The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 12: Episode [012]: Those things on the right back

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Zhong Cheng called Trevor Birch's phone!

Trevor Birch's voice soon came over the phone: "Hey, boss, what's the matter?"

Zhong Cheng opened the door and said, "Have you heard of Patrick?"

Trevor Birch's voice came immediately: "Yes, boss, I heard that. It's rumbling outside now!"

Zhong Cheng tightened his eyes, then said, "What the **** is going on with this? Have we received any news from us?"

Trevor Birch understood what Zhong Cheng meant, and immediately said, "Boss, we haven't heard anything from him yet. Patrick's agent hasn't heard anything, and he didn't give us any opinions about the transfer. This should be the wishful thinking of Alex Ferguson! "

When hearing this, Zhong Cheng was relieved.

If this season, Leeds United's left and right central defenders have left, then the impact on Leeds United will be really great.

Fortunately, the worst thing has not happened yet.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: "Pay close attention to this matter. Patrick Evra is very important to our Leeds United team. We will not sell Patrick Evra!"

Patrick Evra and Leeds United have a few years of contract. Leeds United do not want to sell him. He really has to stay with Leeds United.

Trevor Birch's voice came: "Okay, I know what to do!"

Zhong Cheng groaned and said, "What's going on in Sarnia?"

Trevor Birch immediately said: "Sarnia's agent Christopher is here and they applied to leave. I went to investigate and now I value Sarnia's many teams, including Manchester City and Chelsea. , Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur and Inter! "

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly. Sarnia is really popular. So many teams value him.

Zhong Cheng immediately asked: "What is the specific situation? Who is Sarnia closer to?"

Trevor Burch said: "It's not easy to say, it seems that every club is close to him. One of them is Arsenal, the other teams are very generous, I think except Arsenal Team Na, other teams are possible. Especially Inter Milan, after all, there is Jose Mourinho there, Jose Mourinho had a soft spot for Sarnia, now he has gone to Inter Milan He must have wanted to take Sarnia to Inter Milan! "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and Trevor Birch was right.

Jose Mourinho is very optimistic about Sarnia. He has chased Sarnia many times while he was still at Chelsea. Now that he coaches Inter Milan, he definitely wants to build a team in his mind. Sarnia should be inevitable.

However, Manchester City clubs are also upstarts and some have money. Now that Manchester City has money left, maybe they will use the money to move Sarnia.

Chelsea values ​​Sarnia mainly because Jose Mourinho was there. The Chelsea people still believed in Jose Mourinho's vision, so they joined Sarnia's battle. However, their determination should not be great.

The Arsenal team has no money and can't see any high salary. Tottenham Hotspur is not enough!

Therefore, in Zhong Cheng's opinion, there are only two possibilities for Sarnia to transfer to Leeds United, one is Inter Milan and the other is Manchester City.

As for which team Sarnia wants to join, Zhong Cheng is really hard to say. However, Zhong Cheng has also understood that the guy from Sarnia is really hard-hearted and wants to leave Leeds United. Zhong Cheng also sighed!

However, Zhong Cheng is still planning to talk to Sarnia's agent, Christopher, to see if there is still room for things to turn around.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: "Keep an eye on the news from Manchester United and see what they think of Frank Ribery?"

Zhong Cheng had already made up his mind at this time, using Frank Ribelli in exchange for Cristiano Ronaldo. The arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo will definitely increase the strength of Leeds United.

Zhong Cheng himself was looking for Sarnia's agent Christopher.

And recently, the European Cup matches are still in progress. The sixteen teams of the European Cup have made their full debut. The Spanish national team has shown great strength and a number of new players have emerged, such as David Silva and David Villa, etc.

Of course, at this time no one would have thought that the Spanish national team would win the European Cup this season, only Zhong Cheng knew this.

Zhong Cheng himself bought some of the Spanish national team winning titles.

Of course, Zhong Cheng didn't buy much, just for entertainment!

Now Zhong Cheng doesn't have much thought to pay attention to the European Cup game, he is busy. Therefore, at this time, the three daughters of Julia Oliveira went to watch the European Cup.

However, Kristina does not like to watch football, and she would not be interested even without Zhong Cheng. Therefore, during this time, she succeeded Julia Oliveira as Zhong Cheng's temporary personal assistant. Julia Oliveira is a rare vacation, and is going crazy with Isabella George.

Zhong Cheng led Christina to meet Sarnia's agent Christopher in a coffee shop in Switzerland!

