"I thought Sergeant Barnes was dead a long time ago." Richard held his chin, "That's what the history books say."

"Captain America" ​​smiled: "Previously, the history textbook said that I was also dead. I guess sometimes what is written in the book is not always reliable."

Is the Winter Soldier dead? Of course he is not dead. Richard, as the current hidden leader of Hydra, naturally knows it very well, especially since this area happens to be under his control.

However, he also received a report not long ago that during his absence on Earth, the Winter Soldier had broken free and fought his way out of the Hydra base.

Richard was not surprised at all. He just calmly replied "I understand" and then didn't ask any more questions. In fact, he had expected that this would happen, or it was inevitable.

Hydra's brainwashing technology is actually not in place, and the methods they use are relatively crude and primitive. They forcibly implanted a different personality in the Winter Soldier's mind so that he could unconditionally obey orders and work for them. However, as long as this personality is not "maintained" for a period of time, it will dissipate on its own, and Sergeant Barnes's own consciousness will disappear. return.

After the death of Minister Pi, the Winter Soldier naturally became Richard's property, but he had little interest in a super soldier and hated this method of forcing the other party to use it for his own purposes through brainwashing. So since then, he has left the Winter Soldier in its original stronghold and ignored it, and has not repeated the measures to strengthen brainwashing and maintenance.

Therefore, it can be predicted that Sergeant Barnes's sense of autonomy will naturally recover over time, and it is not difficult to escape with his abilities.

But has his memory fully recovered? This is probably not the case. In the movie, he is still in a state of confusion after being separated from Hydra's control for more than two years. Even if he regains himself, his memory will not come back. He may still have to spend a long time thinking about the historical philosophical question of "Who am I?"

It was expected that Captain America would go looking for the Winter Soldier after getting the news, and it seemed understandable.

Richard looked at "Captain America" ​​with a calm expression for a moment, but didn't speak for a while.

"Captain America" ​​tried his best to remain normal under his gaze, looking back at him with a natural expression.

After nearly ten seconds, he took the initiative to break the silence: "Do you have any more questions, Mr. Li?"

"No." Richard said calmly, "It's okay."

He stood up and straightened the skirt of his windbreaker.

"If something happens to the captain, there is nothing we can do. I will talk to Agent Ward of SHIELD next. He may be interested in coming back to participate in our sequel."

After saying that, he smiled, said goodbye, turned and left the building.

It wasn't until he watched him walk into the elevator and leave from the bottom of the building that "Captain America" ​​let out a long sigh of relief.

Only then did he realize that sweat was forming on his back.

There's no way, not everyone can withstand pressure like that. He had just told a huge lie to a real god, and he felt that he had performed perfectly without any flaws.

At this time, the real Captain America in the training room has also been recovered by the Skrull stalkers without anyone noticing, and the infiltration plan was a great success.

After finding a reason to get rid of Stark, "Captain America" ​​returned to his room and reconnected the communication through the secret line.

"It's me," he said. "The target has left and I was not exposed."

"Are you sure?" the companion on the other side asked, "I don't think I need to remind you how important this is. We are facing the most dangerous existence on the planet, and we must make sure that he does not notice it, otherwise the entire plan will even The entire empire could be affected."

"Of course I know." "Captain America" ​​was a little impatient, "But don't you know who I am? I have carried out hundreds of latent missions, have any of them been exposed?"

The other party was silent for a moment.

"There will be no problem, don't worry." "Captain America" ​​said, "My 'informant' is now also aware of the other party's movements. I am very sure that the other party has now left the Avengers Tower normally. We are talking here. In the meantime he had gone back to his residence and he was undoubtedly unaware of any problems."

"Okay," his companion finally said, "I'm just making sure, because the stakes are high and we have to make sure everything is flawless.

Since there is no problem, come back as soon as possible. I will send the connection location to your device, and you have to return to the headquarters within today. "


"Captain America" ​​hung up the communication with a confident smile on his lips.

This thrilling experience not only did not scare him away, but instead increased his confidence in latent missions.

Even the so-called god of the universe couldn't see through his disguise, which is proof that his disguise, acting skills and espionage skills have reached their peak.

Although the Skrulls can transform into any shape through their own special abilities, there are actually drawbacks to direct transformation. For example, their genes cannot become exactly the same as the target's, the target's superpowers cannot be copied, and their memory can only be copied from short-term memory, etc. In fact, they may still be exposed if they are not careful.

But if they combine the technology of the Skrulls and capture the target object they want to mimic, they can extract a series of biological characteristics, including genes, from the target for experiments to tailor a Skrull. Become someone who is exactly the same as the target. They can try to restore the complete memory, personality and genes of the mimic object in the laboratory, and even most of the superpowers can be restored, making it truly indistinguishable from the real person.

Now Captain America has fallen into their hands. When the Skrull warrior returns to the headquarters tonight, he will be able to completely transform into Captain America with the help of their race's technology. Even gods should be able to deceive him by then!

The idea is beautiful, but did his superb acting skills really deceive the other party?

Unfortunately, not really.

At this moment, Richard has indeed returned home, but while he is crossing his legs in the study, he is still monitoring "Captain America" ​​in Avengers Tower with his super vision.

He noticed something was wrong just as he was in the building.

This "Captain America" ​​was obviously a little nervous when facing him. It is completely imperceptible to ordinary people, but Richard's words can be heard as his heart rate gradually increases as time goes by, and his breathing also has some minimal disturbances. Especially when Richard stared at him.

Another thing that caught his attention was that Cap used the title "James" when referring to the Winter Soldier.

In my impression, the US team has never called the Winter Soldier like this. Because their relationship is so close, Captain America always refers to his best friend as "Bucky."

Although it may be an insignificant detail that does not directly explain anything, it still caught Richard's attention. So after leaving the building, he never stopped monitoring the building with his super vision.

And sure enough, he saw the scene just now.

Richard sat in the study and slowly raised his chin.

He heard the other party mention "empire" and "lurk" in the communication just now.

empire? Which empire?

Which empire likes to pretend to be someone else and play lurking?

Aren't they just those Skrull crawlers?

"Now it's interesting." He said to himself.

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