In the eyes of Junma Lu in the past, people were divided into dead people, living people, and enemies, but now they are divided into enemies, ordinary people, friends, and family members.Yeyue and Bai are his family.

This is all due to Yeyue. Although it was not deliberate, it still helped Junmalu to establish a normal three views. Although Junmalu was still indifferent and indifferent, he was similar to him two years ago. Compared, but they are two different people.

Baihe Junma Lu quietly followed Yeyue, and followed Orochimaru all the way to the depths of the base, listening to Orochimaru briefly introducing the layout of the base for Yeyue, and finally arranged accommodation for them before leaving in a hurry. Go, it seems to be going to prepare the next surgical supplies.

The next thing is actually very simple. With the urgency of Orochimaru, the necessary items for the operation were prepared in just one night. After Yeyue entered the operating room, the inside was already cleaned up, and the air carried Mild smell of disinfectant.

"Yeyue-kun, although I'm sorry, I still want to ask, if the operation fails, the consequences should not become more serious, right?"

Orochimaru, who was lying on the hospital bed, seemed to be a little paler, and there was a hint of unease in his snake eyes. After all, he was about to give his soul to another person who could not even be called a friend. In the event of an accident, Maybe he just fell asleep.

And his question at the moment is what he is most worried about. Before, because he didn't want Yeyue to misunderstand, he didn't ask more, but now he couldn't help asking it. He was afraid that after Yeyue's operation failed, his soul would be crippled. more serious, and even death.

"Don't worry, Orochimaru, if I'm not sure, I won't joke about your life. After all, a lot of the information I want is in your head, right? The operation will not be [-]% successful, but it will never fail. , at most just keep it as it is.”

Yeyue smiled slightly and signaled Orochimaru to calm down. His soul fusion technique has gone through hundreds of experiments, starting with animals and later on live experiments. Orochimaru's operation was only a small one for him. Just a problem.

"Really? That's good, then, let's get started! I can't wait."

Orochimaru seemed to feel more at ease, and his tense body relaxed a little, with an ugly smile on his face, and nodded towards the pharmacist, as if he was instructing something.

Seeing this, the pharmacist nodded slightly, and opened several coffins standing beside him, revealing the sleeping people inside, or... offerings.

"Lord Yeyue, this is a sacrifice prepared according to your request. Next, I will be your assistant. If you need anything, please let me know."

The pharmacist explained to Yeyue respectfully, the eyes under the glasses exuded astonishment, and she was obviously curious about how Yeyue could do things that even Orochimaru couldn't do.

"Hmm~ I'll be enough for the operation, if possible, just guard the door and don't let anyone disturb you."

Ye Yue made a perfunctory sentence.The so-called assistant is actually not an alternative supervision, just to prevent Yeyue from doing anything. As for the gatekeeper, there are Bai and Junmalu guarding outside, who can come in?

Sure enough, upon hearing Yeyue's words, Dou also smiled a little embarrassedly, didn't say much, and stood obediently to the side, looking like he was just watching and never bothering.

Yeyue didn't bother to pay any attention to it, and didn't even make any preparations. She let Orochimaru and Yaoshidou look at them with wide eyes and curious eyes. They stepped forward and walked to several coffins. They turned their fingers and made a few marks. The huge spiritual power slowly poured out of his mind, like an invisible palm poking into the bodies of the sacrifices.

After exploring and collecting again, Orochimaru and Yao Shidou suddenly widened their eyes in horror, with a look of disbelief on their faces. They actually saw Yeyue taking out the souls of the five sacrifices out of thin air. The blue soul floated unconsciously in mid-air, as quiet as falling asleep.

Immediately afterwards, Yeyue's hands swayed in front of her like butterflies in flowers, as if she were manipulating the invisible hand. Showing the color of pain, he began to struggle slowly, but it did not affect Ye Yue's movements at all.

Yeyue's movements continued, and her soul struggled more and more intensely, but she could not get rid of Yeyue's control, and slowly twisted out of a circle, and was crumpled into a blob of blue light, emitting a Mystical power.

The five blue light spots are like dense fireflies, slowly condensed together under the control of Yeyue, and then began to compress and merge, forming a blue flame the size of a palm at a slow speed, which was turned into a soul fire by Yeyue , is the essence extracted from the soul.

Everyone's soul is a mass of energy, but it also contains a lot of impurities. The stronger the strength, the fewer impurities. After removing the impurities, what remains is the essence, and the rich enough soul essence will turn into the shape of a flame.

