As Richard remembered, the use of the Power Stone required little skill or knowledge. The power of the Power Stone can be exerted by any weapon or method, all you need is the will to kill whomever you want.

Like what Zaki is doing now - using his fists.

Dark Zaki directly held the power gem in his hand, and the small stone bloomed with divine light. The purple light combined with Zaki's own dark energy, intertwined with each other and wrapped around his right fist, burning like a fire.

Then he let out a strange cry, like the roar of a wild animal with a little excitement.

From a distance of more than 800 meters, this punch came out.

Although it was a punch from the air, at this moment Richard felt as if his whole body was enveloped by something extremely huge. The energy was like a surging river, and in a daze, he seemed to see that fist that was so big that it stretched out the world and covered everything, leaving no room to dodge.

It felt like a white dwarf was crashing head on.

boom! ! !

The ground exploded, Xandar experienced another round of tremors, and the entire land was shaking violently. The storm rolled up, and thick dust was rolled up on the ground, and the visibility instantly dropped to the minimum.

However, this is not a direct impact on the planet, just a little aftermath.

The moment before the punch was launched, Nexus began to take off at full speed, trying to avoid this round of devastating offensive. Zaki also adjusted the angle at the moment of punching, and used all the force of his punch to hit Nexus in mid-air.

But this punch was ultimately empty. The combined power of Zaki's darkness and power gems was blasted into the air, but ultimately failed to hit the target. The domineering punch soared into the sky, penetrated the atmosphere and flew into the universe. On the way, it also hit three unfortunate Kree shuttles, blasting the shuttles into smithereens during a fierce battle with the Nova Corps.


Zaki said, slowly retracting his fist and looking slowly behind him.

The blue Nexus didn't know when he had appeared behind him, half-kneeling on the ground and panting softly, and the blue light all over his body was gradually dissipating.

Zaki's super vision was activated, and he quickly discovered the subtle changes in the blue crystal on Nexus's chest - a small, faint blue stone, exactly the same as the one in his own hand. .

Space gem.

The use of space gems is much more demanding than the power gems. It requires a lot of space knowledge and an understanding of the operating principles of the infinite gems themselves. Thanks to Ganata's friendly help, Richard has mastered this part of knowledge to some extent. During battle, he can absorb gems into the energy core on his chest and apply them in real time.

"It seems like you've learned some new tricks too?" Zaki sneered, "Isn't this the right way? This kind of battle is interesting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dark Zaki disappeared on the spot, and a dark light suddenly flashed to Nexus' side, and he punched out again with the power gem in his hand!

Without hesitation, the space gem in the energy core on Nexus's chest was activated again. His whole figure flickered and disappeared directly with a burst of electric light.

This is different from quantized teleportation. The principle of quantization is to break oneself down to the molecular level, escape into subspace in quantum form and move instantaneously from one point to another. If I must say it, this principle is equivalent to taking a shortcut to shorten the path between two points.

But in fact, this is not a true "teleportation". Even if you take a shortcut, there is still a movement process. This process can be captured and predicted, and it is not absolutely invincible during movement. As long as the enemy's attack is fast and strong enough, it may be injured even in the quantum state.

But the space gem is different.

As one of the six infinite gems that can directly rewrite the rules, the space gem represents the current space rules in the universe. Holding the space gem means that you have absolute authority on the space level and can achieve "teleportation" in the true sense. Ability to move instantly from one point in space to any point.

The punch missed again, but then Zaki's senses locked onto the light again.

Without thinking, he turned around and held out his fists in parallel. A powerful purple-red undercurrent burst out from his fists, and a circle of light spread from his wrists, making a loud noise.

Nexus had just landed on the ground in a flash, and without thinking, he directly extracted the energy of the space gem from the energy core and mixed it with his own light. As he extended his palms, golden and blue light entwined with each other and shot out like a water dragon, hitting the dark light stream emitted by Zaki head-on.

The Infinity Stones themselves are extremely powerful energy sources. Each gem has almost infinite energy, and can naturally be used as a weapon for energy projection.

But the space gem itself is not a combat gem after all. Although energy attacks are not impossible, they are not its specialty after all. And this aspect happens to be the area where the power gem is best at, so as expected, Nexus was suppressed after the two energies came into contact for only two seconds.

Zaki's output continued to increase, and the red-purple light flow pushed back Nexus's energy like a crushing force. In just a moment, he was in front of him.

Nexus made a prompt decision and immediately cut off the light output. He mobilized light energy all over his body, and the space gem was running at full strength, but the output mode changed from offense to defense, and mixed with light energy to create a swirling circular barrier.

The red-purple stream of light directly bombarded the circular barrier. Nexus pressed the barrier with both palms, and his body began to slide backwards under the powerful impact, dragging a long plow mark on the ground with his footsteps.

Zaki roared wildly and continued to increase the output. The energy became more intense, like a never-ending flood. The circular barrier began to become dim, the energy became thinner, and it seemed that it would not be able to support it.

Nexus stood still, a faint blue light flashed in the crystal on his chest, and the space gem ability activated. He turned his arms, and the vortex of the circular barrier spun. A special energy caused the space itself to fold, and the blue barrier suddenly turned into a mirror, reflecting the beam of light blasted by Zaki back along the path it came from, hitting Zaki's own chest.

Zaki roared, and all the powerful energy hit his chest without reservation, exploding in a circle of dark ripples. Sparks flew from the armor on Zaki's chest. He staggered back two steps and fell on his back with a bang.

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