"Check it out for me! Be sure to find out where that kid came from!"

The cowardly devourer, who was the first to withdraw in front of CCG, returned to the hiding place, and immediately issued this order.

Since he founded the ogre group, when has he encountered such a suffocated time as today?He was beaten by a group of white doves and forced himself to back down. Every time he thought about it, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

And the initiator of all this is the little guy who came out of nowhere!At this moment, the devil can't wait to eat him bit by bit!

"Also, follow the trace of that kid with all your might, and once you find him, bring him to me, and I will treat him well in person! Humph!"

As the ogre's vicious voice fell, a figure quickly left the ogre's territory and announced the child's information. In just half a day, the entire nine districts knew that the ogre group was looking for this kid.

On the other hand, after Shinohara returned to the branch with the remaining CCG team, he also issued an order to search the child's information and listed the child as a dangerous level. Any investigator who encounters a child must Treat with all your might.

Although the child is only A-ranked, judging from the previous battle with Mato, that ghoul not only has super-ranked speed, but also has a terrifying regeneration ability and amazing combat intuition. Hardly anyone can be a child's opponent!

What's more, the investigators use their rich combat experience and excellent combat plans to deal with the ghouls, but these will undoubtedly have little effect on children with extremely keen combat intuition. If they are not careful, the investigators may be afraid. More will be lost!

So, because the child couldn't hold back for a while and ate the hebao on the spot, which led to his exposure, both CCG and the ghouls began to track down his whereabouts, trying to catch him or kill him.

The child, who was already struggling to survive, is now even more difficult. No matter where he hides, there will be people who want to deal with him.

It's just that the ignorant child doesn't know how dangerous his situation is. He only knows that he needs to be more careful to hide his tracks and not be discovered by anyone.

He didn't even know how desperate his situation was!Both humans and ghouls do not allow him to exist. In such a situation, how can a child who does not understand anything continue to survive?

If it were an adult ghoul, I'm afraid all hope would have been lost!

But at this time, our protagonist is still quietly hiding in a dark corner, hiding his breath perfectly, his black eyes staring at a blurry figure in the distance, and a red light flashes in his eyes. .

It was a ghoul that had not yet reached A rank, but at this time it became the prey of a child without knowing it!

That's right, it's the prey!

Since growing into a Grade A ghoul, not only has the child's strength soared, but his mind has also grown a lot, and he has begun to know how to think on his own.

The change at this time shows the growth of the child. In the past, he would only hide and pick up leaks. At this time, he dared to take the initiative to hunt for food. This is undoubtedly a great change!

What's even more surprising is that the child has learned to find a less dangerous target first, in order to test his own strength, instead of rashly looking for a random target.


A breeze blew, and the child's prey stopped suddenly, looked around suspiciously, but found nothing.

But I don't know why, just at that moment, his hair stood up all over his body, as if he was being stared at by something dangerous.

Not finding any prey, he had to give up, shook his head and continued to walk forward, but he did not know that he was walking towards the abyss of death step by step.

When the prey passed the child's hiding place, the child did not make a rash move, but quietly waited for the prey to continue walking forward and turned his back to himself, and then he made a lightning strike!


Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, the child swooped behind the prey, and two slender scales pierced into the heart and head of the prey like red lightning!


With blood sputtering, the child's first hunt was a perfect success, killing his prey in an instant!


What followed was a slight chewing sound. After the child devoured the prey's hebao, he didn't even let go of the meat on his body. After eating at the fastest speed, he quickly left because of the blood. The smell will soon attract other ghouls!

Sure enough, not long after the child left, the strong smell of blood attracted several ghouls, and then triggered a fierce battle for food.

In the nine districts, sharing ghouls is not uncommon, because many times the ghouls cannot hunt under the eyes of the inspector, so they can only start with their own kind.

Hunger is a terrible thing, it can drive people crazy, not to mention the inhuman ghouls?

An extremely hidden dilapidated house on the outskirts of the nine districts. This is a place for children to hide. Because the environment here is harsh, the land is barren, and the air is filled with the rotten smell of corpses, so let alone people, even 喰Seeds rarely come here, so children use this place as their safe house.

At this time, the child who had just eaten was about to fall asleep, but it was very abrupt. His heart beat violently, and then, his body began to twitch violently, and a hot feeling rushed through his body!

"Uh huh"

The child cried out in pain, the thin body rolled back and forth on the ground, the Hezi behind the waist rolled like boiling water, and the bright red scales came out with a chirp, and the appearance looked no different from the previous one. , but actually exudes a heart-pounding breath!



As the child's body continued to tumble, the two linhes continued to beat the ground as if out of control, or stabbed into the floor violently, the ground was messed up, but the linhes were safe and sound damage!

It can be seen from this that although the appearance of the child's scales does not seem to have changed much, in fact, both strength and hardness have been greatly strengthened. Make neat cuts on the top.

What's even more surprising is that the skin on the child's face actually oozes out many Rc cells, slowly condensing into a sheet blocking the face.

The mask is very small, but it can completely block the child's face. The eyes just show the scarlet eyes of the child. There is no nose, only a large mouth with blood, and there is a trace of bright red at the corner of the mouth, like blood!

The whole mask looks like a ghost, and it is still a ghost that seems to have just finished eating, and there is still blood left on its mouth. It is frightening and terrifying!

(New book for collection~~)…

Chapter [-] Half-hearted?

"Ah ah ah "

The hoarse screams filled the entire dilapidated house. Fortunately, the location was remote. Except for the occasional two or three crows, there were no other ghouls or humans. Otherwise, I would be scared by the screams. !

Inside the house, a black-haired child was rolling around in pain, with a ghost-like mask covering his face, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour at any time. The two slender scales behind him danced wildly, whipping him wantonly. Hit the ground, splashing smoke and dust all over the place!

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