But the ghoul's hearing is extremely good, even Guibing and Hongluan can easily capture Dong Xiang's voice, not to mention Yeyue?

It's just that Yeyue is really not interested in arguing with Dong Xiang's weak scum, so she continues to ignore it. Instead, Guibing defends a little indignantly, "Little Dongxiang, Yeyue boss never drinks such boring things, neither can Filling the stomach without nourishment is useless!"

"嘁~ A guy who doesn't know how to appreciate!"

Dong Xiang pouted, and unabashedly despised one sentence, not knowing whether he was talking about Yeyue or Guibing, or both of them?

"Ahaha~~ Dong Xiang, since my aunt has finally found you, then Dong Xiang can go with her. With my aunt protecting you, no one will want to bully you, okay?"

Seeing that the scene became embarrassing again, Hong Luan had to stand up again to smooth things out, staring at Dong Xiang and asking expectantly.

"Ah? Is my aunt taking me away? But... But, I live very well here. There are shop managers who take care of me, and they even send me to a human school to make human friends. I, I think It's a good life, I..."

Dong Xiang was obviously a little surprised, and she was at a loss to explain her current living situation, but what she said had a great impact on Hong Luan!

"What?! You went to a human school? You made human friends? Dong Xiang, are you crazy!"

Hong Luan could no longer hide his surprise, and even raised his voice a few degrees unconsciously. Even the guests at the next table looked over curiously. Fortunately, they didn't fully hear what Hong Luan said, otherwise they might have discovered something. Bar.

And there is a reason why Hongluan is so surprised!

Since the birth of this species, ghouls have been feeding on humans, and nature and humans are hostile to each other. Meeting them is life and death!

When he first arrived in District [-], Hongluan could still understand that the ghouls were hiding in the crowd and would hunt for food when needed, but from what Dong Xiang said, we learned that these ghouls in District [-] Even if you don't eat living people, you still want to live in peace with human beings?

Omg!Dong Xiang's words have simply subverted Hongluan's world view. Ghouls live in peace with humans, only eat dead human flesh, and even go to human schools to make friends with humans!Does this really exist?

It's as incredible as having a cat and a mouse living together and making them good friends, unbelievable!

Not only Hongluan, but Guibing's face was full of shock. Even Yeyue, who had been quiet all the time, couldn't help but look at Dong Xiang with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

For Yeyue and the ghouls who have been living in chaotic areas, the remarks of coexisting peacefully with humans are simply subversive, and the impact on them is unimaginable!

"Yes, what's wrong? Maybe it's hard for you to accept it for a while, but our store manager has established a stable area with this concept in mind, sheltering weak ghouls, allowing us to live in the crowd, and at the same time avoid To be hunted down by Bai Jiu, I think this is a good idea!"

"Baga! Even though he is a wolf, he wants to get rid of the habit of eating sheep, and he also tries to live in a flock of sheep. This is extremely stupid!"

The cold voice resounded, and Dong Xiang could clearly feel the undisguised contempt in Yeyue's words.

"Bastard! Don't insult our store manager! Even if you don't understand, you can't insult his idea! Do you know how hard the store manager worked for his idea?"

Dong Xiang looked a little excited, stood up with a snap and shouted at Yeyue, and the pedestrians on the side of the road looked at Dong Xiang, not understanding why this little girl lost her temper.

"Dong Xiang! Don't be so excited! Yeyue is right, after all, our identities are different, how can we live peacefully with them? A wolf is a wolf, even in sheep's clothing, it can't change this fact! When the sheep discover your identity, you will usher in the disaster of destruction!"

Hongluan pulled Dong Xiang to sit down again, her tone was gentle but dissuasive.

From Hongluan's point of view, Fangcun Gongshan's approach is simply not desirable. Maybe they seem to be living well now, but this is all based on the premise that they have not been discovered!

Once humans discover the fact that they are ghouls, they will definitely be greeted by CCG's massive attack and merciless slaughter!

No human being will allow ghouls who can kill themselves at any time to live around them, this is the truth, a cruel and unchangeable reality!

"Auntie, you!"

Dong Xiang stared at Hong Luan with wide eyes, but her voice stuck in her throat. She didn't know how to refute Hong Luan's words. After all, what Hong Luan said was true, no matter how much she supported Fangcun's actions.

"Humans, ghouls, are born hostile, and no one can change it!"

Ye Yue's voice was indifferent, but with an unquestionable tone, because his words were the rules of this world!All existences that violate this rule will be obliterated by the will of the world!


Yeyue stood up, turned and left without looking at Dong Xiang, who was sluggish.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Hongluan asked worriedly.

"I'm hungry~"

Yeyue's voice came from a distance, but it made it clear what he meant.The devil is going to hunt.

"Hey boss, wait for me! I'll go too!"

The voice of the ghost ice sounded immediately, and then disappeared in the breeze~

(The second chapter is here! Please collect it~~~ Thank you for your support!)…

Chapter [-] West End Brocade (for collection)



In the deep alley, a black shadow flashed, blood splashed, and a corpse fell to the ground, instantly dead.

"Boss Yeyue, your speed is still so perverted!"

On the side, Gui Bing dragged a corpse slowly, and admired the figure lying at Yeyue's feet.

Ye Yue ignored Gui Bing, and squatted down to bite on his own. The delicious taste of human flesh made his appetite extraordinarily good!

In the two years since he left District [-], he basically fed on ghouls and rarely encountered humans, so after arriving in District [-], Yeyue would of course choose to taste the long-lost human flesh first!

"Haha, human beings are really our real food! This seductive breath makes me so fascinated!"

Gui Bing has long been accustomed to ignoring Ye Yue, and with a smile, he tore off one arm of the corpse in his hand and tasted it carefully, his face full of intoxication.

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