The Gilded Cage

Chapter 107

The Night Visit – He Really Had Her in His Heart (1)

In the bedchamber of the Crown Prince’s Tang, Xiao Yu was fully dressed and was about to go out when he heard the chamberlain report that the Crown Prince Consort had returned.

He did not rush to leave, but rather stayed in the room and waited for a while.

Soon, Chu Ning really came back, and once she saw him there, she came over and bowed.

“Your Highness, I couldn’t come back in time because of the wind and snow last night, please forgive me.”

Xiao Yu saw her and was in a happy mood. He beckoned her to come closer and personally untied her cloak, saying, “It’s okay, the wind and snow blocked the road. Just remember to come back earlier next time. Where did you stay last night?”

Chu Ning was obediently embraced by his arms and replied, “There is a Daoist temple at the bottom of the mountain called the Seven Saints Temple. I stayed there last night.”

“Hmm.” Xiao Yu glanced at her. His face still gentle, he turned his head to summon a chamberlain outside the house, “Go, go to the Seven Saints’ Temple down the mountain, and send some silver coins as a thank-you gift.”


The chamberlain answered and went away, but Chu Ning was so scared that her heartbeat spiked. She knew him very well, and she could see right away that he was doubting her having spent the night with Zhao Yanzhou, and wanted someone to go to the Daoist temple to ask if they were innocent.

A person who he had brutalized to this extent, he was still not at ease with.

She and Zhao Yanzhou were not afraid of his suspicions, but last night, Xiao Kezhi was in the Daoist temple as well. If Xiao Yu knew, he would probably cause more trouble, and she didn’t know if Xiao Kezhi had already left and whether everything had been taken care of.

“Wait.” She suddenly spoke out, calling to the chamberlain who had already gone out.

“What?” Xiao Yu’s expression was slightly averted, and his eyes lowered to examine her.

“Your Highness, I stayed at the Seven Sacred Temples yesterday and saw that the Daoist priests were living in poverty, so I wanted to have some cloth and vegetables taken from the treasury and sent along. It is difficult for them to go to the market in the city to buy these things on such a cold and snowy day, and sending silver will not solve their urgent needs.”

The most important thing was that she wanted to take advantage of the time of stewards going to get these items, update the storehouse staff, and register the inventory, leaving more time for Xiao Kezhi to prepare.

“Good, A’Ning is kind-hearted and always wants to help others. Go get it.” Xiao Yu didn’t think much about it, and after hearing this, he instructed the chamberlain to do as he was told. He himself took two sips of tea and went out.

As soon as the people left, Chu Ning hurriedly bid Cui He personally go to Feishuang Hall and find Liu Kang to alert Xiao Kezhi of the situation. Half an hour later, she learned that everything had been taken care of, and relaxed.

A few maids prepared the hot spring, a pot of light wine, and a few cups of tea for her. She leaned in the spring, washed away all her fatigue, and came out refreshed.

Seeing that it was still early, she had someone send an invitation to Duke Lu’s residence, and when she heard back, she took Cuihe with her and packed some gifts to go visit.

When Chu Ning arrived, Guo’er was making a rabbit-like lantern with the maids in the courtyard, while Madam Xu was tending to the flowers. When they saw her coming, they both put down what they were doing to welcome her.

Guo’er’s sharp eyes immediately saw Chu Ning wearing the same sachet she gave last time. She was overjoyed, took the initiative to pour the other a cup of tea, and pulled the other’s sleeve to the side to sit down intimately to talk.

Madam Xu washed her muddy hands, took the snacks from the maid and put them on the table, smiling, “Your Highness is here! I have nothing to do, so I’m arranging some flowers and plants.” She pointed to Guo’er and explained, “This child heard that the palace will hold a lantern festival and was happy to personally make a lantern!

Chu Ning looked at the half-made lanterns and nodded in praise, “Guo’er’s hands are getting more and more skillful, much better than mine! Are you still learning to ride horses these last two days?”

Guo’er shook her head and whispered, “In the past two days, Lady Zhao said she had caught a chill and couldn’t teach me.”

Madam Xu pointed to the side and said to Guo’er, “Well, keep up the good work for a while. Didn’t you say you wanted to make one more for Her Highness? You’ll have to hurry up.”

Although Guo’er was young and did not like to talk, her mind was sensitive. A pair of round eyes looked between the two, and she nodded obediently, following the maid to the side to continue making lanterns.

“On New Year’s Eve, the matter of Lady Zhao…” Madam Xu waited until her daughter was far away and out of earshot before she lowered her voice and said to Chu Ning, “Earlier, I only felt that Lady Zhao’s attitude was a bit perfunctory, but she was still patient in teaching Guo’er, but now after such an embarrassing incident, she simply stopped teaching her. I naturally do not want Guo’er to only learn halfway. I want to have someone to teach her again, but Lady Zhao was picked by the Emperor himself, so I really do not know what to do!”

Chu Ning understood. Zhao Yue refused to come, but out of respect to Xiao Kezhi, Madam Xu could not ask another person directly, so she was in a dilemma.

She thought for a moment and said, “It’s true that the Emperor has personally chosen Lady Zhao for Guo’er. However, the Emperor’s intention was only to teach Guo’er to let go of her shy temperament and have more contact with other people. If you don’t think it’s suitable or if Guo’er doesn’t like it, you can politely say so as long as it doesn’t lose face.”

“But the Emperor’s words are gold, I do not know if he will blame…” Madam Xu listened to her words and felt that there was some truth, but remembering Xiao Kezhi’s serious and cold appearance, her heart was still in turmoil.

Chu Ning looked at her hesitant look and couldn’t help but smile.

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