The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 128 Do you know the fireball technique?

Although the entrance to Karma Taj is an inconspicuous little broken door, and it looks like an old bungalow from the outside, the space is unexpectedly large after entering. After passing through the wide front yard, there is a majestic palace complex. Countless ancient palaces stand here. It is obvious that they are connected to other spaces by some kind of magic.

At mealtime, Master Modu led Richard through the backyard and came to a palace with an open door. This palace is quite lively, with many mages in robes and training uniforms coming and going. There are many tables and chairs in the hall, and many people are eating at the tables with plates. There is also a cooking window in front. A squinting mage is shaking a spoon in his hand. In front of him are three taels of meat and vegetable dishes and a large round bucket. It gives the impression of a full university cafeteria.

Richard followed suit, sandwiched among other mages, and together they took a plate to cook. He took a cursory glance at the dish and saw that yes, there was curry and roasted pork. He had been wondering whether all the mages in the temple would become vegetarians.

He asked the mage who was cooking for a curry and roast pork. The mage's eyes were almost two slits, and I didn't know whether they were open or not. Anyway, he didn't pay attention to the unfamiliar face in front of him. After hearing Richard's words, he ate a spoonful of the curry pork.

As a result, this spoonful was filled with potatoes, and there were only three pieces of meat. Just when Richard was thinking that three pieces would be enough, the mage shook his hand and it turned into two pieces, and then shook his hand again and there was only one piece left.

Wow, Master, you really didn’t learn this trick from some cafeteria lady, did you? I see that your technique is skillful and your movements are smooth. I am afraid that your skill is not as good as that of the lady in the cafeteria!

When Richard was a student, he felt that the aunt in the cafeteria was definitely not an ordinary person because she had the unique skill of shaking her hands to lock and drop meat. Now it seems that the aunt is also a hidden master of secret arts.

But one thing to say, the temple food tasted surprisingly good, and Richard had been mentally prepared to get a box of instant noodles.

After dinner, Richard had nothing to do, so he simply went out and wandered around the holy place. After wandering under the buildings for a long time, he found the martial arts arena of the mages. At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the scorching sun was hanging in the sky, burning the ground as hot as a steamer. The mages in ceremonial robes lined up neatly, shouting loud slogans on the martial arts field. That scene reminded Richard of the radio gymnastics he did during his student days.

Well, although countless seniors must have complained about this issue, but now that he is in the situation, he feels that he still has an obligation to complain about it again——

——A bunch of you mages who practice like this "hey hey hey" from dawn to dusk, can you really learn any high-end spells?

He felt strange while watching the movie. What do the mages in the MCU movies look like? Recite the incantation to form a gorgeous magic circle, and then condense it into a dazzling sword with a burst of sparks flying and a special effect that will burn money at a glance, and then go up and slash with the sword.

Let’s look at the mages in other works. When the spell is cast, the light and shadow effects fill the sky, the magic circles follow one after another, and a series of gorgeous AOEs are dazzling (except for Gandalf)

But if you want to say that this is what Marvel Mages are like, slashing with swords is their only way of fighting. It doesn't seem to be the case. At least the mages in the comics are equally brilliant at casting spells. Any high-output and high-damage spells are child's play. They can even affect time and space, and touch the level of world laws, which is quite impressive.

In the movie, only Doctor Strange, who joined the Avengers in the later stages, seemed to have that idea, and I don’t know why. Could it be that those gorgeous high-end spells are too difficult and other people are too poorly qualified to learn them?

Don't understand.

The mages of Kama Taj did not shy away from suspicion. He stood on the side and watched the mages without any concern at all. After a while, another mage took the initiative to come over and asked: "It seems to be a new face I have never seen before. Are you a new apprentice?"

Richard looked him over. The mage had a square face with a look of determination, and there was a hint of fierceness in his eyes, but his attitude was still kind. More importantly, he always felt that this person looked a little familiar.

"That's right." Richard nodded, "Mage Mordo brought me here, but he told me to wait first, saying that I would have to wait for the Supreme Mage to decide whether to teach me the spell."

"It turns out to be the apprentice brought back by Mordu." The mage nodded, "I am Master Casillas, you can call me by my name directly."

Richard froze and looked at him again—especially his eyes.

I guess this is Casillas? That kid who later betrayed the Supreme Mage and stole a bunch of magic books, and finally took refuge with Dormammu?

Richard said that without the panda-like dark circles under his eyes, he really didn’t recognize him for a while.

Casillas noticed something different in his eyes: "What?"

"Oh nothing."

It's just a pity. Look at such an upright young man, why can't he think of running away to join the ugly Dormammu who is actually not very powerful?

In the end, the strength didn't get much stronger, but the person was transformed into a non-mainstream, looking like a human being and a ghost.

But at this time, Casillas was quite nice: "If you are interested, you might as well learn some basics from us first. Although technically new disciples need to meet the Supreme Mage before starting, they just need to learn some basics first. It’s not in the way either.”

oh? Is there such a good thing?

Richard naturally had no reason to refuse.

So Master Casillas began to explain: "Many people don't understand, but magic is actually one of the ways to explore and apply the principles of this world. Spells are like the source code of the application world. We use spells to analyze The origin of the real world, and programming and magicking reality.”

he said as he began to demonstrate. Richard watched as he stretched out his hands, and his fingertips drew a hot line with sparks flying. As he turned his hands, it transformed into a circular magic circle with complicated patterns engraved in the middle.

"Using spells, we can forge shields, forge weapons, and cast spells."

Richard watched as the gestures of his hands continued to change, and the shape of the magic circle also rotated and changed rapidly, and the patterns became more and more complex. He suddenly couldn't help but interrupt and asked: "Then you mean to cast spells to cast shields or weapons? Use them to fight with others?"

Casillas was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant: "Then what do you think it should be like?"

"Um, like some spells that are more like a mage?" Richard thought for a while, "Just like, fireball or something?"


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