The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 285: Episode [285]: The opportunity to lose sin

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Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

In an old English castle in the suburbs, Gerald Krasner was standing respectfully, bending over, with a charming look on his face.

On the sofa in front of him was a young man with an oriental face.

This young man looks up to thirty years old!

His biggest feature is that his face is a little too white, and even a little scary. But his face is very handsome and handsome, just like a handsome boy.

The handsome little boy was leaning on the back of the chair and shaking the red wine glass in his hand. The red wine in the glass was extremely scarlet, and looked as if they were a bit dazzling.

The handsome little boy didn't look at Gerald Krasner, just stared quietly at the red wine flowing in the glass, and said lightly, "Do you know why I came to you today?"

Gerald Klasner shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know, but please ask Mr. Xu to make it clear!"

Yes, this handsome little boy is Mr. Xu!

It was the Mr. Xu who had troubled Gerald Krasner last year to acquire Leeds United, and Gerald Krasner only knew the little handsome surname Xu in front of him, but did not know his full name what is it call?

The young handsome guy glanced up at Gerald Krasner, then said lightly, "Last year, you messed everything up. Do you think we'll let you pass so easily?"

Gerald Krasner heard it as if he had been punched in the heart with a punch.

Gerald Krasner's eyes were dark, and the double-stranded battle was almost unsteady.

There was a hint of cold sweat in his forehead, and he immediately trembled and said, "Mr. Xu, I did wrong last time. I also ask you to raise your hand. Next time, I will never let you down! Absolutely!"

The young Mr. Xu glanced at Gerald Krasner and said with a chuckle: "You don't have to be so nervous. Since last time I said to let you go, I let you go. Do you think I will lose words? ? "

Gerald Krasner breathed a sigh of relief, then said with a grin: "No, no, absolutely no! You are a big man, how can you say a word!"

Mr. Xu glanced at Gerald Klasner again, smiling lightly in his heart: "This guy is really capable!"

Yes, anyone who can bend their waist is a bit capable!

Mr. Xu said, "I said that you are in good luck, and you have the opportunity to lose your guilt!"

Gerald Krasner immediately came to the spirit, but he was still a little bit nervous. What opportunity was this? Is this really an opportunity?

Gerald Klasner doesn't think so. It is very likely that this is a good opportunity, but it is also likely to become a terrible burden.

What if this Mr. Xu asked him to buy Leeds United?

Obviously, this will not work. Leeds United has just won the Champions League. How can they acquire Leeds United?

If Mr. Xu really gives him a chance to buy Leeds United, what opportunity is this? This is simply a lifeline!

Therefore, Gerald Krasner was very embarrassed at this time.

Gerald Klees asked cautiously: "Excuse me, Mr. Xu, what's going on with the villain this time. The villain will try his best to complete it, and he won't let you down!"

Mr. Xu naturally saw the caution of Gerald Krasner, and he said immediately: "You can rest assured that I naturally know that Leeds United cannot be acquired now. I also have no hope that you can buy Leeds United! "I heard that Gerald Krasner was the landlord down instantly,

As long as you don't buy Leeds United, everything else will be done!

Yes, Gerald Krasner is very confident in other things.

Gerald Klasner immediately asked: "So Mr. Xu, what's up with the villain this time?"

The young Mr. Xu did not speak, but instead threw a pile of documents ready to be put on the table to Gerald Krasner.

Mr. Xu said lightly: "Take it back and take a good look at this information. I'll wait for your reply. You know, this time you can only succeed but not fail, you know?"

Gerald Krasner took the folder, immediately bent down, and said with great respect: "Mr. Xu, rest assured, I will not let you down this time!"

Mr Xu said lightly: "I don't care about these, I only care about the results!"

Gerald Krasner's waist was bent lower.

Gerald Klasner said immediately: "Yes, Mr. Xu. I'll go back and deal with this right away, and I won't let you down!"

Mr. Xu did not intend to leave Gerald Krasner anymore, and immediately waved to tell Gerald Krasner to leave!

Gerald Krasner bowed respectfully to Mr. Xu, and then just bent down and exited this brilliant room, and took the door. Gerald Krasner then turned around immediately and quickly left the castle.

Just stepping out of the gate of the castle, Gerald Klasner immediately glanced at the folder in his hand, and a few large characters immediately caught Gerald Krishna's sight.

Gerald Krasner's best suddenly rose, with a bright smile on his face.

