Pacifists are nothing compared to these reformers!

blah blah blah! !

With a cruel smile, a transformed man grabbed a pirate in front of him like a chicken. In his terrified eyes, the other palm was placed on his chest, and the flames were sprayed. The pirate was instantly killed. Beaten into a sieve, blood was blurred.

Tear! !

Next to him, another transformed man directly relied on his powerful body, ignoring the big knife that the revolutionary army had slashed on his body in front of him, and poked his palms forward, stabbing his chest like cutting tofu. The internal organs were scattered all over the place, and the revolutionary army was torn in half alive.

Some pirates were transformed and smashed their heads like a watermelon, and some were smashed into flesh by their fists. Seeing such a terrifying scene, many pirates hurriedly turned around and wanted to escape, where they might escape. Woolen cloth?

The shells and lasers that were chasing after them mercilessly sent them with their backs exposed to Huangquan Biluo.

The battlefield was bloody. It was obvious that the pirates and the revolutionary army had the upper hand, and they had gradually formed a siege against the government army. The strong intervention of the transformable troops directly changed the battle situation!

A mere [-] people turned out to be like thousands of troops, no one could stop them, no one dared to stop them. The bloodthirsty and cruel fighting tactics made many people tremble with fear, even the generals like Long and Weibull. They all frowned.

Transforming a person's character must be cruel and tyrannical, which is not difficult to understand, because the transformation process is extremely painful, even with the aid of anesthesia, but seeing his flesh and blood become a machine little by little Body, this feeling is not good!

Especially after the transformation is completed, I feel an extremely unfamiliar body, and I can even feel the aftertaste of pain. That is because the machine and the body are still in the running-in stage. They can't control the body at will, and they are always in pain. Anyone drive crazy.

The battle between the monster army of the golden lion and the pacifists is coming to an end. Few of the [-] pacifists are left, and the giant monsters have also suffered heavy losses. Both of them are almost no threat.

In the general-level battle, although the evil ghost alliance still has the upper hand, the steel bone side is not defeated so quickly, enough to support the transformation of the human army to slaughter the audience and end the war.

"It's over! Wilbur, hasn't your emperor shown up yet? Or, he knew he was defeated and escaped?"

Although Cyborg resisted the attacks of Wilbur and Tirian with difficulty, he still had the energy to say this ironic remark. On the one hand, it was to test whether Wilbur and the others still had a hand. , on the one hand, but also to undermine the confidence of the other party.

"Steel bone, I have to say, you are really old, and even your brain is a little dull! Have you forgotten how your steel fortress was destroyed?"

When Wilbur in the form of a violent bear heard the words, the huge palm that was about to hit the steel bone suddenly stopped, staring at the steel bone with a strange expression and joked.He really didn't want to attack this old man who always felt good about himself, but never really saw the situation, but he wanted to take the initiative to seek abuse.

Iron Fortress?As soon as he heard Wilbur's words, Cyborg's expression changed dramatically, his face was blue and white, and finally stopped at the gray color, and the originally high momentum suddenly fell, as if he had suddenly aged a lot.

The steel bone is really a little disheartened. He never imagined that he had prepared so many backhands, but he was still unable to gain the upper hand and reverse the occupation.

From the original steel fortress, this indestructible fortress is enough to withstand millions of enemy troops. If it does not leave nearly a million corpses, it is impossible to break through directly. What makes the steel bones angry is that Yeyue will be destroyed by a thunderbolt. , thus laying the absolute advantage of the Evil Ghost Alliance.

Otherwise, if [-] or [-] pirates are consumed in order to break through the fortress, the next war may not be like this.What's more, while destroying the fortress, it also killed nearly [-] government troops, and at the same time left the [-] government troops who took the lead to be isolated and helpless, thus being easily wiped out.

One move, Lei Ying, directly reversed the situation, putting the government forces on the defensive side at a disadvantage, struggling to resist, but unable to launch an effective counterattack. On the contrary, the Evil Ghost Alliance was imposing and overwhelming. It is no exaggeration to say, Without Ye Yue's move, Lei Ying, there would be no major advantage of the Evil Ghost Alliance.

After Lei Ying, although the government army was in a state of embarrassment, even though it was at a disadvantage, it could not be said that the battle was defeated. Cyborg still has his back, pacifists!Five thousand pacifists are an absolute killer for ordinary troops. No one can stop them, and they can definitely easily destroy hundreds of thousands of enemy troops.

It's a pity that the monster army of the golden lion failed again. Although the monster army also suffered heavy losses, the pacifists were not much better.

