The port is full of flesh and blood, and the battle has just started, and the pirates have already suffered countless casualties!

Chapter 377

"Captain, isn't there a full-scale attack yet? I can't wait!"

The Goblin is the iconic pirate ship of the Goblin League. Only the elites of the Goblin League are qualified to board this ship. At this moment, the well-dressed Cavendish is eagerly looking at the artillery fire ahead. Soaring battlefield.

This century war is definitely the best time to show off!For Cavendish, who regards fame as his life, this is absolutely not to be missed, but the war has already started, but Captain Wilbur seems to have no intention of issuing a general attack order, which makes Cavendish a little puzzled.

According to the original plan, shouldn't it arrive at the destination as quickly as possible, and then immediately launch a storm to take down the entrance station of the Red Continent with lightning speed?Why did you suddenly change your plans last night?

"Stop talking nonsense, this is the emperor's order. Besides, even if I let you go, are you sure you can take down this steel fortress?"

Wilbur cast a glance at Cavendish and said lightly.


Cavendish stopped talking immediately.It's not that he has no eyesight. According to the previous information, this fortress is definitely not as exaggerated as what I see now. It is definitely built after the government army received the news, in order to resist their attack. Before reaching the fortress, he was overwhelmed by artillery fire.

The height of this steel fortress is only [-] meters, because there is no more time for the government troops to build it, but the width is thousands of meters. Breakthrough, otherwise it is impossible to land on the red soil continent!

Such a huge fortress seems to need no money at the moment. The shells are constantly flooding in the sky, and half an hour has passed without stopping. It can be seen that the government army has also made a lot of money this time and is going to stop them here.

Also, if you can't stop these pirates, the government will be overthrown, what's the use of the cannonballs saved?If it is blocked, as long as the government can continue to exist, the shells can be remanufactured when they are used up, and it will not be a loss.

The boldness of the government army has created disaster for the pirates. The [-] pirate troops, nominally the reserve team of the Evil Ghost Alliance, are actually the cannon fodder troops recruited by Yeyue. At this moment, they have truly become cannon fodder. Use your own life to consume the shells of the government army.

Half an hour later, the landing site of the port was completely dyed red, and the lives of fifty thousand pirates were told like this, but the pirates in the back still rushed forward one after another, showing no signs of fear.

"What's going on? The opponent's attack was not as fierce as he imagined!"

Cyborg stood on the fortress and looked at the scene on the battlefield. He couldn't help frowning slightly. He was a little puzzled. Since the Evil Ghost Alliance had already deceived the sky and was discovered directly under their noses, it was only natural that they should attack in an all-round way, while they were unprepared. Take the fortress as fast as you can.

But now?The other party didn't plan to fight quickly, but instead fought with them to consume them, using the lives of pirates to consume their shells?How could there be such a war?

Cyborg is a little confused. The previous tricks have shown that the commander of the other party is a smart person, but now it makes people feel that he is a fool, using human life to consume ammunition, no matter how you look at it, it is a disadvantage, right?

In fact, strictly speaking, the pirate cannon fodder is not a complete death stream, at least there are plans to send death. Their team is very scattered, although there are many people, but in the vast port, it is like a plate of scattered sand, installed on the fortress. Muzzle, each cannonball often has little effect, can only kill a dozen people, or even zero harvest.

The lives of [-] people have been exchanged for the loss of tens of thousands of artillery shells by the government army. Steel can predict that in less than two hours, the shells will be exhausted. One hundred thousand shells can only cost the pirates at most. Less than half a million people?

Cyborg can't help but have a headache, but he is also very helpless.

"No, it can't be dragged on like this any longer! Order the first unit, the second unit, and the third unit to attack in three directions at the same time!"

Without too much hesitation, Cyborg chose to take the initiative!He is very clear about his disadvantage, that is, he can only stick to it. If he runs out of shells too early, if the opponent still has a backhand, wouldn't he have to passively be beaten?

Therefore, Cyborg took the initiative to attack very decisively. Since the other party wanted to play the consumption stream, he was not afraid. The number of troops under his command was significantly larger, so he would not suffer any loss!

Sure enough, under the order of Steel Skeleton, the government army consisted of three troops, a total of [-] people, poured out like ants out of their nests, almost filling the empty port at once, and the white torrent was extremely fast. The speed spreads in the direction of the pirates.

"Captain, the other side's army is attacking, are we going to do it too?"

As soon as he saw the action of the government army, Cavendish immediately became excited. He had been waiting for a long time, and he couldn't wait!

"Shut up! Just wait for me!"

Wilbur glared at Cavendish sternly.After two years of getting along, he really understands Cavendish's character very well. In order to get the limelight and make the news, this guy can give up his life. It's simply a strange thing.


Cavendish shrank his neck, afraid to say anything.Although the three captains get along very well on weekdays, Cavendish still has a little bit of fear for Wilbur. After all, as the captain, he has not listened to orders in the past two years. And beat him hard.

In terms of strength, Cavendish is also a general level, but it is not an opponent of Wilbur, because Wilbur's fruit ability is a bit cheating, turning into a violent bear, with rough skin and thick flesh, he is not afraid of Cavendish at all. That thin sword.

When the two people here were arguing, the situation on the battlefield was already on the verge of breaking out. The dispatch of [-] government troops had crushed the pirates in terms of numbers, because the cannon fodder troops sent by Wilbur were only [-], more than [-] died, and less than [-] remained.

Such a huge disparity in numbers, coupled with the well-trained government army, the pirates are fighting on their own, with uneven strength, which led to a one-sided situation at the moment of contact between the two sides. The government army was like a rainbow. The screams of killing were deafening.

But despite the fact that the pirate troop was retreating, and there were countless casualties, Wilbur remained as still as a mountain, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't look worried at all. He saw Cavendish scratching his head next to him, but he didn't dare to urge him.


I don't know when there was a thunderstorm in the dark clouds gathered in the sky. The thunder in the clouds was flashing, and the gloomy sky was quite a storm.

Not many people care about the changes in the weather. Only Wilbur, who always pays attention to the surrounding situation, flashes a light in his dull eyes. He knows that the emperor he most respects is here!

Chapter 378 Destruction in that Moment


"Kill, kill, kill!!"

There were lightning and thunder in the sky, but the battle was in full swing in front of the fortress. Every thunder roared, countless lives were lost, there were more pirates, and there were also many soldiers.

The soldiers of the government army are well-trained and cooperate with each other, but their individual strength is too low. Although the pirates are disorganized and disorganized, their personal strength is strong. At this time, the two sides meet. Although the number of government troops has the absolute upper hand, there are no actual casualties. Much less than pirates.

"It's not right, what the hell are you doing?"

Although the army on his side has the upper hand, Cyborg is not optimistic at all. Instead, he is full of doubts. He can't understand the other party's plan at all.

Since they are at war, and they are still at a disadvantage, why not send more people to participate in the war?Instead, he stayed in the rear and watched the battle leisurely, ignoring the casualties in the front.


The thunder in the sky became more and more frequent, and under the gloomy sky, the wind pressure became stronger and stronger, making the steel-boned cloak rattled, and the ordinary soldiers seemed to be a little unstable.

Under the cover of the dark cloud, a black cloud ball is brewing in the thundercloud, and the ball is flashing with lightning like a snake. The volume of this thunderball is getting bigger and bigger, and the radius is full to The horror level of fifty meters, and it is still growing!

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