But after the naval headquarters was transferred to the original G5 branch in the new world, the defense was greatly strengthened. Moreover, the naval headquarters was not so easy to attack. Even if the naval headquarters were successfully destroyed, the price paid by Yeyue would not be small. That's why Yeyue came up with such a plan to lure snakes out of their holes.

In fact, Yeyue just had the idea of ​​trying it out at the beginning. Even if the plan fails, it will not have much impact, but if it succeeds, it will save a lot of trouble, Neptune, of course, must be in the sea In order to exert the strongest strength, if it is replaced by land, it will be greatly reduced.

Yeyue could not have imagined that the Five Old Stars would be so unscared. One action of a million pirates made them impatiently summon the navy to guard them, which gave Yeyue an excellent opportunity.

Just like that, he was lurking on the only road from the Navy headquarters to the Red Continent. It was easy to wait for the fleet led by Akainu. The encirclement of ten giant sea kings was foolproof. This time, the ambush has just begun, and it has already fallen. curtain.

The navy had no resistance.

"Bastard! What the hell are you trying to do?! Do you really want to go to war with the Navy?"

Akainu's face was ashen, and he roared at Yeyue full of anger.

"Tsk tsk, Akainu, you still haven't seen the situation clearly! Is your navy still qualified to fight with me? My goal, from the beginning, wasn't you!"

Yeyue shook her head contemptuously, and glanced at all the navies in disdain. Although the number of navies was astonishing and their strength should not be underestimated, for him, they could be wiped out.

"You! What do you want?"

Akainu's eyes spit fire, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but suddenly found that his situation seemed to be really embarrassing. Although the casualties were small at present, he knew that it was because the other party hadn't really started.

Thinking of this, Akainu couldn't help but feel a chill, and they fell into the encirclement, how can they make any decent resistance?Nothing more than being swallowed by this huge sea king.

"I have just said that as long as you surrender, I don't have to kill these navies! You know, my goal is only the World Government, but I have no interest in killing these ordinary navies."

Yeyue is telling the truth. His goal is always to overthrow the world government. These sailors are just ordinary people. As long as they can be controlled, there will be no storms, so why kill them all? Woolen cloth?

Killing [-] sailors who have no resistance at once, even if they are as indifferent as the night moon, is a bit difficult to start, let alone the kind-hearted Princess White Star?But don't forget, the one who can really command these sea kings is this mermaid princess.

(The first one~~~~)

Chapter 372 The Beginning of the War

"This is impossible!!"

Almost without thinking, Akainu refused Yeyue's proposal without hesitation.

What are you kidding, asking the navy to surrender to the pirates?Unless it's the end of the world, or the sun rises from the west!Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible!

Akainu, who regards the justice of the navy as his belief, although his concept is too extreme, he has to say that his original intention is good, and there is always justice in his heart, but his justice is sometimes mixed with darkness and compromise. That's it.

"Impossible? What else is impossible in this world? Faced with such a desperate situation, do you think you still have a chance? Akainu, recognize the situation! Even if you can run away desperately, what about these sailors? ? Can they?"

Yeyue full of ridicule said aloud.He didn't say these words entirely to Akainu, but also to tell the [-] sailors, telling them that if Akainu didn't want to surrender, they would all have to die!

The power of the human heart is invisible, but it is also the strongest!Even Akainu, who is a marshal, if all his subordinates protest, then his orders are useless.And now it's the same, if Akainu ordered his soldiers not to surrender, I'm afraid there won't be many people who are really obedient.

Everyone is afraid of death. Fear of death is an instinct. Although it is not denied that there will be die-hards in the navy who can be smashed to pieces for the glory of the navy, it does not mean that everyone has such a belief, right?

You must know that most of the navies become navies, on the one hand, because they have justice in their hearts, but the most essential reason is to support their families!Survival is the first factor. How can they be allowed to surrender even when they know they will die?

