The Gilded Cage

Chapter 111

Summoning Joys – The Emperor Summoned the Musicians and Singers to the Feishuang Hall (2)

Seeing the maids talking more and more uninhibitedly, Cui He could not help but raise her voice and admonish, “Alright, do not discuss the Emperor’s affairs. Be careful of inviting trouble for Her Highness!”

The first thing she did was take a look at Chu Ning, fearing that the other might be unhappy.

Chu Ning looked as usual, only lightly said, “To invite trouble for me is one, you yourselves should be more careful. If you let someone hear, the harm will be your own.”

Her heart was not as unhappy as Cui He feared. Xiao Kezhi did not inform her about Feishuang Hall’s music in advance, but somehow, she always felt that he had such a plan for doing so.

Besides, she was not qualified to question him, especially with her status, so why bother herself?

A few maids looked at each other and knew they had made a mistake, so they immediately bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.

Chu Ning saw this, then regained her smile, ate a yellow chestnut, and picked up the book to read to them again.

The atmosphere gradually eased, and the maids began to laugh from time to time.

They were feeling comfortable and cheerful when a chamberlain suddenly approached outside and said in a low voice, “His Highness is back!”

Chu Ning was stunned, not knowing why he had only been out for an hour or so before he came back today.

In the courtyard, Xiao Yu just came back with a heavy heart and entered his own bedchamber. Seeing Chu Ning coming, he subconsciously smiled, but only for a moment, as if remembering something.

“How come Your Highness is so early today? It’s only been an hour and you’re back.” Chu Ning carefully observed his expression on one side, while naturally approaching and reaching out to undress him.

The gentle, fragile beauty was just an inch in front of him, untying the belt around his waist, and the fragrant fragrance of her hair, if any, entered his nose, stirring his already heavy mood into more and more confusion.

“I suddenly remembered something. I didn’t go to the banquet, and I came back afterwards.” He rubbed the corner of his tired forehead, and lowered his eyes to gaze at her eyebrows drenched in warm candlelight, “You don’t want me to come back earlier?”

Chu Ning moved slightly, shook her head slightly aggrievedly, and said, “Your Highness always talks like this. How could I not want Your Highness to come back?”

Her voice was warm and soft, delicate and soft, falling in his ears, more than usual, confusing the heart and soul. The pair of eyes was even more sparkling, and he did not look away from the eyes.

He took a deep breath, squeezed her hand that was holding his clean robe, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her head without a second thought.

“Your Highness, what’s the matter-” Chu Ning was startled and hurriedly turned her face away to push him away.

But he was even stronger than usual, directly clasping her hand and forcing her to lift her body. Taking initiative, her cheeks twisted away, and the kiss fell directly on the side of her neck. A beautiful mark quickly fell on her pale, smooth neck.

He saw his eyes slightly red, simply a force in his hand, directly tore her outer shirt, threw aside, through the thin skirt gently patted her buttocks and spoke in a dumb voice: “Kneel.”

She was breathing unsteadily. Her cheeks were already red, obviously not powdered, but like dyed layers of rouge, plus the difficulty to hide the clothes and the trace on her neck, showing a kind of wretched beauty to it.

She bit her lip and knelt on the bed with difficulty, her eyes closed as she felt the only remaining skirt being lifted and torn by him with urgency.

She was trapped by his arms at her sides, unable to move, and could only go limp and wait for everything to happen.

It was unclear if it was an illusion or not, but she always felt that today Xiao Yu seemed to be very anxious, as if he wanted to prove something, but also as if he was afraid of losing something, and the whole person was in a state of uncertainty and bipolar.


It was unknown how much time had passed, but he carried the naked woman straight out of the house and soaked in the soup spring that had just been placed outside.

The moonlight, the water mist curling, soft waves, sun-dried flower petals and herbs soaked in the pool water, so that the air is also tinged with a touch of bitterness and fragrance.

“A’Ning,” Xiao Yu leaned against the edge of the pool, one hand cupping the soft flesh of her body, the other resting on the smooth stone and rubbing it, “if one day I have no choice but to make you suffer, are you willing to do so?”

His voice was husky and ethereal, ringing low in the dark night, causing Chu Ning to open her tired eyes and warily survey his demeanor.

“What’s wrong with Your Highness today? Suddenly saying such words.”

“Nothing. Just answer.” He expressionlessly cupped her chin, his gaze complexly staring at her, not letting go of a single expression, “Willing?”

Chu Ning intuited that he must have decided to do something, and couldn’t help but hold back the wild beating in her heart, doing her best to say softly, “As long as it’s what Your Highness said, A’Ning has never gone against it.”

He met her crystal eyes and suddenly his gaze flashed, as if he had been burned by something. He quickly turned his face away.

“Is there something that Your Highness wants A’Ning to do?” She asked him as she put her hands on his damp arms and looked up cautiously.

“Nothing, don’t think much about it.” He seemed reluctant to talk to her more, and only put his hand into the water, hooking his long, slender fingers.

The soup spring flowed, the waves glistened, and Chu Ning suddenly stopped talking, blushing once again with his movements.

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