"Understood, Lord Orochimaru."

The pharmacist nodded his head, indicating that he knew the importance of this matter and would definitely not make any omissions.

"By the way, how is Sasuke?"

Suddenly thinking of Sasuke who was in a coma, Orochimaru couldn't help but ask, it was one of his best containers, but he didn't want any accidents.

"I have already woken up, but my injuries are not minor. I have tried my best to treat it, but it will take about five days to heal."

Tou quickly explained Sasuke's current situation, and there was still a bit of surprise in his voice, apparently not expecting that Sasuke's injury would be so serious.

Being hit by the few remaining spiral pills will hurt the internal organs. If it is completely hit, wouldn't it be directly smashed into slag?Thinking of Jun Malu's indifferent appearance, Yao Shidou couldn't help but get goosebumps, and subconsciously wanted to stay away from that terrible guy.

"Well~ that's good, keep an eye on him, don't let him provoke Lord Yeyue again~"


In the dim corridor, the conversation between Orochimaru and Yaoshidou drifted away.

(the first one~~)

Chapter 130 Intellectually Disabled Children Grow Taller (Second)

After returning to the residence with a large amount of information, Yeyue couldn't wait to immerse herself in it, and began to absorb the vast amount of knowledge and experience like a sponge.

What Yeyue needs is not the various forbidden techniques developed by Orochimaru, but his discovery and research experience in the research process, which is the most important!

This kind of forbidden technique may lose its effect once it leaves the Naruto world, but the essence of the soul is the same no matter which world it is in, so the knowledge about the soul is applicable in any world, and it will be useful for the experience after Yeyue. No small help.

Although the soul may not be involved in the future, it is always good to plan ahead. Who can tell the future clearly?

Of course, when he was trying his best to learn the knowledge of the soul of the Orochimaru version, Yeyue's connection with the outside world was not broken. Uchiha Obito took the initiative to reveal to him that the operation had officially started, and the Akatsuki organization was preparing to start the first target. , The Five Generations of Wind Shadows of the Land of Winds, Gaara, One-Tailed People Zhuli.

On Konoha's side, Hong Yuhi also told him that Naruto Uzumaki, who went out to practice with Jiraiya, also returned to Konoha, and his strength became much stronger.

In terms of Wuyin Village, after Yeyue left, Terumi Mei turned his thoughts into motivation, which made the development of Wuyin Village faster, and the connection with the outside world became closer. Even the other four major countries knew the news of the birth of Wuyin Village. Even a messenger was sent to congratulate.

It didn't take long for Akatsuki's organization to complete the operation successfully, successfully arresting a tail of people Zhuli, Konoha sent Kakashiban emergency reinforcements to the country of wind, and then asked Matekai to lead the third team to reinforce Kakashi, which was successful. Killed Akatsuki's member Red Sand Scorpion and repelled Deidara, but Gaara died because he was pulled away from a guard crane.

In the end, the mother-in-law Chiyo of Sand Ninja Village sacrificed her life to resurrect Gaara, Gaara returned to Sand Ninja Village and continued to serve as the fifth generation of Kazekage. The third and seventh classes returned to Konoha. Kakashi used the writing wheel too much. He was admitted to the hospital.

Half a month later, and after Yeyue stayed here for three months, Yeyue was still immersed in the wonderful world of the soul and couldn't extricate herself. As early as two months ago, he had basically eaten through what Orochimaru gave him. The first document, but the rest that Orochimaru had agreed to, still dragged on and refused to take it out.

It was not until Yeyue proposed to use the technique of soul manipulation as an exchange condition that Orochimaru agreed to the trick. Both of them calculated each other like treacherous foxes. Only half of it was exchanged.

Yeyue was not surprised by this. After all, he had already guessed the plan of Orochimaru. Of course, he knew that this guy could not be unreserved, and he never planned to empty the research income of Orochimaru. It is enough to have more than half of it. .

