The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 382: Episode [382]: I love Manchester United, love deeply

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Big cunning!

Alex Ferguson stared at Zhong Cheng really had nothing to say, this kid is more cunning than the old fox, really did not want to take any advantage from him.

Alex Ferguson stared at Zhong Cheng and said in his heart: "It's not a fluke that this lunatic can succeed!"

Yes, only cunning talents like Zhong Cheng can succeed.

Media reporters are naturally very dissatisfied with Zhong Cheng's words. They also knew that it was impossible to hear something from Zhong Cheng, and they turned to ask Alex Ferguson again.

"Excuse Alex Ferguson, did your club look at the two strikers of Bayern Munich, Edin Dzeko and Mario Gomez?" Kylie Fox stood up and asked.

Hearing this question, Zhong Cheng and Alex Ferguson were both surprised.

To be honest, now that the two of them know this matter, how did Kylie Fox know?

Alex Ferguson immediately turned to Zhong Cheng, questioning in his eyes.

He only told Zhong Cheng about this matter, and Zhong Cheng and Kelly Fox had a very close relationship. Only Zhong Cheng could tell Kelly Fox.

Zhong Cheng was slightly stunned, staring at Alex Ferguson very helplessly, his face unrelated to me.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's reaction, Alex Ferguson tightened his eyes. He knew that if this was done by Zhong Cheng, Zhong Cheng would never deny it. Now Zhong Cheng has such an attitude, which shows that this matter really has nothing to do with him, so how does Kelly Fox know?

Has anyone else leaked the news?

Or maybe Kylie Fox guessed her intention through clues?

If this is possible later, then Kelly Fox is so powerful. She is really aggrieved to be a reporter. She should come to Manchester United to work.

Alex Ferguson stared closely at Kelly Fox and asked, "I don't know how this lady has such a question? Where did you see it? We Manchester United have this idea." ? "

Hearing Alex Ferguson say so, Kylie Fox knew her guess was correct!

Kylie Fox immediately said: "It's not difficult to guess, there are not many excellent centers in the world football, and there are fewer centers that can fit the Manchester United tactical system. Since there are few center resources, so many **** The team will not easily sell their center, but Bayern Munich is different, they are overstaffed in this position! "

Alex Ferguson nodded slightly, the little girl made some sense, but ...

Kylie Fox continued: "And everyone knows very well that you are almost always going where you claim that Mr. Loya's vision is very, very good, and now everyone knows that the center that was once valued by Mr. Zhong Cheng How many of them at Leeds United are Edin Djeko and Mario Gomez who now bring Bayern Munich? "

All the media reporters have their eyes lit up. Why didn't they think of it?

In fact, listening to Kelly Fox said this, it should be easy to guess, why didn't they guess? Perhaps they guessed, but the Manchester United team did not show any horses, so they are a bit uncertain.

Kelly Fox continued: "Mr. Ferguson appreciates Mr. Loya's vision so much, obviously he also believes in Mr. Loya's vision, and naturally also believes in Edin Djeco and Mario Gomez. The most important thing is that you It was really too long to talk to Mr. Loya before and after this game, beyond all the previous situation. In summary, is n’t the goal of Manchester United yet obvious? "

Everyone took a breath and stared at Kelly Fox in surprise.

Alex Ferguson and Zhong Cheng talked about many things before and after the game. Everyone saw it, and these media reporters also noticed it. But they didn't think about it. At most, they thought that Alex Ferguson must be discussing the introduction of Lewandowski with Zhong Cheng.

Unexpectedly, there are still so many bends and turns.

In fact, this is really worthless. Many people think that if they think about it carefully, they can easily understand it.

However, everyone didn't go that way at the time, only Kylie Fox thought of it, which is to show that Kylie Fox is different and powerful.

Knowing is easy, but it is so!

Alex Ferguson stared at Kylie Fox with a pair of eyes, and suddenly applauded, popped!

Alex Ferguson chuckled and said, "Miss Fox, you are so amazing, staying to continue to be a reporter really buryes your talents, so, you can come to work for our Manchester United team? We Manchester United transfer The Ministry needs talent like you! "

Everyone on the scene was stunned and a little dazed!

What happened to this matter? Alex Ferguson actually wanted to invite Kylie Fox to join Manchester United and still go to the transfer department, which is a great thing.

Because many of these transfers are handled by his brother Martin Ferguson, now Alex Ferguson has let Kelly Fox join them, which is too shocking.

