"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Yeyue picked up Terumi Mei's body and rushed back to the room at the fastest speed.

Terumi Mei is too smart, she fully understands how to take advantage of her body, Yeyue can't refuse every initiative, maybe it's because of the imminent parting, both of them are extremely crazy. Want to flutter, but always stubbornly ask for it again.

Yeyue also indulged herself once, and responded to Terumi Mei's demands one by one. The frantic campaign lasted from morning to afternoon. Terumi Mei almost collapsed, her body seemed to have had her bones removed, and she was paralyzed under the covers. He fell into a deep sleep.

After helping Terumi Mei cover the quilt, Yeyue walked away quietly with some fluttering steps, without looking back, because he knew that there must be a pair of moving eyes looking at him reluctantly.

Called Shangbai and Junmalu, the three of them quietly left the peaceful Wuyin Village facing the setting sun and headed towards the land.

It has been nearly two years since I left Konoha. Yeyue’s footsteps have traveled all over the four major countries, but the country of thunder has not yet been there. Even the country of wind and the country of soil has only passed through the border.

A mere two years is not enough to travel around the world, not to mention Yeyue spends most of the time in Wuyin Village.

The purpose of Yeyue's trip is Yinin Village!He wants to find Orochimaru and exchange research on the forbidden technique of the soul.

Since the idea was mastered, Yeyue's research on forbidden techniques has also progressed rapidly. At present, she has been able to strip the soul of the human body. She has also experimented with animals to exchange the soul with the body. She has also developed several forbidden techniques that can directly attack the soul. technique.

Although he had a holiday with Orochimaru, Yeyue said that it was nothing. As long as Orochimaru knew the situation, he would not bother to care about it. After all, Orochimaru has been studying forbidden techniques for decades, and the research results must be more than Yeyue. But Yeyue is also confident, and her research results are enough to arouse Orochimaru's interest.

The location of Yinin Village is not a secret, but it is clear that there are three caves for Jiutu, not to mention Orochimaru?His secret base is definitely not there, but the only way to find Orochimaru is to let him come to him.

It was much faster to come back than to go. I set foot on the mainland in three or two days, and went to the land of the land along the border of the land of the land. Coincidentally, the location of Yinnin Village happened to be near the land of the land. Yue has a good relationship with this country. The first time she found the Xiao organization there, and the second time she looked for Yinin Village.

Although he stayed in Wuyin Village most of the time, Yeyue's connection with the outside world has not been broken. Yue only knew that Xiao's organization's action had officially begun.

The tailed beast capture plan, their first target seems to be the five generations of Kazekage in Sand Ninja Village, Gaara.

(Second more~~)

Chapter 124 The transaction with Orochimaru (third more)

Knowing that the organization has already started operations and returning to the same path, Yeyue did not travel as slowly as before, but accelerated her speed and rushed to Yinin Village.

At the speed of Yeyue and the three of them, although they did not hurry with all their strength, twenty days later, they had already entered the country of Tian and headed towards Yinnin Village.

It's not so much a village of sound and ninja, but an organization, a small group organization composed of escape ninjas and rebel ninjas.

Orochimaru itself is a rebellious forbearance, and if he wants to establish a forbearance village openly and aboveboard, let alone Konoha will not agree, and the other four big forbearance villages will not let it go, so Yinnin Village is essentially just a shadowy escape organization. That's it.

What's more, in addition to Orochimaru, there are not many strong players in Yinin Village. There was a Junma Lu before. Now, it is estimated that only the pharmacist's pocket is left, and the rest are just a few miscellaneous soldiers. .

So Yeyue made no secret of it. After she found the place, she rushed in. All the ninjas blocking the way were beaten to the ground by Junma Lu mercilessly. Corpses are everywhere.

In a poor sound and ninja village, there is no resistance in front of Junma Lu alone. Yeyue and Bai have no chance to do it, so they found this so-called audio-visual building smoothly all the way.