Sure enough, Akainu's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he looked around calmly. As he expected, most of the navy, especially the marines at the bottom, showed signs of retreat, and there was no fighting intent at all. , Under such circumstances, Akainu believes that even if he issues an order to fight, few people will listen to him.

"Marshal, the tide is over, surrender."

Behind Akainu, the one who first broke the peace was a blind man wearing a purple robe and leaning on a staff and knife in his hand. It was the newly appointed admiral of the navy, Fujitora smiled.

Fujitora is an admiral-level master recruited by the navy from the people. The reason why Fujitora smiled is blind is because he did not want to see the filth in the world, so he mutilated himself, which is enough to show that he is truly a man of justice.

For Fujitora, he doesn't really care about the position of the navy or the pirates. What he really cares about is the safety of civilians. Right now, the lives of [-] sailors are in the hands of Yeyue. No one can change this fact.

Therefore, Fujitora chose to surrender without hesitation. He would rather die himself than die in vain because of Akainu's insistence. He did not have the strength to defeat Yeyue to save the audience, but he could influence Akainu's decision. ability.

"Oh, the old man also thinks that what Yi Xiao said is right! This kind of scene is really terrible, Ye Yue's handwriting is too big, you and I can't handle it. Surrender, Sakaski, needlessly insist. It's not necessary."

Huang Yuan is an old guy. Although he is a general, the most common thing to do in the past few years is to be lazy and slippery. The older he gets, the more afraid of death. Do you want him to continue to work hard?That is basically impossible.

The three generals and two consecutive generals agreed with the choice of surrender, so basically there is no need to listen to the opinion of the remaining general, Green Bull.

Akainu's face was as black as Coal's. He could not have imagined that he would end up like this one day!The three strongest generals in the headquarters, as well as most of the lieutenant generals, and [-] marines were gathered around.

But even with such a strongest lineup, facing the desperate situation at this moment, they are also unable to solve it. Apart from death, the only option left is surrender.

Akainu feels that the whole world is full of malice towards him!Ever since he met Yeyue, everything has been going wrong for him. Everything about the Star Pirates always makes him devastated. This time it's even better. He directly summoned ten ancient sea kings, which made him lose his temper at all. No.

"I... agree to surrender..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Akainu finally had to bow his head and admit defeat.It's not that he's not cruel enough, it's just that the situation is beyond your control!Even if he wanted to order a fight with Yeyue and the others, would the people under him listen?

The answer is obvious. Even the three generals under his command are opposed to it, let alone the bottom marines?

In the end, under the supervision of ten sea kings, Akainu and his [-] sailors obediently changed their course and came to a deserted island dozens of nautical miles away. The influx of [-] people caused this deserted island to be somewhat Crowded, but no one dared to object to anything.

Yeyue drove the Starry Night away after the Akainu surrendered. With Shirogane's order, the ten Neptunes would meticulously follow Shirogane's words, guarding the Akainu and trapping them on the deserted island. Unable to leave.

There is no need to kill these people at all, just trap them for a period of time, and it is enough for Yeyue to complete the next plan.

With a simple little trick, he easily cut off an arm of the World Government and solved the obstacle of [-] navy, but Yeyue did not suffer any losses. It's just the price of the sea kings to guard.

Of course, the soldiers of Fishman Island are also quietly lurking around the deserted island. Once Akainu makes any movement, they will adapt to the situation or destroy the ship directly.

Without the warship, Yeyue did not believe that Akainu could fly to the Holy Land by herself.

All the actions here went smoothly, giving this war that has not yet officially started a great start. After Yeyue sent the news to the revolutionary army's dragon, the whole sea started to move!

The first is the million pirates, who were already on their way to the Holy Land Mary Joa, and now they are quickening their movements. On the other side, the other two emperors of the new world, the red hair and the aunt, also gathered their mighty men. Swinging open, headed in the direction of the Holy Land.

The more secretive ones are the Whitebeard Pirates and the Baroque Pirates. The whereabouts of these two pirates are very secretive on weekdays, and the Stars Pirates are attracting attention in front of them. Naturally, no one will notice them. action.

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