What an amazing necklace!

This necklace really has a wonderful effect as Tsunade said. Yeyue can feel that there is a vibrant chakra in the crystal, exuding a faint coercion, and the violent nine-tailed chakra in his body is one Feeling this breath, like a mouse seeing a cat, she shrank obediently.

Immediate results!Yeyue was very pleasantly surprised. With this chain, Yeyue is not far from the day when he will completely control the nine-tailed chakra. Not only that, but even his sequelae have accelerated the speed of recovery because of this, and he has been suppressed on weekdays. , will not break out easily.

Tsunade didn't know that Ye Yue's sequelae had nothing to do with the uncontrolled nine-tailed chakras. The sequelae were the consequences of the fusion of the nine-tails, and the uncontrolled chakras were because these chakras were foreign, not night-time chakras. Moon can refine it by himself, and it needs to be refined slowly by himself.

With the suppression of the necklace, the nine-tailed chakra settled a lot, and Yeyue couldn't wait to start trying to control the chakra to release ninjutsu.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Yeyue made a few marks in a slightly unfamiliar way, and then opened her mouth to spit, and a red fireball spewed out instantly, and the wind rose. When he got up, the water vapor in the sky covered the lake, and the five fingers could not be seen, and the scorching breath lasted for a long time.

"This power seems to be very strong! As expected, it is nine-tailed chakra!"

Yeyue was secretly surprised, although this ninjutsu was just an ordinary C-level ninjutsu, and its power was not strong, but it was released through the Nine-Tails Chakra, but it was comparable to the power of B-level ninjutsu.

Nine-tailed is the most powerful of the nine-tailed beasts, and its irritable chakra perfectly fits the characteristics of Huo Dun, which can make Huo Dun more lethal and more amazing!

After a little experimentation, Yeyue already knew the degree of control she currently has over Chakra. The highest level of Ninjutsu that can be used is A, but not S-rank, which requires a strong control force to do it.

But a short period of time is enough. After all, the decisive role in actual combat is not the level of ninjutsu, but the timing of releasing ninjutsu!As long as the opportunity is seized, even C-rank ninjutsu can cause great damage to shadow-rank powerhouses. On the contrary, even S-rank ninjutsu is useless if it is empty.

What's more, even if it can only release A and ninjutsu at the highest, the power released by the nine-tailed chakra is comparable to the S-rank.

"Then, it's time to practice the speed of the knot! There is no problem with the flexibility of the fingers, as long as the knot is turned into a body memory is enough."

Yes, for Yeyue, it is not difficult to achieve an extremely fast seal speed. With his physique, as long as he exercises a little, twenty seals in one second are no problem.

So, Yeyue stood on the undulating lake and practiced the seal, and from time to time, she also bought some ninjutsu exercises through the system. Of course, Yeyue was most interested in creating some ninjutsu by herself, which is the most interesting. isn't it?

Now that you have come to this world, of course you have to leave some marks of yourself, otherwise you will use all the ninjutsu developed by others, doesn't it seem very useless?What is there to say?The most suitable for you is the most powerful!Only the ninjutsu created by yourself is the most suitable for you!

In the lake, Yeyue was immersed in the practice. By the lake, Bai, Tsunade and Mute three women watched silently. Everyone's eyes flashed with different lights. Bai was full of love and tender affection. Tsunade is a complex color with both shame and anger, but Mute is pure curiosity and admiration, because Yeyue is the first man she has seen in so many years who can make Tsunade deflate.

The tacit understanding seems to have been cultivated inadvertently. I don't know why, from this day on, the four of them have lived by the lake with peace of mind, enjoying the quiet life of a paradise-like paradise, and no one has proposed to leave.

Yeyue, of course, to wait for the sequelae to fully recover before leaving, otherwise only will he know what troubles will be caused, and Bai naturally has to accompany Yeyue.

But Tsunade was very strange, she actually gave up her favorite gambling, and sat quietly by the lake every day watching Yeyue practice, arguing a few words with Yeyue from time to time, and hid back to the wooden house angrily when she blushed. Here, he began to silently study medical ninjutsu again.

Obviously there is no reason to stay, and he will quarrel with Yeyue every day, but even if Tsunade is angry, he has never asked to leave. Mute is also puzzled by this. Glancing at him, he didn't dare to talk anymore.