On the other hand, Orochimaru seems to have vaguely discovered Yeyue's soul manipulation, but it's just a pretence, without much practical significance, and his attitude towards Yeyue is also a lot colder, but because of Yeyue's strength, he didn't turn his face rashly.

With a loud bang, the entire base trembled. Yeyue, who was in deep thought, suddenly opened her eyes, her figure disappeared into the air in an instant, and she arrived at the training ground through the technique of Flying Thunder God. Baihe Junmalu was here. train.

"what happened?"

Yeyue noticed that neither Bai nor Junmalu had any abnormality, and they didn't seem to be attacked, so she felt relieved and asked in a deep voice.

"Lord Yeyue, it shouldn't be aimed at us, it seems that the base has been invaded."

Bai understood what Yeyue meant and shook his head slightly, indicating that the shock just now was not aimed at them.

There was a bang, and another violent earthquake. The entire base seemed to be crumbling. A few pieces of mud and rocks fell from the top with a few clicks. It was obvious that a fierce battle was taking place somewhere in the base.

"Is this guy Orochimaru being chased into the nest? Interesting! Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Yeyue smiled playfully, and the originally tense nerves relaxed a little, and took the two to take the initiative to rush towards the place of battle.

It's not that Yeyue is making a fuss, but she really lives with a poisonous snake, so she must be vigilant at all times, so as not to be ignorant after being sold by Orochimaru.

For three months, Yeyue's vigilance against Orochimaru has never been relaxed.

When they came to the battle site, the battle seemed to have stopped. The two sides of the battle were facing each other at the moment. The appearance of Yeyue and the three immediately attracted the attention of both parties.

"Brother Yeyue? Sister Bai? Why are you here? Ah ya? And the white-haired one at that time!"

After two years, Naruto was no longer the little dwarf he used to be. His tall and straight body made him look more reliable, but his temperament didn't seem to have changed much. He looked at Yeyue and the others in surprise. Completely confused about the combination of these three.

He had an impression of Junma Lu, the terrible guy who killed him and the three of the eighth class in a wave of his hand, wasn't he dead at that time?How can it appear beside the night moon?

Naruto didn't know that Junma Lu not only didn't die, but also dined with him in Konoha, but he used the transformation technique to change into another appearance.

"Yo, Naruto, and Sakura, are you attacking Orochimaru's base?"

Yeyue said hello as if nothing had happened, and asked, Naruto didn't come alone, there was Xiao Ying who was familiar with him, and the other two people didn't know each other. Wearing Konoha's forehead guard, it seems that they are all Naruto's teammates.

"Brother Yeyue, help us drive Orochimaru away! I must bring Sasuke back!"

The appearance of Yeyue seemed to inspire Naruto. He still remembered the scene when Yeyue easily defeated Orochimaru. With Yeyue's help, he could bring Sasuke back smoothly.

Orochimaru had both hands healed by Yeyue, and his strength has almost recovered. He alone made Naruto and his gang difficult to win, and the appearance of Sasuke made them suffer even more. If Orochimaru did not have the intention to kill, I am afraid They were already damaged.

Before Yeyue appeared, they were already at a disadvantage. The middle-aged uncle who led the team was called Yamato and was advocating retreat. Sakura and another teammate, Sai, agreed, but Naruto refused to agree and would not retreat.

"Hehe, Naruto-kun, you are really joking, Yeyue-kun is my guest and has been staying here for three months. Do you think he will help you to deal with me?"

Before Yeyue could speak, Orochimaru's gloomy voice sounded first. It seemed that he was deliberately provoking the relationship between Naruto and Yeyue, and wanted Naruto and the others to no longer trust Yeyue. Otherwise, once the two sides joined forces, Orochimaru would be true I'm worried that I won't be able to escape today.

Chapter 131 Return to Konoha (Third)

"What? Brother Yeyue, is what he said true? Why did you mix up with Orochimaru?"

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