The Gilded Cage

Chapter 155

I Will Also Work Hard With You. (2)

“What’s the regret?” He simply unbuttoned his skirt, revealing the solid muscle lines underneath, which made him look more masculine and powerful. “Although the wedding ceremony is important, it is really nothing to a person’s life. As long as we can live a good life in the future, everything else won’t matter, so don’t worry about it.”

Besides, who said that a wedding ceremony could not be held? It was just that it was not the right time right now, and there would be opportunities in the future.

He didn’t say this, but just hugged her and lowered his head, so that she could wrap his neck around his neck to stabilize his figure.

“A’Ning, if you feel ashamed, you might as well make it up to me.”

“Your Majesty?” Chu Ning was stunned for a moment, blinked, and asked, “How can A’Ning compensate you?”

Outside the screen, the maid was blushing when she heard the commotion inside, and she didn’t dare to come in, so she had to say cautiously,”The bath is ready.”

Hearing this, Xiao Kezhi hugged her and went to the bathroom, “Today’s compensation is to take a bath with me.”

Chu Ning’s face turned red, and as soon as she entered the bathroom, her skin was moistened and radiant with the moist breath that hit her face.

She hugged his neck and slid from his arms to the ground and was about to nod, but suddenly felt a faint pain in her lower abdomen, and then she felt a warm current slowly descending.

The wet and sticky touch under the clothes made her wriggle, her already delicate cheeks became more and more gorgeous, and even her eyes were covered with a layer of misty water.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid A’Ning is not feeling well today…”

Xiao Kezhi was taken aback because he had never experienced such a thing before, and it took him a long time to understand what she meant, and his usually calm face also turned a little red for no reason, “You… have you started your monthly flow?”

Chu Ning nodded slightly, turned around, and went out to change and clean up.

Xiao Kezhi was alone in the bathroom for a moment, and he couldn’t even remember how he bathed, scrubbed, and changed clothes.

No one had ever taught him such a thing, and he really didn’t know how to react.

After hesitating for a while, he walked out of the bathroom, watched Chu Ning turn around, and went in again, and after a moment of silence, he called Liu Kang to him.

“Liu Kang, there is one thing I don’t understand—” He pondered for a moment, but he always felt that he couldn’t say it.

Liu Kang’s eyes widened in surprise, a little flattered, “Your Majesty? The old slave is here.”

Xiao Kezhi pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, “What kind of situation is a woman’s monthly flow?”

Liu Kang blinked, and his old face also turned red. Only then did he realize that it was probably because the Empress had her monthly flow, but the emperor didn’t understand the situation.

It was reasonable to wonder if he were a child who was only kept in the imperial city until he was twelve years old, and later had protection from his parents and relatives, and no woman ever got close to him.

While sighing in his heart, he racked his brains to speak clearly what he knew.

“I heard that many women will experience lower abdominal pain, fatigue, chills, and restlessness during their flow. They need to rest well.”

Xiao Ke didn’t say a word, but he listened very carefully. When he came across confusing places, he asked again and again carefully.

It was just that Liu Kang was only a servant in the palace after all, and he was not incredibly knowledgeable about these things, so he could only say, “Your Majesty, forgive me. This old slave doesn’t know much about it. Why don’t you invite Fengyu here and have a good talk with him?”

Xiao Kezhi was about to nod his head when he heard some movement in the bathroom, so he changed his words, “Forget it, bid Fengyu come over after the court meeting tomorrow.”

After a while, Chu Ning came out. Seeing him sitting with a strange expression, she couldn’t help being taken aback and guessed from the bottom of his heart.

“What’s the matter, Your Majesty? What’s on your mind?”

Xiao Kezhi shook his head, regained his smile, hugged her to his side, followed Liu Kang’s suggestion just now, tentatively put his hand on her lower abdomen, and rubbed her stomach gently.

“I’m just worried about you. Is that better?”

Chu Ning felt a gentle warmth in her lower abdomen, and her heart also warmed up, “Yes, it will be much better in a while.”

It turned out that his pensive appearance was because he was worried about her monthly flow.

She tentatively covered the back of his generous hand, led him to move it down, and said softly, “It’s more swollen here. Don’t worry too much, Your Majesty. I’m still young. When I have my monthly flow, I don’t feel too uncomfortable.”

“This can’t be taken lightly.” Xiao Kezhi said very seriously as if he was dealing with a major military matter, “I heard that some women don’t take these things to heart when they are young, and when they are older, they may suffer from paralysis.”

Chu Ning was surprised when she heard this and couldn’t help but look over with wide eyes, “Where did your Majesty hear about it? There is some weakness in the body, but paralysis… Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated.”

Xiao Kezhi thought of Liu Kang’s words just now, couldn’t help cursing inwardly, coughed lightly, and said vaguely, “Anyway, take care of yourself, and tomorrow, I will let the imperial physician order you to see it in person. There is no need to drink the contraceptive soups anymore. Sometimes, you can birth a little princess or prince for me.”

As he said that, he said solemnly again, “This matter is not only your business. I will also work hard with you.”

Chu Ning’s face became hot when she heard it, and she thought it was funny, nodded, and said, “Yes, Your Majesty has to work hard, A’Ning can’t give birth alone…”

The two laughed together for a while, but they didn’t feel dull at all because of the monthly flow incident.

At night, Xiao Kezhi took care of the rest of the memorials one by one and went over the matters to be discussed at the next court meeting. After he had a good idea, he washed up and lay down beside Chu Ning.

When the lights were turned off, the croaking of cicadas and frogs could be heard faintly, making the hall even more cool and quiet.

He remembered what happened to Xiao Yu in the back garden during the day and couldn’t help but hug her tighter, and said in a low voice: “You were wronged in the day.”

“It’s nothing.” Chu Ning was already in a daze of sleep. After listening to his words, she regained consciousness and shook her head. “Your Majesty has already sent someone to keep watch over it, and Weimo came out to protect me. Everything is fine.”

Xiao Kezhi gave a low “hmm”, and after a long while, he said in a hoarse voice in the darkness, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon.”

He knew that she was enduring for himself, so he didn’t vent all the grievances and injustices he had suffered in the past. He also remembered that he promised her that he would escape all the past for her.

Her father, her elder brother, and her other relatives would all be under his wing from now on, so she wouldn’t have to worry anymore.

If his prediction of Xiao Yu’s character were correct, tonight, at most tomorrow night, Xiao Yu will not be able to hold back his nervousness and suspicion and would act.

Then, it would be time for him to take advantage of the situation to close the net and wipe out the East Palace and the Zhao family.

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