Cyborg really felt helpless and aggrieved from the bottom of his heart, and even the hidden generals under his subordinates did not play the expected role!The government army, like the navy, implements the system of three generals, but has trained two other generals as secret hands. Who knows, it was blocked by a group of masters who did not know where they came from.

The Transformers Legion can be said to be his last trump card, and also his most confident back-up!The Legion of Transforming Humans is the result of decades of secret research by the World Government. Even the pacifists are actually just a by-product of the research and development of transforming humans.

The successful development of Transforming Man has given great confidence to the world government!As long as we continue to optimize and increase the production volume, the government army will be absolutely invincible and invincible, and no one will be able to threaten the rule of the world government.

In front of such an iron-blooded army, whether it is a pirate or a revolutionary army, they are nothing more than chickens, and the facts have proved that this is the case. As soon as the reformed army came out, they killed the evil ghost army and the revolutionary army steadily. defeat.

But just when Cyborg was slightly relieved, Wilbur's words mercilessly hit his confidence.

The Legion of Transforming Humans is mechanized all over the body, and the nerves control the electronic machinery to complete the action. What is the biggest weakness of this transforming human being?Thunderbolt!

The surface of the modified people's body is actually protected by lightning protection devices. Ordinary electric currents can't affect their movements at all, and they will be directly directed into the ground. What makes Cyborg feel desperate is that their opponents are not ordinary people!

Chapter 388

It can instantly melt a [-]-meter-high steel fortress into molten iron, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be wiped out. How can such a terrifying thunder and lightning be able to be resisted by transforming people?

It’s not hard to imagine that when another thunderball hits the battlefield, the invincible [-] transformed people will instantly turn into rubble. No, maybe even the corpse will not be left, only the residue will be left. .

"Don't worry, Cyborg! If our emperor really wants to do something, and he doesn't even need us at all, he can destroy all of you by himself, so you don't need to worry at all, the emperor will not personally deal with your troops. ."

Wilbur seemed to see through Cyborg's thoughts, and instead comforted him, but his comfort was more like contempt from above, so Cyborg didn't feel comforted at all, but his heart became colder.

Although he didn't want to believe it, wasn't that the case?In Yeyue, whom he had not yet met, a single thunderball destroyed the victory of the government army. If it broke out with all its strength, and then secretly attacked, how many government forces would not be enough to kill him?

So, on the battlefield at the moment, Cyborg is racking his brains to save the situation, trying to repel the Evil Ghost Alliance and the Revolutionary Army, is that Yeyue just struggling to the death?

"It's cruel! It can easily destroy us, but it gives us hope. When we see hope, let us despair! Is this what you want to see?"

Cyborg's whole person is gray and defeated, he has no intention to fight, and he has no fighting spirit at all.

In fact, it was Cyborg who thought wrong, not Yeyue being cruel. He wanted to play with them just because Yeyue didn't want to do it himself.

If Yeyue had to do everything by himself, what was the use of raising such a group of subordinates?Although he has the strength to destroy the world government alone, he does not want to do it alone, so he has united so many forces, and even used the competition to conquer millions of pirates for his own use, in order to crush with absolute strength. Overwhelm the world government and achieve the ultimate victory.

"The elite group, get out!"

Seeing Cyborg's performance, Wilbur's fluffy bear showed a smile, took out a phone bug, and gave an order lightly.

The elite group is also a powerful trump card of the Evil Ghost Alliance!

Like the Transformers Legion, it is made up of ten thousand people, but these [-] elite pirates are the best selected from millions of people through competitive competitions. The average strength can reach the level of brigadier generals. In terms of individual combat power, it is like transforming people. Comparable.

But don't forget, the strange incident that happened in Dressrosa a few days ago, tens of thousands of sea kings were sent to the Liku Palace, but they disappeared without a trace, not even the remains of the corpse left, which became the hearts of countless people. the mystery.

In fact, these sea kings have all turned into life energy, raising the strength of this ten thousand elite group again, from the average brigadier general level to the average lieutenant general level, and even slightly exceeded, and the strength of the slightly stronger is even close. Generals, such as the ten supernovas participating in the competition.

As the winner, Luffy not only got the burnt fruit as a reward, but also got the most life energy, but it is a pity that Luffy is a bit biased in the way of using the rubber fruit, which caused him to lose a lot of life, so Most of his life energy was used to supplement his lifespan consumption, resulting in the smallest increase in his strength.

Eustace Skid is the biggest beneficiary!He had reached the brigadier general level and even approached the lieutenant general level, but he finally jumped to the general level. Although it was a little reluctant, he really touched the line!

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