Suddenly, a light wind blew, and Yeyue's eyes flashed red, and her body blurred for a moment, then became solid again, as if nothing had happened.

The same goes for the three Hinatas who have been staring at Yeyue, only to find that Yeyue's body seems to be shaking, and there is a slight tingling on the forehead, which is like an illusion.

But as ninjas, of course they wouldn't think it was an illusion, they reached out and touched their foreheads in unison.

In just a moment, they didn't even react, and they couldn't even see Yeyue's movements, and they had already closed the gate of hell for a while.

Is this the power of the super movie class?At this moment, the three of them felt the strength of Yeyue, a power that made them feel powerless.

Chapter 142 Guidance to the Eighth Class (Second)

"The more powerful the ninja, the more means there are. You can't become a real strong with just one powerful ninjutsu! The one I used just now was the Flying Thunder God of Konoha, which can travel through space in an instant, in addition to this Besides, I have many other means."

Looking at the almost stunned Hinata trio, Yeyue explained with a solemn look on her face, and also wanted to make them more vigilant. After all, the world of ninjas is extremely cruel, and all kinds of secrets created for killing people. There are many forbidden techniques, and many people are killed without knowing what happened.

Just like the flying section of the Xiao organization that I met before, although the strength is not very strong, I am afraid that it is only a jounin just relying on physical skills, but the strange and powerful death division is based on blood, even the shadow-level trick can only be used. admit planting.

"Since you still want to continue to become stronger, then you must know that the truly excellent ninjas have their own unique ninjutsu or secret techniques, such as Kakashi's Rachel, Tsunade's strange force fist, Bai's ice escape Wait."

"The three of you have practiced the secret techniques of your family. This is an advantage, which allows you to grow up at the fastest speed, but it is also a disadvantage, because it will limit your achievements. I am afraid that most of your family members are We can only stop at Shangnin.”

"It's very simple to become stronger! There are two methods. First, continue to develop family secret techniques, break through the original limitations, and make secret techniques stronger. Second, develop your own ninjutsu. Although it is difficult, it can be Once you succeed, your strength will also increase greatly, and only the ninjutsu you developed yourself is the most suitable for you!"

The choice given by Yeyue is very simple, either continue to strengthen the family secret technique, or develop a unique ninjutsu. It sounds easy, but it is extremely difficult to do. Otherwise, the strong people in the ninja world have already left, and the shadow level will be lost. How can it be rare?

"Mr. Yeyue, Chimaru was raised by me, it is my good friend, I can't abandon it no matter what, so I choose the first one! I will definitely break through the family secret technique to a new height, let me and Akamaru becomes stronger!"

Inuzuka Ya didn't hesitate and chose the first one without any hesitation. As he said, although Akamaru was only a ninja dog, he was also a companion who accompanied him throughout his childhood, just like a relative, how could he abandon it for strength Akamaru?

"Me too. I've had bugs since I was born. Although I don't like it, I'm used to it."

The same is true for Shino's choice. In fact, he hates family secret techniques in his heart, but he has no choice. Over the years, his body has long been accustomed to the existence of bugs, just like a part of his body itself.

"So, what about you, Hinata?"

Ye Yue's eyes fell on Hinata, who was hesitant. This little girl looked very tangled.

"Teacher, I... I want to develop my own ninjutsu on the basis of adhering to the family's secret techniques!"

Hinata was hesitant at first, but with Yeyue's encouragement, she finally made up her mind and boldly spoke her mind.

"Oh? Very bold idea! But... your choice is right! I have to say, Hinata, you gave me a big surprise!"

Yeyue raised her brows when she heard the words, looked at Hinata with a little surprise and smiled.

"What Hinata said is right. In fact, the choice I gave just now is not the best answer. Hinata's decision is the most suitable for you."

"Since it is a family secret technique, it means that you have been cultivating since childhood. This secret technique has penetrated into your instinct and cannot be abandoned at all, but if you want to become stronger, you can only follow your own path, so combine them together. You only have one choice, how to develop your own ninjutsu based on secret techniques."