To supplement the missing soul for Orochimaru, soul energy is naturally needed, but because Orochimaru's strength is too strong, the energy provided by an ordinary soul is too little, and five souls can only gather Orochimaru's hands.

When Yeyue controlled the soul fire and came to Orochimaru, Orochimaru was so excited that he was almost speechless. With his years of experience in researching forbidden arts, how could he not understand what Yeyue did?

But because he understands it, he is more curious about how Yeyue did it!Controlling the soul is not that simple. Even Orochimaru itself can only barely control his own soul. As for other people's souls, they can't do anything other than summon them back from Huangquan.

And the meticulous manipulation like Yeyue takes the soul of the human body out of the body, then extracts the essence and finally condenses and fuses it. Such a complex behavior is completely unimaginable for Orochimaru. Yeyue seems to have opened a new world for him. The door, let him see a different scenery.

(The third more ~~~~)

Chapter 128 The Wonderful Experience of the Soul (Fourth)

"Okay, don't be so excited, you will witness the magic of the soul with your own eyes!"

Seeing Orochimaru lying down with that surprised and incredible gaze, Yeyue smiled proudly, and she was able to admire Orochimaru excitedly in her soul, which is enough to show how powerful Yeyue's research results are!

Being able to do things that even Orochimaru didn't dare to think about, it was originally due to the inspiration of fusion fruit, Yeyue would think of merging different souls to see if it would become stronger.

But there is no doubt that the fusion of different souls has only one consequence, collapse!Each soul is independent and can never be merged, unless the powerful swallow the weak forcibly, but that will also cause certain sequelae, the soul will become unstable, and it will also be affected by the residual effects of the swallowed soul.

After many experiments, Yeyue discovered the energy distribution in the soul by chance. After separating the impurities and the essence, she tried to integrate the essence, and finally got the result, the fire of the soul.

But if you want to control the soul like Yeyue, there is only one condition, strong enough mental power!

The mental power of a normal person, no matter how strong, is at most ten or dozens of times that of an ordinary person, but Yeyue is different.

After traveling through several worlds, every time he travels, he will be protected by the system. Otherwise, the barriers of traveling through time and space will be enough to tear anyone apart, even the soul.

But precisely because of the protection of the system, Yeyue's spiritual power and physique have also been invisibly strengthened, and her soul has also been greatly improved. With Yeyue's current spiritual power, it is more than a hundred times that of ordinary people, and it will continue in the future. increase.

Otherwise, how could Yeyue control her mental power at will to open and evolve the wheel-writing for herself?It is precisely because of her strong mental power that Yeyue can forcibly suppress the violent struggle of the soul when it is decomposed, otherwise the pain of tearing the soul is enough to cause any soul to erupt with terrifying power.

Ignoring Orochimaru, Yeyue waved her hand, and the floating soul fire merged into Orochimaru's body under the gaze of the three people. Orochimaru was startled, and a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

How should I put it, it's like a feeling of extreme comfort, a feeling that is a hundred times more enjoyable than the matter of men and women, enough to make anyone unforgettable for a lifetime!

The soul is the root of life and the most sensitive existence of the human body. The injection of the fire of the soul is like eating the most delicious food in the world. like.

After the fire of the soul was injected, Yeyue suspended her hands on Orochimaru, and moved slowly in the air, as if she was assembling something, but Orochimaru felt that her broken hands were reborn, growing and sprouting from her shoulders. , and then the arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, palms, to the fingers, the delicate feeling of every place, let Orochimaru experience the unprecedented wonder.

After a full hour, Yeyue breathed a sigh of relief and stopped the movements in his hands, and Orochimaru, who kept his eyes open the whole time, deeply felt the feeling of the rebirth of his soul. He vowed that even if he forgot his name. No matter what the name, he would never forget this wonderful experience.

"Okay, it's over, I believe you already feel it."

Yeyue wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked with a tired smile.

The operation lasted for an hour and a half, which was not long, but manipulating the soul was quite mentally draining. With Yeyue's strength, she felt like her body was weak and she had no strength in her body. .

"Yeyue-kun, it's been so hard for you, I... I really don't know how to thank you, but now please go back to rest first, when you wake up, you will see all my research materials over the years, Absolutely no reservations!"

Orochimaru took a deep breath, sat up immediately, raised his hands as if they were new, and was so excited that he was speechless.

Three years of pain in the soul, only a strong-willed person like Orochimaru can endure it, and an ordinary person would have died long ago.

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