It's not that the government army is unusable, and even a general-level guard can't be brought out, but because it is not needed at all, just relying on the strength of the Five Old Stars, what kind of guards do you need?What's more, in this war, all the generals in the government's hands have been sent out, how can there be any left?


The Starry Night descended from the sky and smashed heavily in front of the palace. The gravel flew all over the sky, but the Starry Night was not damaged at all. Instead, a wave of air rushed towards the guards, blowing everyone's clothes and hunting.

On the bow of the boat, Yeyue, dressed in black, stood proudly, ignoring the group of guards who came in a hurry. A little loli and pet dog.

In fact, Alice can't be called a loli anymore. She is already twelve years old. During these years of practice, her body has grown rapidly, her height has exceeded [-] meters, and her figure has grown even more. She is quite a little beauty 's flavor.

"Bold! How dare you trespass into the Holy Land, if you don't hurry up and capture it!"

The lieutenant general in charge of leading the guards was pale, but he had to bite the bullet and shout coldly, but his slightly trembling voice showed that he lacked confidence.

This is the Star Pirates!None of the people present did not understand what this meant!The Fanxing Pirates went straight to the Holy Land, and everyone knew that they would not be guests, and a war was inevitable!

"Hehehe~ A hundred flowers are blooming!"

The voice with a smile sounded, Robin crossed his hands, and the voice fell, and countless arms composed of pink petals emerged from the guards, or choked their necks, or twisted their joints. The thousand guards were under control.

Click! !

Accompanied by a series of bone cracking sounds, those under-strength guards had their necks or important joints broken directly. Only the ten lieutenant generals activated their domineering body protection in time to avoid death.

In an instant, it was just a face-to-face meeting, and there were only ten guards left.

(Originally, I just wanted to take a two-day break for something, but as soon as I took a break, something went wrong. The lazy bug was playing the blame, and the procrastination was in the late stage. It took so long to finally force myself to code~~~ I burst into tears.)

Chapter 390 The Untraceable Origin

"What? At this time, are you still hiding and refusing to show up?"

On the bow of the Starry Night, Yeyue ignored the ten lieutenant generals who were facing the enemy, and stared at the closed palace gate.


Gandhi, the bald man who had never expressed any opinion from the beginning to the end, suddenly revealed the blade of the long knife in his hand, and the cold light flickered. Those who knew him knew that he was ready to shoot.

Gandhi is a different person among the five old stars. The other four wear black suits. He is the only one who always wears a Taoist uniform. He is always the most silent person in any meeting, and he hardly expresses any opinions.

He is like the sharpest knife among the Five Old Stars. He only uses his hands and does not speak. He is silent when it is silent, but he is unambiguous when it is time to act, and he can show a sharp blade in an instant.


The closed palace gate finally opened slowly, like a giant beast with its mouth open, revealing its hideous side. of gods in general.

"Lord Five Old Stars!"

"It's Lord Wu Laoxing! Great, if Lord Wu Laoxing makes a move, the Fanxing Pirates will be defeated!"

The appearance of the Five Old Stars instantly injected boundless confidence into the ten lieutenant generals who were facing the enemy. In their opinion, the Five Old Stars were like an invincible myth. They have been suppressing the world for hundreds of years. If they can resist, even if the Star Pirates in front of them are already terrifying, they don't think the Five Old Stars will be defeated.

At most, it will only create a little trouble for Lord Five Old Stars, they thought in their hearts.


As if they had practiced countless times, the steps of the five old stars were uniform and accurate to the nearest millimeter. Until they passed the ten lieutenant generals and came to Yeyue, the five of them were still in exactly the same position, without the slightest change.

"I've always been curious about who you are."

Cameron seems to be the brain of the five old stars, living in the middle position, his indifferent eyes swept across the crowd of stars, and such a sentence suddenly came out of his mouth, which was a bit vague.

"I've read the information about the Star Pirates, Nami, who grew up in Coco Yaxi Village, was adopted by a navy on the battlefield."

After a slight pause, Cameron spoke as if to himself.

"Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, was born and raised in O'Hara, and didn't leave the sea until after the slaughter."

"Kalifa is from the espionage organization cp9 under the World Government. After the World War I, the Seven Waters betrayed the navy and joined Fanxing."

Cameron told the information of the three people like a family treasure. From their birth and growth experience, there was almost no omission, but then Cameron's tone was a bit more aggressive.

"However, apart from these three people, the rest of Fanxing's members, we don't have any origins! Whether it's birth or growth, we don't have any information!"

"The first time you appeared, was to board the Cocosia Village, destroy the Evil Dragon Pirates, and set up the Stars Pirates, but before that, there is no trace of any of your experiences. This really makes me Curious, can you tell me the answer?"

Not only Cameron, but the other four of the Five Old Stars were equally curious, because this matter was so weird.

The five of them have ruled the sea for [-] years, and their power is spread all over the sea. It can be said that as long as they deliberately want to know a person, the espionage organization under them will make all the experience of the other party clear, but only the Star Pirates, the five The old star's order has been issued for two years, and there is still no progress.

It's as if these people from Fanxing appeared in the East China Sea out of thin air, and only showed their impressive strength. It's no wonder that the Five Old Stars are so curious about Yeyue and their origins.

"Our origin? Hehe, it's okay to tell you."

Yeyue tickled the corners of her mouth playfully, but she had no intention of concealing it, because up to now, he didn't care whether his origins would be leaked out, not to mention, apart from the Fanxing Pirates, there were only Five Old Stars. With those ten lieutenant generals, just satisfy the curiosity of the other party before they die?

"Do you know how big this world is? The sea seems to be endless, but it has an end, but the world has no edge! Beyond this world of the sea, there are infinite worlds, and each world has its own unique power. , like the devil fruit here."

What? !Hearing the words, Wu Laoxing immediately looked horrified, and the ten lieutenant generals behind him were even more terrified and couldn't believe it.

They are not stupid. Although Yeyue didn't explain it in detail, they all understood. The sea they are in is just one of the infinite worlds, and there are countless worlds outside the world. !

This simply subverts their world view. Even the five old stars who have lived for [-] years can't calm down at this moment, because this news is really amazing!

"You know? You are like frogs at the bottom of a well. Even if you see the sky outside, you can't jump out no matter how hard you try. So what if you know? I feel more insignificant.”

When she saw the excitement and yearning in the eyes of Wu Laoxing, Yeyue rudely said.

Indeed, in terms of individual strength, Yeyue's self-confidence is still the limit of this world, but after countless attempts, Yeyue can't feel the existence of any space barriers, and can't find a way to the rest of the world at all.

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