"Family secret techniques are usually the most suitable for developers, so although you practice step by step and you are handy, it is difficult to exert the strongest power! If you want to break through the confinement, the only way is to be flexible and turn the family secret technique into your own. Mystery."

Glancing at the three of Hinata, Yeyue solemnly pointed out the most suitable path for them, turning the family secret technique into an existing one, and developing a unique secret technique.

"Teacher, this..."

Listening to Yeyue's words, Hinata was nothing, after all, this was a decision she had long thought of, but Ya and Shino's eyes widened, and their hearts were shocked.

To be honest, they have practiced family secret techniques for so many years, but they have never thought about changing the secret techniques. It’s not that they dare not, but they have never had such an idea, because in their subconscious, family secret techniques are like this, and they don’t need to be. Change.

But Yeyue's remarks directly broke their inherent concept. It turned out that the choice to become stronger is not difficult, but they have never discovered it!

But they are also very clear that the method is very simple, but it is very difficult to do. After so many years of practice, the family secret technique has penetrated into their bones, and it is almost impossible to make changes easily.

"The first is Tooth, your family's secret technique is to cooperate with the ninja dog, then what you have to do is to strengthen the strength of Akamaru while improving your own strength. The stronger Akamaru, the stronger your cooperation will be! "

Yeyue was the first to point out what Inuzuka Ya had to do. In fact, it was clear at a glance. The Inuzuka family has been doing it, but there has been no good way. Yeyue can only give guidance. How to do it depends on your teeth.

In fact, Yeyue is not very optimistic about the secret techniques of the Inuzuka family. Although cooperating with the ninja dog is equivalent to an extra helper, the life of the ninja dog is also limited. After [-] years, the life of the ninja dog will come to an end. , while the ninjas themselves are still in their prime.

Although the Inuzuka family has a way to prolong the lifespan of ninja dogs, how long can it be extended?Ten years is almost the limit.

"Then it's Shino, you will know more about the specific characteristics of the worms. There are two points I can give. First, how to strengthen the aggression of the worms, such as the speed of absorbing chakra, such as destructive power, The second is defense, how to increase the resistance to thunder and fire, and how to solve the weakness of being afraid of water. If you can solve these problems, your strength can be greatly improved!"

For Shino, Yeyue appreciates it very much. He is calm and forbearing, and he is quite smart. The creatures like insects are easy to control, and they can be cultivated easily. They are much better than the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka family.

"Finally, it's you, Hinata. White Eyes and Soft Fist are both very powerful secret techniques. It is very difficult to combine these two secret techniques to develop your own ninjutsu. Have you really thought about it? ?"

Yeyue finally looked at Hinata, stared at Hinata's eyes, and asked solemnly again.

"Well! I've decided!"

Hinata's answer is quite firm. Compared with the weak one in the past, she seems to be much more decisive now. Is it because she is more confident?

(The second one~~ belongs to the transitional chapter. After this is over, the official plot will begin!)

Chapter 143 Young Tian's Soft Fist (Part [-])

"Baiyan, since it is called one of the three supreme pupil techniques, its power is not only what it is now, just like Uchiha's writing wheel eye, which requires strong emotional fluctuations to advance, Baiyan may also have special Advanced method, which requires Hinata to explore on your own."

As for the only woman in the eighth class, who seems to be the weakest, but actually has a stronger personality, Yeyue also takes special care of her, because this girl has good potential, as long as she can fully stimulate it, she will be completely not a problem.

But it is also relative, because of her weak and shy temperament, it is not so easy to fully stimulate her potential, and Yeyue can only take it slowly.

"I will work hard, Teacher Yeyue!"

Hearing Yeyue's encouragement, Hinata's face turned slightly red, but she still nodded firmly.

"In terms of white eyes, I can't give much advice, but soft boxing is different. Strictly speaking, soft boxing is also a kind of physical art. The soft boxing of Hyuga's family is to hit the opponent's acupoints and use chakra to force Its temporary seal has the effect of hindering the flow of its chakra."

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