The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 309: Episode [309]: Walking on the edge of life and death

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The police station was darker than Zhong Cheng imagined.

This makes Zhong Cheng more cautious!

The room that Zhong Cheng entered should be an office. This office should be an office of an ordinary household registration police officer, which is a place where household registration and other things are handled for the poor.

There are very few things in this room at a glance.

Zhong Cheng immediately poked his head out of the office door and looked around. If he didn't find anything that could be done, he immediately returned to the office and opened the drawer of the office desk for inspection.

Obviously there are some ordinary things in the drawer, and some documents.

Here Zhong Cheng is a bit shocked. These documents are in Chinese, English, Japanese, and Russian, and there is even a text that Zhong Cheng does not know!

Zhong Cheng's brow tightened. What's going on?

These documents are not the same level of old and new, some of them seem to be a bit longer, while others are much newer.

Why are there so many documents in this household registration office?

Why are these files not the same old or new?

The contents of these documents are also nothing special, that is, some simple household registration information. The household registration information above shows that there are black people, white people, and yellow people ...

This is really a very complicated place!

And here is where there are police stations, schools, factories, more and more places, airports, etc. This is just a small metropolis with everything. But how can there be such a mixed fish and dragon here, as if there are people of all skin colors, and they all seem to be ordinary local residents!

The situation on LianYu Island is more complicated than Zhong Cheng imagined!

Of course, Zhong Cheng simply flipped through it and did not find further information about this LianYu Island. And Zhong Cheng couldn't search so carefully, because he didn't have enough time.

Zhong Cheng saw it, it should have been searched here, nothing.

Zhong Cheng immediately approached the corridor carefully and went up to the second floor!

Zhong Cheng still followed his previous routine and searched the second floor first. Soon, Zhong Cheng searched the second floor. It was really searched out here. Zhong Cheng saw a few pistols that no one wanted. There is nothing else.

Oh, yes, there are some handcuffs or something!

These things are really useless to Zhong Cheng!

Zhong Cheng was very helpless and angry, knowing that it was the case, he should not take this risk. It's really a mistake to rush here!

Zhong Cheng immediately went down to the second floor and came to the first floor.

Zhong Cheng carefully searched the first floor. The situation on the first floor was similar to that on the second floor. The useful things were searched or destroyed. There were a lot of useless things, such as the first floor. Two bulletproof vests, a few handcuffs or something.

Nothing else was found, no spears, no ammunition, no medicines and gas masks. Zhong Cheng found out that the guy who came here one step away took away some gas masks and then destroyed some gas masks. Nothing was left for Zhong Cheng really!

Zhong Cheng is really speechless. The guy who came here first must be a pervert.

No one in this building, Zhong Cheng still rushed to the second building carefully. He entered this building from the main entrance. After entering, he closed the door.

Zhong Cheng is still very cautious and has no risk.

Soon Zhong Cheng determined the safety of the building, and no one was inside.

Sure enough, no one would be stupid enough to ambush others here, because ordinary people really wouldn't find this place. In the first place, no one has a detailed map. In the second place, it is no longer a safe area or a bombing area. No one comes back here, and no one will die here.

Obviously, the guy who came here first has left here by car.

Zhong Cheng searched in this building.

Zhong Cheng found the arsenal of this police station, but it is clear that the contents here have basically been evacuated, leaving only a few pistol bullets, explosion-proof shields and batons.

These things are really useless to Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng shook his head in disappointment, then stood on the second floor.

There is nothing on this second floor, it is really licked very clean here, nothing is left for Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng was naturally very, very disappointed.

He ran so far, he didn't get anything, and now he is trapped in such a passive situation. Zhong Cheng is really speechless. It seems that he should be more cautious in doing things in the future, don't take it for granted.

Sure enough, it's not good to be too smart!

At this time, Zhong Cheng looked at the watch, which showed that the remaining number was 74. Zhong Cheng was shocked. Was my obedient so fast?

With so many people hanging out at once, Zhong Cheng was really nervous.

The Nima people have already begun to attack each other, and they have not found a decent weapon. This is really a goddamn. It seems that it was a mistake to choose to jump to this position before. You should take a little risk at that time and choose some richer places!

But now there is no room for regrets.

Zhong Cheng must now leave the police station as soon as possible, and go to the air-raid shelter under the hillside behind the police station to hide. Don't really be killed.

Zhong Cheng took a look at his watch. It was only over seven minutes before the bombing time. Zhong Cheng had to rush to the air-raid shelter immediately, or he would be finished.

Zhong Cheng became tense, and immediately rushed out of the police station and rushed up the hillside behind the police station. Suddenly, Zhong Cheng stumbled on his feet, his body flickered, and his whole body flew forward.