Looking at the simple decoration, Yeyue pouted her lips in disdain. This was obviously used to cover up, it was just a pretense, Orochimaru couldn't stay here at all.

But Yeyue wasn't worried, she took over the building leisurely and waited quietly. He didn't believe that after receiving the news, Orochimaru would be able to sit still, or at least come to see him.

As expected by Yeyue, the chair was just hot when Orochimaru brought the pharmacist's pocket to find it.

"Long time no see, Yeyue-kun! This time we meet, Yeyue-kun shouldn't do it again, right?"

Orochimaru's dark golden vertical pupils stared at Yeyue with a relaxed expression, but there was still deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

Although through Yeyue's behavior, he had already guessed that Yeyue was not here to make trouble, but the first two fights still left a shadow on him, especially the second time, he was almost killed.

As for Junmalu standing beside Yeyue, although Orochimaru was shocked, he didn't say anything, because it was meaningless, the position where Junmalu stood, and his indifferent reaction when he saw Orochimaru, already made Orochimaru understood.

"I want to ask you for a research document on Soul Forbidden Technique."

Yeyue smiled, ignoring the existence of the pharmacist's pocket, looking at Orochimaru straight to the point, without concealing her intentions at all, and not afraid of any tricks Orochimaru played, not only because of his strength, but also because he has enough 's bottom card.

"Oh? It seems that Lord Yeyue is also very interested in forbidden techniques! Since it is you, of course I will not refuse, as long as you... pay enough price."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed, slightly surprised by Yeyue's purpose, and then looked at Yeyue meaningfully and said.

He didn't quite understand why Yeyue also studied forbidden techniques. After all, he defected to Konoha because of this. Most ninjas hated forbidden techniques. In this environment, even Orochimaru himself thought this kind of thing. is evil too.

Although his first reaction was to reject Yeyue's request, he was helpless. In terms of strength, he was not Yeyue's opponent in his heyday, not to mention that he is still disabled with both hands, but this world is about fists, and he knew in his heart that he The consequences of rejection, so it can only be exchanged for the greatest benefit.

"The price? Of course! I didn't intend to take your things for nothing, and the trade, of course, it's just what you want. I want all your research materials over the years, and you will get... your hands. !"

Ye Yueman smiled and waved his hands indifferently, glanced at Orochimaru's hands hanging by his side, and watched Orochimaru play his trump card.

This is why he is sure that Orochimaru will not refuse!The soul of his hands was taken away by the god of death, and the soul of Orochimaru has been crippled, and two years later, he still has not found a solution, which means that he cannot refuse Yeyue's request.

"You!  Lord Yeyue, this joke is not funny at all!"

Orochimaru's eyes shrank fiercely, and when he heard Yeyue's words, he instantly lost his composure, and his breathing became chaotic. .

It doesn't matter when you have it, you only know how to cherish it when you lose it.

For nearly three years with both hands disabled, Orochimaru had a hard life. Not only did he have to endure the pain of a broken soul every moment, but it was inconvenient to do anything in life.

The most important thing for a ninja is his hands. Without his hands, he can't even perform basic knots, how can he still perform ninjutsu?During this period of time, even the research on the forbidden technique of Orochimaru has almost stagnated.

"Don't worry, I won't make such a silly joke. Help me prepare a few sacrifices, and I'll start treating you. When you recover, give me the information, so you won't suffer any losses, right?"

Yeyue seemed to have anticipated the reaction of Orochimaru long ago, and calmly gave Orochimaru the best choice, first treatment, and then receiving the goods, unless Orochimaru dared not even treat, otherwise he would never refuse!

"Okay! I trust you! Lord Yeyue! As long as you help me this time, I owe you a favor."

Without much hesitation, Orochimaru nodded and agreed without hesitation. Yeyue had already said this. Wouldn't he be stupid if he didn't agree?

If Yeyue wanted to kill him, he didn't need to play so many tricks, so Orochimaru didn't worry about it at all, so he easily accepted Yeyue's conditions.

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