Yeyue's Lei Qianben not only has an amazing speed, it can be activated instantly without the need for a seal, but also has the ultimate penetrating power. While penetrating, it will also explode violently, and its power is terrifying!

It is conceivable that if there is an enemy who does not understand the details of death, he will feel the power of the lightning explosion at close range.

"Is this kid a monster?"

Sure enough, even Tsunade couldn't help sweating after seeing the power of Lei Qianben, and almost got hit again!

"Water escape, water dragon bomb!"

"Tu Dun, Tu Long Bomb!"

Tsunade's fingers turned into phantom seals, and he released two powerful ninjutsu moves in a row. Catapult to the night moon.

"It's too slow!"

Yeyue didn't blink her eyes, she stepped on each other, one left and one right easily avoided two attacks. I have to say, with Yeyue's speed, few ninjutsu can hit him unless it can be limited. Hold his speed.

"Really? Medical attack technique, rush forward!!"

Tsunade's sarcastic voice sounded from behind Yeyue, and a strange light lit up on her palm, with the slightest electric current beating in it. With a violent acceleration, she pressed on Yeyue mercilessly.

Rush is one of the rare offensive ninjutsu in medical ninjutsu. The chakra is made into electric current and injected into the enemy's body, which can cause nerve paralysis and make the opponent temporarily incapacitated.

Obviously, Tsunade also realized Yeyue's advantage, so she planned to use this move to limit Yeyue, and then she could flatten and round it as she liked.

"Current? What a woman with big breasts and no brains!"

With a penetrating smile on Yeyue's face, she jokingly turned to look at Tsunade who was close at hand, playing video games in front of him?Isn't that the old birthday star hanged, courting death?

"how is this possible?!"

Tsunade was stunned when he saw this, this is unscientific!As a medical master, she is quite proficient in human anatomy, and naturally knows that even a ninja with thunder attribute chakra cannot avoid the consequences of being paralyzed by nerves.


Yeyue ignored Tsunade's shock, and stretched out her hands like lightning. One hand grabbed Tsunade's throat, and the other hand held her wrist, so that she could no longer form a seal. In the ninja world, one can make a seal with one hand. Very few people, unfortunately.Tsunade is not one of them.

"Master Tsunade!!"

Mute who was chasing after just happened to see this scene, Tsunade was pinched by Yeyue, her face flushed, the feeling of suffocation poured into her mind, making her head buzz, and there was a temporary blank, which was hypoxia. symptoms.

Bang bang bang! !

Tsunade's only right hand and feet are desperately attacking Yeyue, but unfortunately, without Chakra's blessing, her strange physical skills can't be used at all, and the weak attack falls on Yeyue, no pain or no pain. itch.

"No! This lord, please let Master Tsunade go. We have no intention of offending you, we just want to help you heal. Please, don't kill Master Tsunade!"

Mute hurriedly ran to Yeyue and begged bitterly. She was telling the truth. Although Tsunade followed her all the way, her words were quite aimed at Yeyue, but in fact she was not malicious, she just wanted to help Yeyue cure her illness. Just for some medical bills.

Although that medical bill will be a bit expensive.


Ye Yue didn't pay any attention to the mute beside her, her eyes fixed on Tsunade, the tyranny in her eyes kept surging, and he almost couldn't help pinching Tsunade's throat.

The sequelae attack this time is indeed as the system kid said, it is not as serious as the first time, at least it still retains a bit of reason, otherwise Tsunade would already be a corpse.

But the tyranny that has accumulated for more than half a month is still not to be underestimated. At this time, Yeyue is in a state of war between heaven and man. Reason tells him not to kill Tsunade. The other party has a great background. Killing her is equivalent to angering the strongest ninja world. The big Shinobu-mura Konoha, and he also knows that although Tsunade's words are a bit rushed, he really has no malice towards him.

But the tyrannical chakra in his body was surging and boiling, constantly prompting him to tighten his fingers. Tsunade felt that his throat was about to be crushed, the suffocation became stronger and stronger, his eyes rolled and his limbs struggled more and more. The more powerless.

"Are you going to die? Unexpectedly, it will die in the hands of a kid inexplicably. Rope tree, broken, I'm here to find you..."

Tsunade's face turned blue, breathing became more and more difficult, and he even began to hallucinate, as if there were two shadows buried deep in his heart.

"Bai! Help me..."

Ye Yue's face was hideous, and she suppressed the violent impulse in her heart, and with difficulty, a few words popped out between her clenched teeth.

As soon as the words fell, a soft breath came close to Yeyue's back, and the weak and boneless palm gently pressed on Yeyue's temple, the palm exuded a faint chill, and the cold touch poured into Yeyue's mind, after a shock , The reason in Yeyue's eyes finally gradually overcomes the killing intent!

As soon as his fingers loosened, Tsunade fell weakly to the ground, his eyes were tightly closed, and he seemed to have stopped breathing.

"Tsunade-sama! Don't, don't die!"

Mute rushed to Tsunade's side, took a breath, and was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he was at a loss and didn't know what to do, and tears fell down.

"If you continue to cry, she'll really be dead! Thank you for calling yourself a medical ninja. Can't you tell the difference between death and shock?"

Ye Yue's disdainful voice sounded, and Mute finally woke up, and hurriedly pressed Tsunade's chest for first aid...

Chapter 025 The old lady fell in love with you (fifth more)

"Cough cough... cough cough..."

Accompanied by the violent coughing sound, Tsunade suddenly recovered from the shock, and his consciousness gradually returned. He opened his eyes, and the familiar picture of Mute came into view.

"Not dead? What a pity."

Tsunade seemed to be regretful, lying on the ground with a sad face and looking up at the sky, with a faint light of water in his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, Tsunade-sama! How can you die, how can you die! Mute is going to be angry!"

Mute glared at Tsunade and shouted loudly. She also knew that Tsunade had had a hard time all these years. If she hadn't been addicted to gambling, she would have ended herself a long time ago, and it was because of this that she would not leave an inch. She followed Tsunade closely, just because she was afraid that she would lose her mind.

"What about that brat? It's strange that he didn't kill me!"

Tsunade stood up helplessly, patted the dust on his body, and swept his eyes to a messy forest, but Yeyue and Shiro were nowhere to be seen.

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