With a bang, a rush of heat passed by Zhong Cheng's ears, and with a bang, a stone debris was stirred up on the country road beside Zhong Cheng and splashed over.


The bullet just passed is the bullet!


The cold hair of Zhong Cheng's body exploded instantly, and people were lying on the hillside behind the police station!

Zhong Cheng, who had just fallen to the ground, had no time to think about it. He immediately rolled on the ground and quickly disappeared into the corner of the wall of the police branch.

Zhong Cheng is very grateful at this time!

Fortunately, I chose the position near the wall of the police station to go up the mountain, instead of leaving the police station to take the very good road to go uphill. Because that road is still a certain distance from the building complex of the police station, there is no shelter around it, and it will be attacked as soon as it emerges.

Zhong Cheng is really lucky, and also knows that he is really lucky.

Zhong Cheng was almost shot dead!

If it wasn't for the shoelaces under Zhong Cheng's feet, he stepped on his scattered shoelaces and stumbled to avoid the bullet. Maybe Zhong Cheng is dead now.

Zhong Cheng's forehead was full of cold sweat, and he was only a few centimeters away from the Ghost Gate just now!

Zhong Cheng had just taken care of it. He thought that the guy who had come to the police station one step before he had left. How could this **** guy be ambush on the hillside behind the police station. Perhaps because there is an air-raid shelter behind, this guy is not afraid of being bombed, so he is here to wait for the rabbit!

He should be determined to hide in the air-raid shelter and drive away after the bombing.

Therefore, before the explosion came, he was in an ambush here to determine whether he was safe around him and to see if he could ambush the enemy.

Zhong Cheng was nervous now, there was someone behind the hillside!

This time Zhong Cheng is embarrassed!

Obviously without a spear, he had no chance to fight against the guy behind the hillside. Then Zhong Cheng would have no way to go to the air-raid shelter, and that guy on the hillside would never let Zhong Cheng go to the air-raid shelter!

Zhong Cheng's forehead leaning against the corner was all sweaty.

What to do next?

If Zhong Cheng wanted to go to the air-raid shelter, he would only have to go this way, because it was too late to go around now. But if you take this road just now, you will definitely be ambushed by the guy behind the hillside. That guy must still be waiting!

What should I do?

There is no other way, Zhong Cheng only has to go back to the police station, but the police station is much safer than outside. If you are outside, there will be nothing to block in the open air, it will die even worse.

Zhong Cheng looked at the time on his wrist. Not good, the bombing was about to start.

As soon as Zhong Cheng gritted his teeth, he gave up his plan to go up the hillside and go to the air-raid shelter. He immediately turned around immediately, rushed into the police station courtyard against the wall, and rushed directly into a house to avoid the bombing outside.

Yes, Zhong Cheng now only evades at the police station!

At this time, Zhong Cheng really admired the boy who ambushed him. When he rushed down to the police station, the guy didn't choose to shoot, but waited and waited, waiting for his mind to relax. Give yourself the deadliest blow.

This guy behind the hillside is really a good hunter!

If it wasn't for his fate, Zhong Cheng was really killed by this **** guy.

Zhong Cheng looked at the laces on his right foot, and did not expect that it was his laces that saved his life today. If he stepped on his shoelaces a second later, chances are that he would be headshot or hit.

Zhong Cheng himself felt that his life was huge!

Of course, the danger has not yet been lifted, and greater danger is coming on him!

Zhong Cheng looked at his wrist watch!

Here, the big bombing is finally coming, and it is coming soon. The **** kid behind the hillside should have rushed down the hillside, and went to the air-raid shelter?

At this time, Zhong Cheng heard the roar of bombers in the sky.

Zhong Cheng's face changed, and his heart bitterly said, "Lie, I won't be so lucky. Is such a big bomber, is the bomber on his head?"

Zhong Cheng immediately found a corner and waited!

Just then, the sharp sound of a bomb falling suddenly sounded in the sky. Zhong Cheng's face changed greatly and he was finished. The bomb was about to land. Dangerous!

Zhong Cheng suddenly raised his head, staring at the top of his head in the distance, widening his eyes: "Reclining, I will not be so unlucky!"


Huge sounds came from the second floor in an instant, and the fire flickered instantly. The huge explosion sound exploded in Zhong Cheng's ears. The whole house shook and shook instantly, as if the mountain was shaking.

The huge heat wave blasted fast with a strong impact and flying stone sawdust.

Zhong Cheng's body seemed to be knocked out by a huge shock wave, hit the wall severely, and made a loud impact sound.


The sound of the bomb falling came densely, as if the end of the world was coming!

Bombing, the long-awaited bombing is finally here!

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