Ye Yue is embarrassed now, even a little flustered.

Originally, I just accidentally bumped into Tsunade, who was hiding in the woods and crying secretly. I wanted to stimulate her emotions a little so that she would not be overly immersed in sadness. Who knew that the stimulation was too much, but it caused a flood, and she cried bitterly. Tsunade ignored Ye Yue's clothes as a rag, and his tears and snot were all rubbed up.

After rubbing it, it is not enough. She also took the opportunity to wipe Yeyue's oil, and she refused to move in his arms. This made Yeyue feel at ease. This old witch, wouldn't it be intentional?It's over, she succeeded again!It seems that this is the third time she has been rubbed off!

Yeyue swears that he has absolutely no interest in Tsunade, sure, sure, sure!

But when Tsunade was crying and lying in his arms, how could he suddenly not have the courage to push her away?He also comforted himself inexplicably, saying that it was only pity for her to let her rely on, and it turned into such an embarrassing situation now.

"Yeyue, are you interested in listening to me nagging about the past?"

Tsunade suddenly broke the quiet air and said with a thick nasal voice, and it was rare that he did not call the old monster Yeyue again.


Yeyue felt that there was something wrong with the development of the plot, and just when she didn't know whether to reject or accept it, she found that Tsunade didn't mean to ask his opinion at all, so she started talking on her own.

Starting from Tsunade's childhood, her grandfather, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, then her teacher, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hizan, as well as her teammates Jiraiya and Orochimaru, talked about how outstanding her talent was and how she showed her skills on the battlefield. , and created the illustrious name of one of the Konoha Sannin.

I have to say, Tsunade is really great!As a woman, in a fiercely competitive and cruel environment, she can even break out the title of the first female ninja. As a medical ninja, she has treated countless wounded and also possesses powerful strength. As a woman, she has achieved countless What no man can do!

Tsunade also talked about her brother Senju Roshu. She loved her brother very much, but unfortunately he died on the second day of her brother's twelfth birthday.

The battered Tsunade was determined to establish a medical ninja unit in Konoha, but was opposed by the three generations at that time, many colleagues disapproved, only one man supported her idea, Kato Dan.

Because Duan unreservedly supported her ideas, because Duan lost her young relatives like her, and because Duan also had the same lofty ideals as her younger brother, when he became Hokage, the war would subside, so she gave the necklace to Duan. , confirmed the relationship of love.

However, within a few days, Duan also died in the mission. She watched Duan's life pass by little by little. She tried her best to use medical techniques, but she could not save it. It was because of that time. She suffers from hyperphobia.

A medical ninja, but suffering from hyperphobia, a sister, but lost his brother, a woman, but lost his boyfriend. Under the triple blow, Tsunade chose to escape, escaped from the village, and was obsessed with gambling all day long. middle.

Tsunade's story is very long. After talking for a whole night, Tsunade's story is also very short. To sum up, Tsunade, who originally had all the best things, lost everything one after another.

To be honest, after listening to Tsunade's story, Yeyue didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart. He didn't sympathize with Tsunade. You had everything, it was your luck, and you lost everything, it was because you didn't protect it well. Who to blame.

Of course, Yeyue actually despised that Kato Duan. Tsunade's younger brother Roshu was fine. After all, he was young and acted impulsive. If he accidentally died in the mission, he could only say that he was unlucky, but Kato Duan was not. the same.

As a man, his mind has matured, and his actions should naturally be prudent. When he shoulders his ideals and also bears his lover's dream, he can still die in an accident. This is a matter of character and strength!

If your character is not cautious enough, you will get yourself into a crisis. If your strength is not strong enough, you will be unable to resist in the event of a crisis, and ultimately leave the tragedy to the living.

On the contrary, like Yeyue herself, when her strength is not enough, she will lurk cautiously and patiently, and continue to strengthen her strength. After having a beloved woman, she will act more cautiously, and will not go without absolute certainty. Take risks, let alone put your woman in crisis.

Just like coming to Ninja Continent this time, due to the existence of sequelae, Yeyue's strength is unstable, and his emotions are more difficult to control, and it is easy to cause unknown troubles. Because he does not want Bai to be implicated, he can endure seclusion in the mountains and forests. boring life.