Christopher also understood why Zhong Cheng was looking for him. Christopher did not conceal or play Tai Chi, and he himself did not want to be stiff with Leeds United. After all, this was not good for both sides.

Christopher said directly, "Thank you very much for Mr. Loya for the cultivation and care of Bakari over the years. Without you Bakari now, Bakari now needs more money because he is ready to form his Family, his girlfriend Ludwin is pregnant! "

Hearing here, Zhong Cheng was a little stunned, he really did not think that was the reason.

Zhong Cheng, who knows Sarnia's private life, still knows something. In previous lives, he saw Sarnia's private life on the Internet. The main reason was from the theme of "beauty and the beast"!

Bakari Sarnia's appearance is really dare not compliment, and it is really not too much to use beasts to describe him. But he has a very, very **** girlfriend Rudwin!

The two met in 2004, when Sarnia was still playing in France. At that time, Rudwin was just 14 years old. Because of his brother's injury, she accompanied her to the hospital and saw Sarnia, then 21, at the hospital.

After getting acquainted with it, it is said that it was Sarnia that Ludwin pursued very beautiful and sexy. The two soon established a relationship, and during that time their relationship rose sharply. Later, Zhong Cheng brought Sarnia to Leeds United, and the two separated the two places, but the distance did not drown the fire of love in their hearts, but the love was getting stronger and stronger.

After graduating from high school, Edwin also came to Leeds, but she studied business and trade in London. Although Leeds is not far from London, it takes several hours to drive back and forth every day, which affects their lives. However, the relationship between the two has always been very good, and now Rudwin has a dwarf, Sarnia wants to stay with Edwin more.

Of course, money is also an important part!

Sarnia naturally wants to give his wife and children a better living environment. To this end, he wants a better job and gets more money, which is understandable.

Hearing Christiedorf's words, Zhong Cheng is really not good at blocking Sarnia.

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly and said, "Can I know where Sarnia's next stop will be?"

Christopher didn't hide it, saying: "We haven't settled down yet, but it must be London and Milan, because these two cities are suitable for Bakary and Ludwin. You know Lu In addition to a student, Devin is still a deadly model, and only big cities like Milan and London are suitable for her! "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Christopher looked at Zhong Cheng with some worry, he was afraid that Zhong Cheng would not agree. Zhong Cheng used to deal with the "rebels" but he still remembers it. Who else can even remember Leeds goalkeeper Elawi? Now Elavi has long since disappeared into world football. There is no such person.

Christopher is very worried.

Zhong Cheng groaned a little, then said directly: "Bakari can transfer and leave, but the transfer fee must meet our expectations, otherwise, he can only stay with us at Leeds United!"

Christopher was relieved in an instant, and both Inter Milan and Chelsea are not lack of money. It seems that Sarnia's departure from Leeds United is a foregone conclusion, and he is really relieved.

Christopher immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Loya!"

Zhong Cheng waved his hand slightly and said, "I also hope that Bakari has a better life, please help me tell Bakari. I wish him a happy wedding in advance, and have a precious son!"

Christophe shakes hands with Zhong Cheng excitedly, thanks!

At this time, Christopher suddenly felt that the news that Zhong Cheng was a tyrant was not true at all. Zhong Cheng still seemed to speak well!

Christopher left excitedly and got everything done, naturally a lot easier.

As soon as Christopher left, Zhong Cheng called Trevor Birch's phone and Zhong Cheng said directly, "Treve, Sarnia is sure to leave. Now send someone to contact the Swiss national team. The agent of right-back Lichsteiner, please finalize him as soon as possible, you know? "

Trevor Birch was shocked. Of course, he was not surprised by Sarnia's departure, but just after it was confirmed that Sarnia's departure, Zhong Cheng had the goal of a successor. Zhong Cheng was really amazing!

Trevor Birch naturally believed in Zhong Cheng's gaze, and he said immediately: "I know, I will let people contact Lichsteiner!"

Zhong Cheng nodded and said, "Hurry up!"

In Zhong Cheng's memory, Lichsteiner will leave France this summer to join Lazio in Italy. After two seasons with Lazio, he transferred to Juventus.

It seems that Lazio introduced Lichsteiner after seeing Lichsteiner's excellent performance in the European Cup. So, now Zhong Cheng is going to make a little bit of a fuss. Take Lichsteiner and don't give Lazio a chance.

Trevor Birch was shocked again. He didn't expect Zhong Cheng to be so anxious. It seems that he is very optimistic about Lichsteiner!

Trevor Birch said immediately: "Okay, I'll go and deal with this right away!"

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