Gerald Krasnahaha said with a smile: "Hahaha! Damn lunatic Loya, I said that Gerald Krasner will be back again! You wait for Lao Tzu, it's time for you Repaying the debt! "

Gerald Krasner is really excited!

He looked very much like Yangtian Xiaoxiao: "I Gerald Krasner, come back!"

However, this is the place where Mr. Xu lives, Gerald Klasner is afraid to pretend, and immediately closes the folder, very excited to take a healthy step towards the future!

━━━Split line ━━━

Zhong Cheng and Kristina are still playing in Phuket.

But it is almost coming to an end. Zhong Cheng is planning to go to China with Isabella George again. Zhong Cheng has many companies in China. He wants to go back and take a look.

Kristina is going to part ways with Zhong Cheng.

Because Kristina has a lot of things to deal with, she is going to Los Angeles, and there is something to do with [Zhongcheng Suit] over there.

On the eve of parting, Zhong Cheng and Christina had a good night. Zhong Cheng personally sent Christina to the plane the next day, and he and Isabella George will be here more Stay for two days before flying to China.

At this time, the South African Confederations Cup is continuing.

Spain's national team relied on David Villa's Spanish national team's 30th goal to defeat the Asian Cup champion Iraq by one to zero. This goal also made David Villa over Hierro, becoming the second scorer in the history of the Spanish national team, second only to Real Madrid's Raul, which scored 44 goals.

The host South Africa then easily defeated the Oceania champion New Zealand with a 2-0 victory.

Brazil's national team defeated the United States of Italy in the first round of the group stage by 3-1. So the US team has now been eliminated and the Brazilian national team's performance is still very good. Although it is widely acknowledged that the current Brazilian national team is much weaker than the previous Brazilian national team, the results seem to be good.

At this time, Mark Pias also sent the news of Alexander Pato.

To be honest, this is bad news.

In the words of Mark Pias, Alexander Pato's injury is not serious, but in the new season, Alexander Pato will have a truce for at least one month.

To be honest, if the new season is only a truce for a month, Zhong Cheng feels that it is acceptable because it is really not long. One month is also a four-round match, while the Premier League has 38 rounds and the remaining three In the fourteen rounds, Alexander Pato was able to play, which is really not a big deal.

But if you think about Alexander Pato's injury just now, and it hurts again, the problem is not so optimistic. Successive injuries must have a great impact on Alexander Pato's confidence. Many super geniuses in world football have plummeted after serious injuries and eventually disappeared into the long river of history.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng now attaches great importance to this issue.

Zhong Cheng immediately asked David Brown, a psychologist at the Leeds United Club, to fly immediately to South Africa to see what happened to Alexander Pato and see how his current mental state fell to the ground?

Yes, these employees of Leeds United are very busy now, not like they are in the offseason at all. But they also knew the position of Alexander Pato in Zhong Cheng's heart, and they were immediately dispatched to deal with Alexander Pato's affairs.

And the Confederations Cup game is continuing. The African champion Egypt continues to make everyone shine. This is the biggest highlight of the current Confederations Cup. They beat Italy 1-0. The only goal scored was Abritica, who performed very well against Brazil in the first round!

This guy is really very spiritual. It is said that a lot of teams in Europe now value him and hope to introduce this player.

Yes, now many scouts are watching the Confederations Cup. They are all ready to dig up some new stars and see if they can dig a few geniuses!

Now Abtrika in Egypt has become a citron, but Zhong Cheng didn't care about it, because he really knew the guy in his memory.

Because when Zhong Cheng was a translator of Lippi at Evergrande in Guangdong, he had met the Egyptian genius.

At that time, under the leadership of Lippi, Guangdong Evergrande won the Asian Champions League and qualified for the World Club. Their counterpart was the Al Ahli team from Africa. At the time, Abtrika was the captain of Al Ahli's players.

This guy is not famous in European football, but he is very famous in Africa.

He has played in Africa all year round. His biggest honor is to win the African Cup six times, and he also won the second place in the 2008 African Footballer's Selection.

In Egypt, fans often proudly say that France has one Zidane and Egypt has two.

One of them is Bald striker Zidan, who has played in the Bundesliga for many years, because his Arabic name is exactly the same as Zidane, a descendant of Algeria, and the other is Abtrika, because his technical characteristics are similar to Zidane. .

In Egypt and even the entire Arab world, Abritica is almost regarded as a **** by fans. He is considered one of the greatest players in the history of Arab football.

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