Yeyue doesn't want to go out and see the outside world?Does Yeyue have no goals and plans of her own?Of course there is!It's just that he doesn't want to let Bai fall into crisis, so he would rather be patient and wait until he has the ability to protect Bai.

Although he despised Kato Dan in his heart, he was Tsunade's ex-boyfriend after all.

It wasn't until dawn, when the first ray of sunlight passed through the leaves, that it fell around the two of them. Yeyue then looked down at Tsunade. The woman fell asleep while she was talking, and she was as quiet as a kitten when she was sleeping.

Looking up at the sky, Yeyue's black eyes narrowed slightly. He had a hunch that the arrival of Orochimaru and Jiraiya seemed to mean that his peaceful days were about to come to an end. I'm afraid he will have to leave here soon. .

"Fortunately, now that the nine-tailed chakra is almost mastered, the impact of the sequelae is also within the controllable range. As long as you are careful, there will be no major problems."

Yeyue murmured in a low voice, and after carefully reviewing her current situation, she finally confirmed that there was nothing missing.


Tsunade in his arms seemed to hear Yeyue's voice, and opened his bright eyes in confusion, but what caught his eye was the disgusting face with a playful smile.

boom! 

Without any thought, the strange force fist subconsciously slammed into Yeyue's stomach. Yeyue's face froze before she could react, and her body was blasted away like a meteor, leaving a messy and broken trail.

"Bastard! He actually took advantage of me again!"

Tsunade stood up calmly, clenched his fists, and cursed viciously, but with a mysterious smile on his face, he peeked at the direction Yeyue was blown away, Tsunade's neck shrank slightly, and immediately used the instant Body art disappeared.

Apparently, she also realized that her reaction was a bit extreme, and she hurried away before Ye Yue could react.

"Ahhh! Damn old woman!"

Ye Yue's scolding sounded from behind, Tsunade laughed even more happily.

(The seventh update~~~ Please support and subscribe! 

Chapter 038 Orochimaru's Killing Intent (Eighth)

Time always flies by inadvertently, and it is impossible to grasp it.

Jiraiya and Naruto are shamelessly relying on Yeyue. Naruto practiced the Spiral Pill with all his strength every day until he was exhausted. It can be seen that although this kid has a bad brain, his character is very tough and persevering. .

Jiraiya drinks wine every day, occasionally teasing mute, and sometimes drinking with Tsunade, but only to Yeyue, obviously because of the conversation that night, Jiraiya also has feelings for Yeyue A bad impression, in his opinion, it was obviously Yeyue who deceived Tsunade's feelings!

Yeyue seized the time to strengthen her control of the nine-tailed chakra, but temporarily put aside the practice of ninjutsu, and occasionally guided Bai's practice, which could inspire Bai's development of her ice escape, and the guidance of taijutsu was never fall.

No matter which world she is in, Yeyue believes that the body is the most fundamental thing, so she must not slack off in her physical training, and even transmit her own life energy to Bai to strengthen her physique.

From the beginning to the present, in only two months or so, Bai's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and the Chunin has unimpeded breakthrough to the Shangnin.

Life energy is the foundation of the human body. With Yeyue's support, Bai's physique has not only been greatly enhanced, but he can even refine more and faster with Chakra. Coupled with the development of Bing Dun, his strength is like Ride like a rocket.

Because he is also familiar with Tsunade and Mute, the careful Bai also asked Tsunade for medical skills. He has water attribute chakra, and learning medical skills is twice the result with half the effort. In addition, Bai seems to be very talented in this area. Tsunade even asserted that , as long as Bai maintains this diligence and diligence, it will take a few years to catch up with her.

Tsunade has changed the most. In just a few days, it seems like a different person. The time to quarrel with Yeyue is less and less. Although Yeyue is still called an old monster, it is obviously not so tit-for-tat. .

Tsunade, who was noisy before, became much quieter. She often sat by the lake and meditated. She didn't know what she was thinking, but occasionally she could see a flash of sadness on her face, and occasionally she would suddenly laugh out loud. , Jirai, who has been following Tsunade, once thought she was crazy.

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