Days passed, and Yeyue seemed to get used to the noisy Tsunade every day, and gradually became familiar with Tsunade and Mute. Although she didn't say it clearly, she already regarded them as friends in her heart.

The effect of Yeyue's practice is very ideal. The speed of printing is only three or two days of practice, and it can reach fifteen per second, and after a week, it reaches twenty-five per second, which once shocked Tsunade and Mute. She kept her mouth shut, but Bai Rourou smiled, as if no matter how amazing Yeyue made, it was a matter of course in her eyes. Nine-tailed Chakra had the refinement of lightning, the suppression of necklaces, and Yeyue herself. The efforts of the three-pronged approach, the speed is particularly amazing, that is huge enough to be worth more than a dozen shadow-level powerhouses, all the chakra weight has been refined by Yeyue, and it will take a long time to completely control it. .

The development and practice of Lei Dun and Huo Dun are also ideal. Many strange or terrifying ninjutsu have been developed, which have made Tsunade and the others look at them time and time again.

On the contrary, the progress of the sequelae was not great. Except for the natural improvement with the passage of time, only Bai Neng could help him gradually recover, and there was no other way.

I thought that such days would last for a long time, but one day after a month, the peaceful days were broken.

Chapter 031 Orochimaru's Transaction (First Update)

The day was as calm as ever, but the slightly moving wind in the air seemed to mean change.

"I said old monster, you are so strong, why are you still hiding and not afraid to go out?"

At the dinner table, the four of them were enjoying themselves and talking happily, but whenever Tsunade's eyes fell on Yeyue, he couldn't help but sneer.

But this sentence is not a complete ridicule, but also contains Tsunade's own curiosity. She doesn't understand that Yeyue is so powerful, but she can stay in one place with peace of mind and slowly practice those basic ninjutsu.

From the perspective of an old monster, what Yeyue should do at this time is to dominate the Ninja Village, or rule the country, right?This is the plot of an old monster!

Why is this guy in front of her able to quarrel with herself shamelessly, practicing basic ninjutsu that doesn't improve his strength?

He's obviously an old monster, but after spending a month together, he's just a [-]-year-old young man!Must be deceived by his appearance!It must be so!Tsunade secretly convinced himself.

"It's almost there. When the impact of the sequelae is not so obvious, I will continue to walk around and take a look."

Ye Yue took a good time to swallow the food in her mouth, and then rolled her eyes and said.

He had already figured out how to communicate with Tsunade. As long as he said what she meant, there would be no problem. Once it was disobedient or not in line with her mind, it would be followed by endless sarcasm.

"Really? I can't see how kind-hearted you are, an old monster? You are willing to hide because you don't want to cause trouble everywhere under the influence of sequelae? Tsk tsk tsk~~"

After having known each other for so long, Tsunade naturally understood the hidden meaning of Yeyue's words, and she also witnessed the appearance of Yeyue's sequelae after the outbreak, or murder or desire | , If no one stops it, the entire town will probably be slaughtered.

Tsunade mocked Yeyue with a look of disbelief, and threw the gnawed chicken bones into the pile of bones in front of Yeyue, pretending that they were eaten by Yeyue. Who is she trying to deceive?

Ye Yue's mouth twitched and she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't answer, and slowly enjoyed the white stew.

He could figure out Tsunade's temperament, she likes to see her helpless look, so when she is mocking, it is best not to fight back, otherwise it will only make her offensive more violent.

"Hehe, Lord Yeyue is really pitiful."

Tsunade is often ridiculed and speechless, so that even Mute dares to tease Yeyue a little, but only Shiro, as quiet as always, with a watery smile on his face, silently helping Yeyue clip Food and rice, like a little wife.

The four people in the wooden house got along fairly well, but suddenly, Tsunade and Yeyue became quiet, quietly put down their rice bowls, got up and walked outside the house.



Seeing the uninvited guests outside the wooden house, Yeyue and Tsunade shouted in unison. The difference is that Yeyue's tone was not good, but Tsunade was surprised. She hadn't seen this old friend for many years.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your lunch, but this time, I have something very important to ask for your help, I hope Yeyue-kun doesn't mind."

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