These three people have their own personal characteristics. It can't be said that they have advantages or disadvantages, but there is no doubt that they all have a kind heart, drive, and willingness to work hard. Even if Yeyue's devil special training is terrifying, they can persevere through gritted teeth and finally achieve today's achievement.

Early the next morning, Yeyue came to the agreed place. It was still the familiar No. [-] training ground, but it was not the place it used to be, because it was already occupied by the newly graduated Genin.

Yeyue and the eighth class met at a remote location on the training ground. Two years later, the three of them have changed a lot. One is the improvement of their strength, and the other is their appearance and height. They are much more mature and stable than before, and they look like Much more reliable.

"Since I promised to guide you on the path of cultivation, then you must first understand your current strength! Next, just like the first time we met, go all out! Show your strength completely!"

Looking at the three people with burning eyes, Yeyue smiled slightly and said softly with her hands behind her back, as if she was still facing the three little ones.

But it is true that although the three have made great progress, they have grown from lower to upper, but in front of Yeyue, there is still not much difference. If they are serious, they will be the result of seconds.

"Understood! Teacher Yeyue, be careful!"

Unlike the first time, the three of them learned to be smart this time, no longer doubted Yeyue's strength, and went all out with seriousness and accuracy. In just a moment, Hinata opened his eyes, and Shino's bugs were already circling around. Flying up, the grown-up Akamaru also leaned over and stared at Yeyue with a grin.

"Akamaru, let's go!"

"Wang Wang!!"

The first to do it was Ya and Akamaru. One person and one dog cooperated very well. One left and one right split up and rushed towards Yeyue. The speed was much faster than two years ago!

"The art of piercing the teeth!"

In the process of sprinting, Ya and Akamaru quickly performed their signature ninjutsu, turning into two high-speed spinning whirlwinds and hitting Yeyue. Just listening to the whistling wind, they knew that the same ninjutsu was more powerful than before. much more

Chapter 140 There is still room for improvement (the third)

Whoa! !

Two tornadoes several meters thick roared towards Yeyue, with an astonishing momentum. The front end like an electric drill seemed to be able to pierce through any obstacles.

Yeyue stood still with an expressionless face, and at the moment when the two tornadoes on the left and right were about to hit, the two tornadoes were about to hit. I cried out in pain.

The speed of Ya and Akamaru is actually very fast. If it is a shadow-level powerhouse like Tsunade, they may not dare to dodge at the last moment like Yeyue, but Yeyue's unparalleled speed is easily crushed. Ya and Akamaru, in turn, made them embarrassed.


The dense black mist came next, and Shino controlled the insects to enclose Yeyue, and in an instant, he wrapped him into a black ball, and countless insects lay on Yeyue and sucked the chakra in his body.

Stab la la! !

A blue light flashed in the black ball, thunder and lightning crackled, and the strong current paralyzed the surrounding insects in an instant, and the small part that was close to it was even turned to ashes.

Insects that can't resist the electric current are scattered all over the ground, and they can no longer threaten Yeyue.

"Robust step, double lion fist!"

Before Yeyue could react, Hinata, who was close at hand, immediately launched an attack. Both palms were wrapped in blue chakra, like a lion's head. .

Swish! !

Yeyue's reaction is not unpleasant. There is a sideways between the electric light and flint, narrowly avoiding the passing palm, but Hinata's strength is also not what it used to be, and his elbow slams again. The acupoint on Yeyue's shoulder.

Hyuga's secret technique of soft boxing is always aimed at the acupoints on the opponent's body, so that the power of soft boxing can be maximized.

But this time Yeyue didn't choose to dodge, but took the blow of Hinata hard, feeling the strength on her shoulders, Yeyue even felt a little surprised, Hinata's progress was even better than he imagined bigger!

Following the strength from her shoulders, Yeyue was knocked to the other side, and she just avoided the attack behind her, which was the flying kick of Inuzuka Ya who was chasing after him.

Originally, Hinata and Ya thought that Yeyue would dodge the elbow just now, and then they would figure out the right time to block Yeyue's evasion route. Who knew that Yeyue would in turn use Hinata's elbow to avoid Inuzuka Ya A sure shot.

Compared with Ya's full-strength flying kick, Hinata's elbow strike had no effect. It just sealed an acupuncture point, and Chakra released it with a rush.

Swish swish! !

The figures flickered quickly. Hinata, Ya and Shino formed a triangle and blocked Yeyue in the center. Although they only fought for a few breaths, Yeyue could clearly feel the progress of the three of them, compared to two years ago. A world of difference.

Whether it was the timing of the attack or the cooperation with each other, the performance of the three of them exceeded Yeyue's imagination. It is conceivable how much effort and sweat the three of them have put in over the past two years.

"Send bad bugs!"

The confrontation between the four did not last. This time, Zhinai was the first to break the peace. With a wave of his right hand, the worms in the sky condensed into black balls and slammed into the night moon. From the momentum, it can be judged that its powerful impact force!

Bang bang bang!

In the face of the impact of the worm balls, Yeyue did not show weakness, her clenched fist finally swung out, one punch at a time, and several consecutive punches blew up the black wormballs, but Yeyue knew that his attack was not enough. It hurt those bugs, because at the moment when the two sides collided, those bugs spread out actively.


Sure enough, the scattered parasites condensed into a larger black ball and made a comeback, and because it became more solid, the impact was stronger!


"Double lion fist!"

At the same time, Ya and Hinata also launched an attack at the same time. Ya and Akamaru merged into a two-headed wolf, which revolved into a huge tornado and mercilessly blasted towards Yeyue. Hinata's double lion fist also changed from An attack was launched from the other side.

The three people's attacks have almost locked Yeyue's dodging space. There is no way to retreat except above, but with such an obvious loophole above, why didn't Hinata and the others leave behind?

In the face of the fatal situation, Ye Yue's expression became a little more serious. She jumped in place and easily jumped into the air, but before he could relax, Hinata and the three showed their expressions as expected, and they quickly changed. In the direction of the attack, he chased towards Yeyue.

Shino's bug ball and Tooth's tornado could be controlled with ease, and they changed directions easily, blasting from directly below to Yeyue, who had nowhere to borrow in mid-air, while Hinata waited below as a support.

"Haha~ Very tacit cooperation!"

Yeyue chuckled and praised, the tacit cooperation of the three of them, even if they met the elite Jōnin, they would be able to easily besieged and killed, but the threat to the shadow level was slightly smaller.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

With a bang, white smoke erupted from Yeyue's side, and a shadow avatar suddenly appeared, pulling Yeyue to the side and flicking it to the side, easily dodging the almost sure blow from Ya and Shino.

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