The Gilded Cage

Chapter 101

The Gilded Cage Chapter 101

Comparison - Like an island hidden from the world (1)

In Tangquan Palace, Xiao Yu sat by the window, watching the snow by the steaming pool and the snowflakes tumbling in the air.

The warmness of the room contrasted sharply with the freezing cold outside, and the inner servant who had just come in had sweat beading on his face, but he didn't dare to wipe it. He respectfully reported to him.

"...The road is blocked. People on the mountain can't go down, and people at the bottom can't come up. We have to wait until tomorrow when the snow stops, and then send someone to clean it up. The Crown Prince's Consort may not be able to come back today."

There was no expression on Xiao Yu's face. He just shook his robe and waved lightly, "I see, I'll go send someone to see tomorrow morning. You’re dismissed."

The servant bowed, slowly exited the hall, and closed the door.

With Xu Rong left in the room, Xiao Yu pointed to the other side of the desk at hand and said, ”Eunuch Xu, there is no one else here, so don't be too restrained."

Xu Rong bowed, sat down respectfully, and continued the topic of conversation of Chu Ning who was at the bottom of the mountain and Zhao Yanzhou who had escorted her down.

"His Royal Highness, about Zhao Sizhi... have you already inquired?"

He also remembered that the news of his previous private correspondence with several generals was leaked to the emperor, and his doubts about Zhao Yanzhou never subsided.

Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, remembering what Chu Ning said last time. He couldn't help frowning and said, "Okay, it's not him, you don't have to think about it."

Xu Rong and Zhao Yanzhou were the two highest-ranking officials in the Eastern Palace. In the past many years, Xu Rong was the only one in power, and later, Zhao Yanzhou was added, so there was some discord between the two. In the past two years, Xu Rong has repeatedly targeted and suspected Zhao Yanzhou.

Xiao Yu was not ignorant of this. He had also suspected Zhao Yanzhou before, but when he thought about it later, he felt that Zhao Yanzhou had no reason to do so. Perhaps, it was just that his uncle had other channels.

"Yes, the minister has been thinking too much." Xu Rong mentioned the same thing once or twice, so he couldn't talk more, so he could only turn his words to other places, "In the past two days, it has been spread all over the palace. Now, it is said that Second Lady Zhao had an affair with the Emperor, but was abandoned by him. If this word spreads to the ears of General Zhao in Bozhou, I don’t know if it will cause waves.”

"He abandoned her?" Xiao Yu couldn't help sneering when he mentioned this. "Why do I remember that it was Second Lady Zhao who blatantly seduced the Emperor? If it weren’t for the emperor’s reckless behavior before, I'm afraid he wouldn't have lost such a reputation."

The last time he appeared at the birthday banquet of the Empress Dowager Qi, and later on, the incident on the racecourse was already known to everyone, but it was only covered by the sudden appearance of an unknown woman. This was probably Xiao Kezhi's self-inflicted experience.

When Xu Rong talked about this, he disagreed a little, "The Emperor’s move is a bit hasty. No matter how wicked the Zhao family is, they still hold the Bozhou army. Compared with the Ganzhou army, they are evenly matched."

He always had a little bit of confusion. Sometimes the emperor seemed to be thoughtful and profound, but sometimes he was completely unreasonable, making people feel confused.

Xiao Yu said, "What type of person is Second Lady Zhao? She was widowed, but she did not keep mourning for her husband. Instead, she returned to her parents' home and even seduced the emperor in public. Who can respect such a ruthless and sloppy woman? At most, she can be used as a plaything."

Xu Rong glanced at him and swallowed what he was about to say. He knew that Xiao Yu's heart was always on the Crown Princess Chu, and with such a beauty by his side, he naturally looked down on others. Even if he had discussed using some marriage means for the future, nothing really came out of that.

Fortunately, if the emperor really became an enemy to the Zhao family, it would be a good thing for the East Palace. If the Zhao family teamed up with someone, it would be great if they could stand on the side of the East Palace.


The Seven Saints Temple in the snowy night was like an isolated island hidden from the world.

The heavy snow rustled, and piled up layers of silvery white, which were crystal clear and gleaming under the bright moonlight.

The house was damp and cold, and the wind and snow came in through the cracks and could not be contained.

But the two were hot and enthusiastic, wound tightly together,

The ice-cold, slender hair stick was mixed with the silky and soft ends of the hair, brushing and brushing from time to time, from top to bottom, from peak to valley, not letting go of a single corner.

"Your Majesty, Sixth Uncle, don't... A’Ning is uncomfortable..."

The beauty's eyes were full of tears, and she was about to fall. She looked delicate and timid, but she was actually like a monster.

"Uncomfortable? You should tell the truth when you feel uncomfortable." Xiao Kezhi gritted his teeth. His voice was hoarse and low, as if he couldn't hold back and squeezed out of his teeth, "You tell me, who allows you to be more comfortable and satisfied?"

The lights in the room were on, and the bright yellow candlelight reflected on her pink-white cheeks and undulating body. Even the thin crystals on her eyelashes and the beads of sweat rolling down from the ravines were clearly visible.

Just like a pure lotus that should have closed and slept among the lotus leaves at night, it left the waters where it lived under his teasing passion.

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