This is just a temporary residence that was established before Zabuzhan. Yesterday, Orochimaru also came to the door. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is best not to continue living here.

Moreover, Yeyue wasn't going to stay for long. He needed to go to the ninja world to see it in person. Only by seeing it with his own eyes could he better integrate into this world.

The first goal of the journey is the country of fire. On the Naruto continent, there are many countries, but all the small countries are struggling to survive in the cracks of the five major countries, the country of fire, the country of wind, the country of earth, the country of water The Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, of which the Kingdom of Fire is the most prosperous and powerful country.

Yeyue would of course be very curious about this, she chose the direction without hesitation, and walked towards the Land of Fire with Bai Bu Ji and Bu Xu.

(The second update~~~ I have been coding, but I forgot to update it~~~ Don't get excited, today's fifth update has been coded and will be uploaded one after another.)

Chapter 018 Bai's Choice

Tatata! !

The sound of tight footsteps sounded in the woods, and a dark shadow rushed towards a big tree in front of it. When it was about to hit it, it still didn't slow down. It just leaned back and stepped on the trunk with both feet. A layer of red chakra appeared imperceptibly.

The black shadow rushed to the canopy in one breath, and finally stopped, looking at the full moon hanging in the air, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.


The black shadow jumped down and landed on the ground lightly, without squeezing the soil at all. It can be seen that this person's control of power has been meticulous.

"Congratulations, Lord Yeyue, you finally succeeded."

Beside him, Qian Ying in a white training uniform looked at the black shadow with a soft gaze, as if congratulating him, but the joking in his tone was undisguised.


Yeyue slapped Bai's pair of ass, which looked very upright under the tight training clothes, and made a crisp and pleasant sound. The soft touch from her palm made Yeyue's heart tremble. The evil fire suppressed in the bottom of my heart is about to move.

"You little girl, how dare you laugh at your adults!"

Yeyue pretended to be vicious and scolded with a smile.

It has been a week. Under Bai's prompt, Yeyue also tried to use the most basic method to enhance his control over Chakra, but it took him a full week to complete the task of climbing the tree. shame!

According to Bai, even the little Konoha ghosts that I met in the Land of Waves took only two or three days to complete. The most powerful ones can easily walk up to the top of the tree without training at all. Let Yeyue suffer [-] critical damage.

He Kirishima Yeyue, can't even compare to a few shinobi?

But Yeyue didn't really bother about this issue too much. After all, how many Chakras do you have?And how much is his chakra?Massive chakras are not so easy to control, especially these chakras are extremely violent.

This is also the disadvantage of Yeyue taking shortcuts.

In fact, Yeyue's speed is not too slow. If you don't use thunder and lightning to assist refining and forcibly tame the nine-tailed chakra in your body, even if it takes a month, Yeyue may not be able to complete this seemingly simple task of climbing a tree. .

"Adult training is very hard! Let's go back to rest tonight?"

Bai was attacked by Yeyue at the shy place, and her whole face turned red. Although she had been together for a week, she was not used to this kind of intimate behavior, although she did not resist, and even liked it very much in her heart.

This week has been the happiest and most satisfying day for Bai. Every day during the day, I will follow the night and moon on the road. Find a hidden forest to practice and exercise, and go back to the hotel to rest at night.

Yeyue did not deliberately walk in the direction of the town, but just followed the fate, and kept walking in any direction, and occasionally changed the direction at will. Anyway, as long as the general direction remains unchanged.

So at night, when there is no town nearby, Yeyue and Bai will also set up two tents in the woods for one night, and the food will be simpler, and all kinds of game and wild fruits can be seen everywhere.

Bai has almost never experienced this kind of leisurely and contented life, either starving and facing a crisis of survival, or training frantically under the supervision of Zaibuzhan.

Bai likes the current life very much. You don't have to worry about anything every day. You don't have to worry about anything. As long as you are responsible for Yeyue's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, Yeyue, who is practicing, doesn't force her to do anything. Instead, she takes the initiative to strengthen her training, because She knew very well that Ye Yue's strength was so strong that she couldn't even see her back.

But even so, she has to work hard to catch up. She doesn't want to be a burden to Yeyue one day in the future. She hopes to follow Yeyue at any time.

"Well, go back!"

Yeyue nodded, turned around leisurely, and walked towards the direction of the lights in the distance. That small town was their temporary residence tonight.

Bai looked at Yeyue's back gently, suddenly smiled, quickly followed Yeyue's footsteps, followed quietly behind him, and the shadows of the two gradually merged under the illumination of the moonlight.

In the middle of the night, after taking a relaxing hot bath, Bai was lying on the bed in a loose white kimono. Thoughts were flying in his bright eyes, but there was only the shadow of one person in the tossing and turning scenes in his mind.

Suddenly, Bai's good-looking brows were slightly wrinkled, and he immediately sat up and listened. A faint humming came from across a wall.

Bai's white palms clung to the quilt, and his eyes were full of complicated expressions.

This is not the first time she has heard this kind of sound, she can hear it almost every night, and it will not stop until the middle of the night.

It wasn't the grunting of a couple doing something indescribable, but it came from Yeyue's room.

At first, Bai didn't realize what happened, but soon she heard about that terrifying night and what Yeyue had told her about her body. Only then did she know that the sequelae of Yeyue would happen every night. Excruciatingly miserable.

In fact, Bai didn't know that Yeyue's sequelae, although serious, would never happen every day. The reason why this happened was because of her.

Every day, there is a beautiful woman dangling around in front of her eyes, and occasionally she will do some intimate actions. This is a great temptation for a man who is full of blood and energy. Is there evil fire at work?

Yeyue has deliberately kept a distance from her without harming Bai, but she still cannot avoid occasional contact. With this accumulation every day, Yeyue's evil fire will become more and more serious in the future. He can even predict that if I'm afraid it will break out again in a few days.

Every night, the evil fire burns with lust and desire, and the lower body is about to explode. Each time, it will take a long time to calm down.

Although it is miserable, it is not without benefits. This is a great test of willpower. After a week, Yeyue was surprised to find that his willpower is much tougher than before. This can be regarded as the sweetness after bitterness. Bar.

Listening to the deliberately suppressed, yet incessant humming in the next room, Bai hesitated in his heart, both unbearable and a little afraid.

She really wanted to help Yeyue so that Yeyue wouldn't have to suffer so much, but the terrifying nightmare that night was always the knot in her heart, which made her stop again and again.

tuk tuk tuk~~

After an unknown time, there was a knock on the door. Yeyue, who was holding her breath and suppressing her desire, suddenly opened her eyes, with flaming flames burning in them.

"Lord Yeyue, it's me..."

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