"whispering sound!!"

Marutesai pouted, walked out of the headquarters quickly to the front, grabbed a gun from a soldier, and pulled the trigger at the opposite window at will, puff puff! !

Accompanied by faint cries of pain, several ghouls lined up in a row in the window suddenly collapsed.

"Let me learn something!!"

After Marutesai finished loading up, he threw the gun back to its owner and shouted at the surrounding soldiers.

"Okay, amazing!!"

Seeing Marutesai's powerful shooting skills, the soldiers were stunned and their eyes dropped.


Marutesai, who was about to return to the command room, was attracted by a familiar sound of the engine, and he looked at it suspiciously. He saw several soldiers surrounded a motorcycle in the center. on the car.

"Yes, that's your motorcycle~"

As if seeing the doubts of Marutesai, the assistant explained silently again.

"Hey, what do you want to do with my motorcycle!!"

When Marutesai heard this, he hurriedly stepped forward to ask, but Suzuya had already started the motorcycle, twisted the handle, buzzing! !

"Lend me to use it!!"

Before the words fell, the motorcycle rushed forward like a wild horse that ran wild. Suzuya cheered and laughed while controlling the motorcycle, increasing the accelerator to the maximum, and then the slope in front rushed up high. In midair!

"Hey, hey, hey!  Don't, don't, don't "

Marutesai watched helplessly as his beloved motorcycle flew into the air, while Suzuya stepped on the seat cushion, leaped again with the reaction force, and jumped into the window of the tall building with a loud scream.

"Puff puff! "

Suzuya fell into the window, turned around quickly with the machine gun in hand, and shot five or six ghouls around, then the figure jumped, took out the small dagger in his arms and moved forward like a flash of lightning, just a few seconds. In time, the dozen or so ghouls behind the window were easily wiped out by him!


After the window fell into silence, the figure of Suzuya came to the window and made a gesture of getting it done. At the same time, the motorcycle that Suzuya used as a springboard smashed to the ground. After a splendid fire, the motorcycle The car died honorably.

"Sudden, assault!!"

Marutesai cried bitterly as he watched his beloved motorcycle destroyed, but had to perform his commander's duties and ordered the entire army to attack.

If Marutesai knew that Suzuya was deliberately destroying his motorcycle to retaliate for his joke yesterday, Marutesai would definitely slap himself a few ears, who made you so mean!

Following Marutesai's order, the soldiers who were ready to go rushed into the high-rise building with great momentum, and the teams led by various investigators moved forward in four directions, firmly surrounding the high-rise building.

"Kill it"

The sound of fighting sounded, and the war between humans and ghouls was in full swing. Every moment a soldier and ghouls died, and the number of CCG troops, which numbered thousands, had more casualties, but they clearly had the advantage and slowed down. Slowly forcing the ghouls back into the building.

And the ghouls, with a total of only [-], could only retreat under the huge pressure, and kept gathering in the center, but they didn't think about how they would escape this encirclement.

CCG sent a total of three special investigators for this crusade. Marutesai, as the commander, did not participate in the battle. Shinohara Yukki and Kuropan Yan were the highest combat power, respectively leading two teams from the east gate and the south gate. The door entered, and Ping Zizhang, as a first-class investigator, led a team to enter through the west gate, and another female second-class investigator, Wuli Meixiang, led a team to enter through the north gate.

In the beginning, the CCG side went well, but soon encountered resistance, from the senior officials of the Bronze Tree!

As if it was intentional, when the four CCG units entered the building and had to disperse their operations in order to expand the search area, the senior cadres also quietly dispatched. They all avoided the special investigators and began to deliberately clean up low-level combatants.

At this time, the three of Li Shi finally acted!

Avoiding the CCG troops guarding the front of the building, Li Shi, Hong Luan, and Guibing sneaked into the building at a very fast speed, and then divided into three separate actions. Kill without mercy!

(The tenth shift is completed!! After a hard day, Xiaofei is going to be tired!! But he has to work hard for tomorrow's eighth shift! The hard life has just begun! Please subscribe automatically, please collect!! Please reward! …

Chapter [-] Invasion of the Bronze Tree

“Da da da da! ”

A burst of machine gunfire sounded, and countless special bullets were all shot into the red-robed ghoul, but the ghoul walked slowly forward as if nothing had happened, holding a timer in his hand.

This ghoul was wearing a red robe of a bronze tree, tall and thin, with a mask on his face with only one fangs and a big mouth, and a bunch of long hair tied into a ponytail on top of his head.

Ye Lu, senior cadre of the bronze tree, level, SS level!


Ye Lu didn't see any movement, and a long red tail appeared behind him, the end of which was like the mouth of a giant beast with a bloody mouth, and there were four or five white fangs beside it, and with a whimper, Devoured a soldier!

Chi Chi Chi! !

The upright tail suddenly disintegrated into countless tentacles with thick fingers, covering the surrounding soldiers like a downpour, instantly killing the group, leaving no one behind!

The soldier who was first swallowed by his tail turned into a pool of blood and was sprayed on the wall. Noro continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened, as if all that had just happened was just an illusion.


A beautiful figure lightly blocked his path, Li Shi with flying purple hair looked at Ye Lu in front of him with a smile, four bright red scales shot out, and he started fighting without saying a word!

Puff puff! !

To Li Shi's surprise, Ye Lu didn't dodge and let her scales pierce his body.

Withdrawing Linhe, Li Shi glanced at Ye Lu curiously, but Ye Lu ignored Li Shi and walked straight forward.

"Bastard! How dare you ignore me? Don't be too arrogant!"

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