"what do you want to say in the end?"

Noticing Terumi Mei's tangled face, Yeyue asked in surprise, this is not like her character!She has always been strong and active, and she has never appeared like this in front of him.

Terumi Mei's face was full of hesitation, her eyes were resolute and shrinking, very contradictory. After hesitating for a long time, Yeyue was surprised, and threw him to the ground.


Yeyue didn't have time to say anything, and was blocked by Terumi Mei, her soft body was pressed all over her body, and she showed that amazing elasticity with impunity. Yeyue was stunned and her head banged. The sound went blank.

Terumi Mei bit Yeyue's lips awkwardly, without any skill at all, but still boldly inserted her tongue | head into Yeyue's mouth, stirring aimlessly.

This is Terumi Mei's decision. Now that she knows that Yeyue doesn't have no feelings for her, and also knows Yeyue's current predicament, she decides to take the initiative!

Anyway, after taking the initiative to pursue it for half a year, it is not too short of a step, so what about shame?How about being looked down upon?She doesn't care anymore!As long as I can get this man, that's enough!

At this moment, Terumi Mei's stubbornness and perseverance were vividly displayed. She threw aside all the restraint and dignity of women, and released her full of love to comfort Yeyue's troubled heart.

After a long time, Ye Yue's rigid body finally relaxed, and the messy thoughts were ignored, because he couldn't stand the clumsiness of this woman, and he launched a counterattack without hesitation, two tongues|heads between lips and teeth. Intertwined and sucked|allowed, a pair of palms also began to slowly feel|struggling on that soft|tender and plump body.


Terumi Mei put her hands on Yeyue's chest, sat up forcefully, gasped for breath, and held on for three minutes. She was almost suffocated, and finally pushed Yeyue away reluctantly.

But Terumi Mei retreated, Yeyue didn't mean to let her go, and sat up at the same time, letting Terumi Mei sit in her arms, their bodies pressed tightly together, Yeyue's lips fell on Terumi On Ming's forehead, then to the eyes, cheeks, ears, neck, all the way down, until the deep groove below the collarbone, and finally stopped.

After stroking Terumi Mei's smooth back, her hands fell on the huge buttocks, kneading and pinching from time to time, causing Terumi Mei's breathing to speed up and her heartbeat to peak.

The rain was a little heavier, and the fine raindrops passed through the blockade of the leaves and fell on the two of them. The soaked clothes had long been unable to stop Terumi Mei's body. Imagination attracts.

The invisible flame ignited in the hearts of the two of them, and then it burned brightly, not to mention it was just a drizzle, even if the flood could not extinguish it!


Terumi Mei suddenly trembled, and her body fell softly into Yeyue's arms, as if she had lost all strength. This seemed to be a signal. Yeyue no longer hesitated, and hugged Terumi Mei with a swoosh. It disappeared into the woods, leaving only a shallow puddle that proved that the two had appeared.

"Don't you regret it?"

When they appeared again, the two had already returned to the room. The clothes that had been soiled by the rain and mud had long been thrown aside, and Terumi Mei was thrown on the bed. Yeyue asked in a low voice with the last trace of clarity.

Terumi Mei did not speak, but responded with actual actions. She directly stretched her two white lotus-like arms around Yeyue's neck, pulled Yeyue over with a little force, and fell on her body. The close contact of the flesh immediately detonated the flames in the hearts of the two of them.

"Ah! Pain~~"

After the uncontrollable cries of pain passed, the air in the room was briefly quiet for a while, and then there was a low-pitched and euphemistic sound, the volume gradually increased, and finally lost control, turning into unbridled excitement, which made people think infinitely.

I don't know how long it lasted, the light rain in the sky gradually subsided, and the dark clouds quietly dissipated. The sunlight penetrated the thick fog and sprinkled on the cleaned woods, reflecting colorful rays of light.

The battle in the room also stopped. After experiencing unimaginable fierce battles, Terumi Mei's face was full of exhaustion that could not be concealed, but more of it was joy and love. separate.

She finally got what she wanted, and cherished this hard-won embrace. Even if she was so tired that she could barely open her eyes, she still held on to sleep because she was afraid that when she woke up again, she would find out. It's just a dream.

"What a fool."

Ye Yue's palm gently caressed | Touching Terumi Mei's long hair as smooth as a waterfall, she tightly hugged her arm, her eyes full of love.

He found that he was going too far. It seemed that he could always provoke love debts wherever he went. As soon as he arrived, he became white because of the sequelae. again……

Yeyue is really a little speechless about his womanhood. He has no intention to provoke so many women, but he can't refuse. These are all very good women. He is a normal man. If you don't take the initiative to pursue, you can't refuse their love.

"Humph! You are stupid! If I don't take the initiative, how can you be eaten by me obediently?"

At this moment, Terumi Mei laughed like a fox who had only succeeded, snorted arrogantly, and her face was full of love and happiness that she couldn't contain.

After struggling for half a year of love, she finally got what she wanted today. She feels as if she has the whole world!At this moment, even Wuyin Village, which she has always put first, seems to be no longer so important.

If Wuyin Village is her home, then Yeyue is her life!Without a home, one can be rebuilt, but without life, there is nothing, at least for Terumi Mei, that is the case.

Yeyue did not continue, but quietly leaned on Terumi Mei's head and pondered.

To be honest, Yeyue was indeed shocked by Terumi Mei's boldness today!This woman is really brave, he is not as good as her, and at this time he can't help but reflect, even a woman can be so brave for love, so what about himself?What are you still looking forward to?

After thinking about it, it seems that all the women in Yeyue have taken the initiative to express their clear wishes to him, and he has the courage to accept them one by one, just like the world of pirates, if it weren't for Robin, they took the initiative. Entering his room, I'm afraid I don't know how long I have to wait.

So, is Yeyue always used to passive waiting?


Chapter 122 Finally, the idea is mastered (first more)

"So...have I always been a coward?"

Yeyue suddenly became enlightened. He had traveled all the way, and his strength continued to grow stronger. No matter how strong he encountered an enemy, he could kill him. passive.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have actively pursued a girl he liked, and almost always waited for those excellent girls passively. This discovery made Ye Yue's face a little ugly. He couldn't believe that he was so timid. people!

No wonder I always can't accept Tsunade, it's not that I can't accept it at all, it's that I don't dare!Subconsciously, he was still waiting for Tsunade to take the initiative to speak, and he would naturally hug the beauty back.

But Tsunade is very inferior to her age, and she never dared to express her emotions. Yeyue didn't dare to take action until she got a reaction, even if she was slightly drunk when she left Konoha. It was rare to be bold once, but after stealing the kiss, he fled.

"You idiot! As long as you are a little proactive, who else in this world can escape your grasp?"

Seemingly guessing Yeyue's thoughts at the moment, Terumi Mei lazily stretched out her hand to hook Yeyue's neck, rubbed her face on Yeyue's chin, and then slowly said.

Although Terumi Mei is only in love for the first time, she is quite assertive in terms of feelings, and she has a thorough understanding of people's hearts.

Yes, with Yeyue's handsome appearance, powerful strength, and indifference to the enemy, but extremely gentle to her own people, how many women in the world will not be tempted?As long as Yeyue actively pursues, not to mention [-]%, at least there is a [-]% success rate, right?

"Yeah, I seem to be really...too cowardly."

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