sea kings sent to the palace At least there are more than a few hundred heads, and the size of the palace alone can blow up the palace, but there is nothing unusual about it.

It was as if all the sea kings that were sent in had suddenly disappeared.

Only a very few people know that this is Yeyue's final sprint preparations before the war!Use your own phagocytic characteristics to improve the strength of your subordinates.

In the past two years, the strength of Saeko and other women is basically enough, and they don't need this kind of help, so these sea kings are used to improve the senior officials of the Demon League and the [-] elite pirates in the competitive competition.

Yeyue is using the life energy of these sea kings to create a powerful pirate army!Although it is unrealistic to raise the [-] elites to the level of generals at once, it is not a problem to raise them all by one level.

Thousands of sea kings were sent to the palace and disappeared, but they all turned into huge life energy, which strengthened the physique of these pirates, greatly enhanced their strength, and made them look at Yeyue's His eyes also became frenzied.

A week later, Yeyue canceled the bounty, and the action to capture the sea kings also stopped. After all, there are only so many sea kings that can be caught in the nearby sea. The strength of the pirates is basically enough.

Now that everything is ready, we only owe Dongfeng!

And this shareholder wind is the world conference a week later.

The series of strange actions of the Star Pirates made the Five Old Stars feel even more uneasy. They repeatedly urged the leaders of the allied countries to go to the Holy Land, and at the same time, they also mobilized Mary Joa's army, ready to go to war at any time.

In fact, if you count the troops of the more than 170 allied countries under the World Government, the number of people alone may be able to crush the Star Pirates, but unfortunately, such an idea is unrealistic. Concentrated in one place, not to mention, it is impossible for them to contribute all the troops of the whole country.

Allied countries, after all, are just allied countries, not really the lackeys of the world government.

And just when the Five Old Stars were a little restless, the next action of the Fanxing Pirates made them jump up in shock!

Millions of pirates are collectively dispatched once again!But this time, the goal is not to capture the sea kings, but to come straight towards the red soil continent!

The Red Earth Continent is where the Holy Land Mary Joa is located. Although these pirates are not necessarily coming to the Holy Land, the Five Old Stars can’t let go of it anyway!

That's a million pirates, not an ordinary small pirate group!The impact of a group of millions of pirates is enough to cause huge losses to the Holy Land, and it may even collapse, and it is not necessarily to break up, especially behind such a huge pirate, the shadow of the Star Pirates faintly flickers.

The movement of the millions of pirates not only alarmed the Five Old Stars, but also attracted the attention of the whole world. People were talking about what the purpose of these millions of pirates was. Is it really as the gossip said they were ready to attack? Holy Land Mary Joa?

No one is sure, not even people dare to talk freely in public, only to guess in private.

The sudden action of the million pirates directly caused the atmosphere of the whole sea to fall into a strange silence, as if it was the tranquility before the storm. The quieter it was, the more terrifying it erupted!

"Quick! Immediately! Order all the navy to gather and set up defenses at the entrance of the red earth continent! No matter what the hell they do, they must be blocked!"

The Five Old Stars hurriedly issued orders, and even when they were not sure of the other party's purpose, they ordered all the navies of the Navy headquarters to dispatch. This behavior is more like a loss of fear and panic.

But no matter whether the orders of the Five Old Stars are reasonable or not, they are the supreme rulers. No matter how reluctant Akainu is, he has to obey the order and immediately summoned the entire navy to go to sea as quickly as possible.

A full [-] marines, equipped with hundreds of lieutenant generals and three generals, even Akainu himself dispatched.These troops are basically all the strength of the Navy headquarters, and Akainu cannot afford to lose it!

But neither Akainu nor Five Old Stars thought that when they were dispatched, under the seabed not far from the Red Earth Continent, Fishman Island was already ready to go.

The sanctuary of Fishman Island is the Star Pirates, so when Yeyue personally came to Neptune to help, Nepton agreed without too much hesitation.

This is not Neptune's stupidity, but his cleverness!