To be honest, Kylie Fox was also shocked. She didn't expect Alex Ferguson to value her so much, although she didn't know where she went to the Manchester United transfer department. But Alex Ferguson invited her in front of such multimedia reporters, and that position would never be lower!

Kylie Fox was slightly stunned, and her heart was like a stormy sea, sinking and floating!

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly, and after a while his mouth slightly raised, staring at Alex Ferguson with a smile, and said in his heart: "This old guy is a good abacus, really an old fox!"

Zhong Cheng understood that perhaps Alex Ferguson really valued Kelly Fox's ability, but when Zhong Cheng believed more, Alex Ferguson valued Kelly Fox behind and the Leeds United Club. Relationship.

If you have Kylie Fox to play for Manchester United, then the relationship between Manchester United and Leeds United will be much closer in the future. Alex Ferguson is going to rob some people from Leeds United, then it will be a lot easier. After all, Leeds United should pay attention to Kylie Ferguson's face.

Moreover, Kelly Fox ’s boyfriend Zhong Zheng will definitely help her in order to help her girlfriend get better at Manchester United. How can I help? Naturally blowing the wind to his brother Zhong Cheng.

It's not difficult to think about this layer of problems. Kylie Fox and some smart media reporters on the scene wanted to understand this layer. They stared at Alex Ferguson's eyes differently. This is really an old fox. , Clever calculation.

The agitation in Kylie Fox's heart is also much less.

Kylie Fox glanced at Zhong Cheng, then said: "I'm sorry Mr Alex Ferguson, I don't think I was honored to join the Manchester United team, my current job is quite ..."

Kelly Fox hadn't finished speaking yet, Alex Ferguson said immediately: "Now you don't have to be too busy to refuse, go back and think about it, think about it and answer that I won't eat it!"

Kelly Fox froze for a moment, then fell silent.

At this time, Alex Ferguson did not give Kelly Fox the opportunity to speak, he said: "It is true, as Miss Kylie Fox said, the center I am currently looking at is Bayern Munich's Edin. Zheke and Mario Gomez, I will bring one of these two to Manchester this winter, you wait! "

Hearing this, all the media emergency departments at the scene were taken aback. They did not expect that this thing was actually true. Alex Ferguson really introduced these two centers. At this time, they all turned to look at Kylie Fox, this woman is amazing!

Zhong Cheng also looked at Kelly Fox. He also thought that if Kylie Fox was only a reporter, it was a bit overkill.

However, he didn't expect Alex Ferguson to throw an olive branch to Kelly Fox, as many things were not what he wanted.

The following media reporters immediately pointed all the artillery fire at Alex Ferguson and asked them how Manchester United introduced the two power centers.

For a while, here will soon be the scene of the Manchester United exclusive press conference.

After this matter passed a little bit, everyone was ready to leave and ended the post-match press conference. But at this time a reporter stood up and asked a very sharp question.

"I would like to ask Mr. Nemania Vidic, do you now regret not choosing to join Leeds United?" A middle-aged man wearing glasses asked.

When I heard this question, everyone on the scene was stunned.

This **** reporter is just about picking things up! But many media colleagues gave this thumbs up, this is big news.

At that time, Zhong Cheng threw an olive branch to Nemania Vidic several times when he just accepted Leeds United. He wanted to introduce this central defender. But he was rejected by Vidic and this guy later joined Manchester United.

Now think about it, if Nemania Vidic chose to join Leeds United at the time, he would be like Pique now, and even he could stay in Leeds United all the time. It is also a legendary central defender in world football.

Because Leeds United created a lot of miracles, the newly promoted team won the Premier League championship, and later won the Champions League.

If he joined Leeds United at that time, Nemanja Vidic ’s status is definitely much higher than his current status.

This matter involves the face of Nemania Vidic, Alex Ferguson, Manchester United, Zhong Cheng and Leeds United. This question will be problematic no matter how you answer it. This **** media reporter will really pick things up.

Vidic was eager to drag the media reporters out to feed the dog at this time, so he had to look for **** things.

Vidic pondered for a while, and then said: "Of course I do not regret it. Yes, Leeds United is very pleased to play, and the subsequent results are very very amazing. Joining them will indeed bring me a lot of aura. But I I have been a fan of Manchester United since I was a child. Playing for Manchester United is a dream of my life. I do not regret rejecting Leeds United, and I do not regret joining Manchester United. Here I have achieved unprecedented success. I love Manchester United and love it deeply! "

Many media reporters rolled their eyes: "Fuck! Another cunning fox!"

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