Pavilion – A Slender Woman Wearing a Maid’s Dress (1)

Outside the platform, Chu Ning and Cui He were about to quietly return to the banquet, when suddenly a low voice in the shadow of the corner sounded.

“Her Highness—Her Highness, the Crown Prince’s Consort, please wait!”

The voice was a bit familiar. Chu Ning thought about it and immediately remembered that it was an internal servant who carried her palanquin to the Ganlu Palace that night in the East Palace.

She hurriedly stopped and walked towards the corner.

Fortunately, the fireworks would be set off in a while, and the guests would all be in the banquet hall to watch the show.

They brought her a set of clothes and said, “Your Highness, er, here, please change your clothes. The Emperor is waiting in Chongming Pavilion…”

Chu Ning was stunned for a moment and took a closer look at the clothes in front of her in the weak light, only to realize that it was actually the dress of a palace maid!

Even she couldn’t help but blush.

Naturally, she had heard that some powerful people liked to play different tricks in the bedroom.

But she never imagined that Xiao Kezhi would make her do such a thing at such a time! There were so many pairs of eyes watching outside, and if they were not careful, her identity would be revealed.

As the Emperor, he naturally didn’t have so many scruples, but she, the Crown Prince’s Consort, had to be cautious. If it really happened, it would be her who would be blamed by countless people.

This was obviously his intention to tease her.

There was a chill on her back. She lowered her head and bit her lips without saying a word. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out her hand, took the clothes, and went to change her clothes.

She saw the relationship with him clearly from the beginning—each got what they needed. Since he was the superior, she had to recognize her own identity. As long as she could achieve her goal, she didn’t care about anything else.

On the contrary, the servants waiting outside all looked at each other in dismay. They always felt that the princess had misunderstood something.

After a while, Chu Ning came out of the room in the maid’s clothes. No one would be able to tell that she was the dignified, regal Crown Prince’s Consort.

The servants hurried towards the direction of Chongming Pavilion. One of them whispered in her ear, “Your Highness, please forgive us. The Emperor only asked Your Highness to come. This set of clothes was prepared by Head Eunuch Liu. We were really afraid that other people would see, so we could only do things like this…”

She stopped and wanted to ask another question, but Liu Kang, who was guarding inside, had already walked over quickly, whispering, “It’s okay to be offended,” while leading the servants out and closing the door from the outside.

Something really happened.

Doubts flashed in her heart. She looked up at the steps in front of her, gritted her teeth, and climbed up step by step.

The candlelight on the second floor was dim, and only a few cushions were placed on a sparsely decorated platform couch.

A tall and burly man reclined on the couch and closed his eyes. His face was hidden in the shadows so that people couldn’t see his expression, and they could only see the tension in his body from the movement of his grip on the armrest beside him.

The window beside the couch was slightly open, and the sound of laughter and singing and dancing streamed into the pavilion.

But this hot room seemed to be covered with an invisible veil, filtering out all those noisy sounds. There was a strange silence between the two people inside.

Xiao Kezhi sat up slowly. His hazy face was finally exposed under the candlelight, and a pair of red bloodshot eyes looked to the side.

“Who’s there? Get out!”

His voice was hoarse to the extreme, as if he was desperately suppressing something. Although his face was flushed, his eyes were full of anger, which was chilling.

He asked Liu Kang to bring “her”. The old slave probably didn’t understand at all, so he just got him a maid!

His mind was already entangled by that fragrance, but seeing that it wasn’t “her” in front of him, he still subconsciously resisted.

But the “maid” did not step back in panic, but approached step by step calmly.

“Get back!” he yelled, breathing heavily, “You—”

Before the words were finished, a gust of wind blew in outside the window and lifted the tulle of her cap to a corner.

A beautiful and familiar face flashed past his eyes, stopping his movements.

“Your Majesty, it’s A’Ning.” She said softly, knelt down on the footrest beside the couch, and placed one hand lightly on his knee.


He stretched out his hand to remove the veil on her cap and caressed her jade-white face. The chaotic clouds in his mind dispersed for a while.


He called again and instinctively pulled her up on his lap, the veil hanging down to cover her face again.

“Why are you dressed like this?” He held her shoulders with one hand and caressed her face through the tulle with the other, his whole body tense. His hoarse voice was full of burning heat, as if he could swallow her alive in the next moment.

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