"Could it be Brother White Bones?"

Yakumo immediately remembered yesterday's Junma Lu, and he also covered his entire body in black robes, so he felt relieved and walked in front of that person.

"Yayun, Lord Yeyue was called away by Wudaimu, he asked me to pick you up, come with me."

The voice under the mask was a little stiff, with a hint of gloom. Yakumo didn't sound like Big Brother Baigu's voice, but since the other party had explained the situation, she didn't doubt anything. After all, this is Konoha, and she doesn't. There will be bad guys to worry about.

It's a pity that she doesn't know that even the seemingly peaceful and safe Konoha has a dark side inside!

Yakumo followed Anbu unprepared. It didn't take long for Yeyue's shadow clone to come here in a hurry. He quickly glanced around, but found no trace of Yakumo. His heart sank, and it seemed that the situation had gotten worse. .

"Hello, is it Lord Yeyue? Someone asked me to give you this letter."

Not far away, a child hurriedly came, pulled Yeyue's sleeve and asked, and handed the envelope in his hand to Yeyue.

"The saddle horse Yakumo is in my hands. If you don't want her to die, just come to the back mountain alone!"

The words on the letter are very simple and direct, without a signature, just a vague location. There is no doubt that this is a conspiracy against Yeyue!

"Humph! Want to deal with me? Whoever you are, get ready to go to hell!"

Ye Yue crushed the letter paper and snorted in a low voice, her eyes lit up with a scarlet light.

With a bang, the shadow clone was released, and returned to the main body with memory and Chakra. He was standing up with the red and sweet Yeyue main body, and his face became extremely cold.

"Yeyue, what's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing Ye Yue's face, Hong asked nervously.

"Yakumo was arrested, it's against me!" Without hiding from Hong, Yeyue explained the situation in a cold voice.

"What? Yakumo was caught? Yeyue, don't take risks, it's a conspiracy! Let's ask Tsunade-sama for help!"

Hong Wenyan's complexion also changed suddenly, but she also knew that since the other party was already prepared, it would only be more dangerous if Yeyue went to save people, so she immediately put forward her own suggestion.

"No need, Tsunade is too busy to take care of himself, where else can someone help me? It doesn't matter, I can solve it, don't worry!"

Yeyue shook her head, he knew Tsunade's current situation, it could be said that he was beleaguered from all sides, those elders were only concerned with competing for power and interests, and Tsunade himself was devastated.

Of course, as long as Yeyue is willing to mention it, Tsunade will definitely not refuse, but obviously, Yeyue doesn't want to cause trouble to Tsunade, and he intends to solve this problem by himself!

A mere conspiracy that is not on the table, can it be able to deal with Yeyue?The other party must have underestimated him too!

Chapter 079 Fire Altar (fourth more)

In the evening, the fiery red sun slowly set, gradually disappearing into the distant skyline, the sky and the earth gradually became dark, and even the few remaining clouds in the sky turned gray.

Yeyue walked slowly in the woods, following the path that was almost buried by weeds.

This is the back mountain of Konoha, which is desolate and uninhabited, and almost no one will come here, but when Yeyue came here according to the instructions in the letter, she immediately found this path that had been manipulated.

Ye Yue's face was cold, and she walked slowly. The increasingly dim environment had no effect on him. Finally, after walking for nearly half an hour, the road ahead suddenly became clear. It was a small valley.

The valley finally built an altar-like high platform, which was engraved with strange rune marks. I don't know why, as soon as I came here, Yeyue felt that the Chakra, who had been settled in her body for a long time, became restless again, as if she was worried about this place. Disgusted, or... fearful?

"Mr. Yeyue, you are finally here! Woohoo, save me!"

A pillar was erected in the center of the altar, and Yakumo was tied to it. As soon as he saw Yeyue's figure, Yakumo immediately pleaded pitifully, and tears flooded.

"Is it too embarrassing to show this kind of inferior means?"

Yeyue looked at Yakumo who asked for help with contempt, and sneered unabashedly.

A mere transformation, like tricking his eyes?Do you consider him mentally retarded?

"Jun Yeyue is really smart! It's smarter than I imagined! But what makes me curious is that, as a tailed beast, you have become a humanoid, do you also have the wisdom of a human being? How did you do it? ?"

The little trick was revealed, and the fake Yakumo was not ashamed. With a bang, the transformation technique was lifted and turned into a middle-aged man with long black hair. He untied the rope on his own, and his curious eyes never left. Overnight month.

"Sure enough, it's a stupid human! The tailed beast is not a beast. As a me who has lived since ancient times, do you think that I will be as brainless as you?"

Yeyue said with contempt and contempt, since she was mixed up with the identity of the nine tails, of course it was a mess to the end, and Yeyue herself almost believed it.

"Okay, so clever Kyuubi-kun, you must remember this place, right? Now you are faced with two choices. First, take the initiative to accept the seal. That lovely girl Yun has to die. As a smart person, I believe you will make the right choice, right?"

The man spoke confidently, as if he had taken control of the overall situation, and even used Yeyue's words to ridicule him, as if he was saying, look, no matter how smart you are, you are not being played by me. ?

"Where did you get your confidence? Do you think that I am willing to exchange my life for Yakumo's life?"

Yeyue was a little stunned. He felt that this guy seemed to have a kind of self-confidence, as if he believed that Yeyue would follow the script he wrote.

But as long as a normal person knows, how stupid is it to trade one's own life for a life that is controlled by the enemy?The brain is a good thing, but this guy doesn't seem to have it, but he pretends to have it, and is very obsessed.

"Humph! The tailed beast won't die. You can get your disciple Yakumo's life back by paying the price of being sealed. What a simple choice? What are you still hesitating about?"

Nara Shikaji, the man in front of him who likes to talk to himself, has already decided that Yeyue will not resist, and made the best choice for Yeyue on his own.

As a member of the Nara family, the IQ is much higher than that of ordinary people, which is one of the reasons why Danzo recruited him as his subordinate at the beginning. The curse seal, so that they can't mention anything about Danzo.

The curse mark is harmful to the body, and this is what Lu Zhi grieved. His IQ was greatly affected because of this. He is still very smart, but sometimes he will inexplicably fall into the honey juice and self-confidence, unable to extricate himself, just like This is now.

"is it?"

Yeyue shrugged noncommittally, as if she had compromised, and stepped onto the altar. In an instant, flames lit up on the pillars around the altar. Luzhi injected chakra into the altar, starting the long-silent fire. altar.

"Very good, that's it! Be obediently sealed!"

Lu Jiu watched Yeyue enter the altar, and suddenly cried out in ecstasy, and quickly formed a strange seal in his hand, not knowing what kind of ninjutsu he was using.

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