Jet fighters circled the sky over and over again, and countless missiles entered the ready state in the launch silos. Almost every soldier in the world has entered the highest alert state, waiting every minute for possible enemy attacks.

Dark Lucifer foretold the impending arrival of the gods and warned them of the approximate time, but not the specific location. Therefore, everyone has to assume that the scope of the enemy's arrival is anywhere in the world, and every country and every government is ready to prepare.

The fighting in the war zone stopped. The government forces and the rebels rarely continued to fight, but briefly reached an agreement to prepare for possible enemy attacks. The armies of the major powers are in full readiness, and the highest-standard missiles are aimed at all corners of their respective territories.

Even terrorists like Hydra are ready to fight. Hydra has never been sloppy when it comes to the survival of the race. After all, if humanity is finished, they will have no one to rule.

At 9:13 in the morning, in the mountainous suburbs of North America, a god arrived as expected.

A golden light from the sky crashed down, like a golden waterfall hitting the earth. The giant steel shadow emerged from Optimus Prime, and the giant body wrapped in iron armor stood on the blue planet.

The judge, the judge of the cosmic god group, comes with the responsibility of judging.

The Iron Giant had just landed and before he could stand firm, the whole earth was shocked.

All governments were notified, and the eyes of the world were focused on this unexpected god. Countless people felt relieved - at least the giant was now someone else's responsibility, but at the same time some people became more nervous.

"Sir, the enemy coordinates are A39 and B47. There is only one small fishing village within a ten-mile radius with a population of no more than fifty people."

The old men in the Pentagon immediately jumped to their feet.

"That's an acceptable sacrifice. Just launch a nuclear bomb!"

Coincidentally, the unit closest to there carrying a nuclear bomb was Stark's floating aircraft carrier.

Stark, who received the order, naturally expressed his objection: "Are you crazy? Are you going to drop nuclear bombs on areas where innocent people are?"

"What we are facing is a disaster of human extinction level, Director Stark." The old man responded, "Such a small sacrifice is acceptable."

Let alone a small fishing village, under the current situation, even if the enemy falls in downtown Manhattan, nuclear weapons are not impossible to consider.

"This is crazy," Stark said. "Don't expect me to carry out such an order."

The old man and the people around him looked at each other, and then said: "Of course we know you will refuse, Director Stark. So you see, I don't really hope you will understand when I speak here, this is just following the necessary procedures. That’s all.

In fact the nuclear bomb has left your mothership before we speak. "

Stark's pupils shrank, he stopped talking nonsense and quickly turned around and left the dark conference room. As expected, he learned the news that the nuclear warhead had left the mother ship as soon as he went out.

Because Ultron had hijacked most of the nuclear bombs before, there are only two nuclear warheads reloaded on the floating carrier. Both nuclear bombs were launched, locking the position of the god from a distance.

The warhead is locked and cannot be released remotely. There is no doubt that the Pentagon must have tampered with it. Stark quickly turned around and ran to his director's office, wanting to change into a steel suit and recover the two warheads himself.

But deep down he also knew that it was too late now.

The judge stood on the ground, turned his head slightly, and watched from a distance as two tiny warheads flew towards him.

His huge head moved, and the light in his eyes under the helmet flickered.

The God didn't move, he just watched the two small warheads hit his body and exploded on the God's strong armor.

Light and heat occupied the heavens and the earth, and the flames licked the armor of the gods and engulfed the entire body of the giant. A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the clouds were dyed fiery red, as if the entire sky was on fire.

"Report the situation!" The old men in the Pentagon stared directly at the remote monitoring screen with wide eyes.

"Target. Target is alive! Repeat, target is alive!"

The smoke screen dissipated, the flames rolled into the air, and the body of the god reappeared in everyone's sight. There was no change at all on his body, and not even a single scratch could be seen on his thick armor.

A group of old men began to panic again.

"What the hell is that?"

"This is impossible. Are nuclear weapons completely ineffective?"

On the Aegis mothership closest to the battle, the command room was also quiet at this time.

Black Widow looked at the big screen and said softly: "Is that God?"

Captain America took a deep breath.

"Put on your gear," he said, glancing at Stark, "We have work to do."

On the land baptized by nuclear bombs, the Judge stood quietly, seemingly not annoyed by this unfriendly treatment at all.

He looked down at the flattened land, the charred remains of trees, and the small fishing village not far away that had been evaporated by the high temperature.

The judge stood there, neither moving nor making a sound, as if he was thinking quietly.

A shadow emerged from behind him and transformed into a physical entity. Dark Lucifer, who had a body similar to Ultraman's, stood behind him with his arms folded and said contemptuously: "You see, it's just like what I said. That's what humans are like. They will never solve problems that can be solved with violence. Try to use your brain even if it means sacrificing your fellow man."

The judge still made no sound.

But the sentence has been passed, and communication between the gods does not need to be through words.

Satellites in low-Earth orbit quickly discovered anomalies, and governments and major organizations from various countries were aware of it. Someone on the Aegis Mothership immediately reported: "Sir! A new enemy is coming!"

Stark felt as if his head had grown bigger: "Again?"

Haven’t you finished the previous one? Coming again so soon?

"Yes! And judging from the image, the enemy this time is bigger!"

The human judgment standard is very simple. The bigger the enemy, the more powerful it must be.

But this time it seems to be true according to this standard.

Because the big guy who came this time is really the most powerful one in the Celestial Team team. He is also the top combat power in the Celestial Team system of the entire universe and the pinnacle-level fighting god in the single universe.

The huge body crashed to the ground, and its heavy footsteps were like a war hammer about to smash through the earth. The one-mile-high god stood tall in the sky, and the sound of falling to the ground was like the end of the world.

The God of the Universe, the Eradicator.

He turned his huge head and looked at the judge.

The dark figure of Lucifer next to the judge gradually disappeared until he completely disappeared.

The Judge nodded to the Eradicator and gave the order.


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