In Hokage's office, Tsunade was burying his head in the mountain of documents. He didn't even have time to say hello when Yeyue called. Yeyue didn't mind. He was used to it anyway. Waiting while eating fruit.

"Humph! You old monster, your relationship with Hong is getting closer and closer recently! Can't you do something serious?"

After a long time, Yeyue was already drowsy, Tsunade finally raised his head, stared at Yeyue angrily and said angrily, strangely, why is there a sour taste in his tone?Maybe it's just an illusion.

"Uh, even if you are Hokage-sama, you can't interfere with my normal interactions with Hong, right? Besides, I diligently guide the eighth class's practice every day, why don't I do the right thing?"

Yeyue heard the words and couldn't help being wronged. Isn't it serious to fall in love with her girlfriend?The matter of inheriting the lineage is very serious, okay?What's more, he hasn't delayed the task of guiding the three of Hinata's cultivation. What kind of madness is this old woman?

"Hey, I'm too lazy to care about you! Since you are so free, I have a very important task for you to do next!"

Tsunade was speechless by Yeyue's rebuttal, because she herself didn't know why she was angry because Yeyue and Hong were dating, so she could only pouted and changed the topic unnaturally.

"Oh? What mission?"

When it comes to tasks, Yeyue is also interested. Konoha has been here for a while, but she has nothing to do every day, and she doesn't need him to guide the eighth class. The last time Xiao organized the invasion was just a soy sauce. The only reward is to get a girlfriend.

In this regard, Yeyue said that he was indeed a little panicky. He was always belligerent, and he seemed to be rusting. Now when he heard the task, Yeyue's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sasuke Uchiha, defected, it was Orochimaru! Although it was only Orochimaru's subordinates who did it, the strength is not strong. I plan to let those children exercise, but in order to avoid accidents, I hope you can follow in secret."

Tsunade sighed, and her face was straight to the point of business. When she mentioned Orochimaru, her face became a bit complicated, maybe she remembered the past memories, or maybe she remembered the days by the lake with Yeyue.

"Defection? It's just a slap in the face, and it's easy to get it back, right? It's really not good, can't it be solved on the spot? As for so much trouble?"

Yeyue expressed doubts about this.

"It's not as simple as you think! Sasuke has defected, and it is necessary to send someone to chase! But now there are not enough people, so we can only let Naruto and the others go, but the other party is Orochimaru's subordinate after all, and it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen. The problem, just when you are free, you need to follow up and protect them in times of crisis!"

Tsunade is not as easy as Yeyue, there are not many free ninjas in the village, and Sasuke is not good enough to send Jinnin to chase and kill with a lot of fanfare, but if you only send Naruto and the others, it is not safe. Let Yeyue be a nanny again.

Who made Yeyue have a close relationship with Yuri Hong recently, and even the fifth generation of her head in the office heard the wind?I just took the opportunity to put Yeyue on a pair of shoes to prevent him from getting too complacent.

"Okay, okay, then I'll go for a walk. It happens that the eighth class has been training for a while. It's good to check the results."

Yeyue shrugged helplessly and had to agree.

Soon, after receiving Tsunade's order, the eighth class quickly came to the gate of the village to gather. Of course, as Sasuke's good friend, Naruto was the first to arrive, and he couldn't wait to urge how to return. no action.

"Okay, everyone is ready, let's go! Remember, this time the task is led by Bai, if you encounter an irresistible strong enemy, the main thing is to save your life, and you must obey Bai's command at all times! Good! Now, let's go!"

When Naruto was so anxious that he was about to become impatient, Bai finally came with the three of Hinata, Yeyue quickly explained and let them out of the village.

This time, the main task is to let Bai lead the team, and the three people from the eighth class plus Naruto will perform it. Sakura was excluded because of his low strength.

As for Yeyue herself, she said she was a secret nanny. Of course, she couldn't show up openly. Otherwise, Yeyue alone would be able to kill him. What's the matter with Naruto?

"This guy, Orochimaru, is really a cockroach that can't be killed! Why does he dare to show up at this time? Sasuke Uchiha?"

Seeing the figures of several people leaving quickly, Yeyue stood there and thought silently for a while, before she quietly put on the long-lost ghost mask, and disappeared with a whimper.

(Second more~~)

Chapter 063 The Four People of Sound Forbearance (First Update)


In the dark forest, several black shadows galloped like ghosts, walking lightly, leaving almost no traces where they passed, only the faint sound of wind and swaying leaves witnessed their arrival and departure.

After a long time, after seeing the figure waiting in the middle of the road, the shadows finally gave orders.

"Master Junma Lu, the mission has been successfully completed!"

Although the person in the lead was a little reluctant, he still had to speak respectfully.

"Master Orochimaru's order, Sasuke Uchiha will not let him fail, I will take him back first, and you stay to resist the pursuers."

Jun Malu's bright white hair is scattered at will, and his body is not tall, but it obviously contains a strong strength, somewhat similar to Yeyue, he doesn't look strong on the outside, but his speed and strength are far superior to ordinary ninjas.

What's more, although this Junma Lu looks indifferent, he is not very old, just like Bai, but his strength is extremely terrifying, and he is also a genius ninja!

"Don't worry, Konoha's waste will never hinder Orochimaru-sama's plan!"

The leading ninja Zuo Jin pouted in disdain.

A ray of moonlight shone through the forest leaves, illuminating the figures of several people. When they went out, Junmalu and four ninjas seemed to be slightly younger than Junmalu, but everyone exuded a good momentum. Obviously the strength is very strong, the note mark on the ninja's forehead indicates the identity of several people, Yin Ren.

The four people of Yin Ren are Orochimaru's extremely effective subordinates, and they are deeply trusted by Orochimaru. They are all extremely talented ninjas. They are young, but their strength is extraordinary.

After Junmalu took Sasuke who was in the coffin away, the group of four stayed where they were and waited for the arrival of the pursuers. Seeing their disdainful expressions, they obviously did not pay attention to the Konoha Ninja. inside.

Chasing down Sasuke's mission to make the eighth class full of motivation!After training for so long, the devil finally has a vacation!A handful of bitter tears!

For the current eighth class, the task is not important at all. The important thing is that they can finally stop training temporarily. It can be seen how much shadow Yeyue's special search has left in the hearts of the three of them.

Tracking is the housekeeping skill of the eighth class. With them there, even if the four of them have been careful not to leave any traces, it is meaningless!

"Wang Wang~~"

Akamaru sniffed the smell in the air and barked cheerfully twice, and Inuzuka Ya immediately followed Akamaru's instructions at full speed. How terrible is the dog's nose?With Akamaru here, the four of them don't even want to get rid of them!

At the same time, Shino, who had been silent all the way, also quietly released one bug after another, and disappeared under the cover of the night.

These bugs may not have the excellent tracking ability of Akamaru, but they are equivalent to Shino's eyes. They can help him see places beyond his line of sight. It can be said that they are very good scouts.

Hinata's white eyes can't detect from a long distance, but she can see any hidden enemies and traps, but it's not yet time for her to take action.

On the other hand, Naruto could only follow behind him stupidly. There was nothing he could do except to be anxious. For him, it was too complicated to track things down, and his IQ was not enough.

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