The inhabitants of Fishman Island are not human. For hundreds of years, there have been many conflicts with humans due to racial reasons. More than ten years ago, Princess Otoji worked hard to exchange for peaceful coexistence with human beings, so that the fishmen can live in peace. Go to land instead of being permanently stranded on Murloc Island.

It's a pity that Otoji is still dead, and her ideal has not been realized after all. Even though Fishman Island is one of the allied countries of the World Government, it still cannot be treated equally.

Neptune knew in his heart that it was not that humans really couldn't accept the existence of the murlocs, but the inaction of the world government itself.

On the contrary, the appearance of the night moon gave Nipton hope!So when Yeyue proposed to let them help to overthrow the world government, Neptune did not hesitate too much, because he knew that once Yeyue's plan was successful, then the murlocs would have the hope of living on land. There is a chance of realization.

What's more, Yeyue doesn't hide too much from Neptune. He knows most of Yeyue's plans, and of course he understands Yeyue's chances of winning, which is also the source of his confidence!Otherwise, as a king, he would not dare to gamble with the lives of the entire clan.

And Nipton also knew that Yeyue didn't really care about the [-] to [-] troops of the murlocs. He only needed one person, the mermaid princess Bai Xing!

Or... Sea King Poseidon!

(Second more~~ Everyone knows Shiraoshi's abilities, right? It's exciting to think about it! The invincible terrifying ability at sea!)

Chapter 370 A Desperate Scene

Sea King Poseidon, one of the three ancient weapons, is a legendary taboo weapon. It is said to have the ability to destroy the world. It is a powerful force coveted by pirates and the world government. really know.

The last time Poseidon appeared was in the blank history of [-] years ago. Only those who understand the historical text can find this in the historical text in the Forest of the Sea on Fishman Island.

Poseidon's real body appears as a mermaid princess. The mermaid princess Shirasu of this generation is the sea king Poseidon. He has the ability to communicate with sea kings. It doesn't sound strong, but if you know the real powerful If the sea king is so huge that it is more terrifying than an island, then you know how terrifying the sea king is.

Those giant sea kings will not appear on the sea surface, they will only stay in the deep sea all the time, with an inexplicable lifespan, only when they hear the call of the mermaid princess, will they appear in front of humans.

Bai Xing's character is a bit timid and weak, which is related to her childhood experience, but because of the encouragement of her close Nami girls, she is not afraid of participating in the war, but has some excitement and anticipation, just like a child in the rebellious period. Incredibly bold.

On the calm sea, the sea breeze blew the sails and accelerated the speed of a series of densely packed warships. On a huge warship in the center, Admiral Akainu frowned slightly and looked ahead.

Although everything seems to be going well at the moment, without any resistance, even if you encounter one or two pirate groups, the other party is directly scared to pee when they see the terrorist lineup on the side of the Navy, how can there be no eyes?

But I don't know why, Akainu has an uneasy feeling in his heart, which is extremely strong, as if under the calm sea in front of him, as if a giant beast from the deep sea lurks, it will surface at any time, and then swallow the entire fleet in one bite. .

Thinking of Wu Laoxing's order, Akainu felt a little disgusted. In his opinion, Wu Laoxing really made a big deal this time. It's good for mere pirates to hide from the navy and the government. How dare you provoke the world government head on?

Even for the Star Pirates, which has always shrunk the navy since they went out to sea, Akainu does not think that the other party has such courage and courage.

As for what the movement of the million pirates is for, Akainu cannot make an accurate judgment, but he dares to conclude that the other party will never dare to provoke the world government, unless it is for their navy, "Wait... the navy Could it be that they…”

I don't know what suddenly came to mind, Akainu's face suddenly became ugly, and he looked around immediately, but found nothing.

"The whole army obeys the order and returns! Immediately!!"

Even if nothing was found, Akainu gave the order without hesitation.He believed in his own feelings, even if he guessed wrongly, he would be severely punished by the Five Old Stars.

After Akainu's order was issued, the navy's actions and reactions were very fast. The huge fleet slowly turned, turned around, and started to return. From this point of view, it was enough to find that Akainu's commander-in-chief ability was really good, and the navy was trained well. So obedient.

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