Discussion – His Majesty Is So, So Informal! (1)

The woman had her back turned to everyone. Her whole face was buried in Xiao Kezhi’s arms, and she couldn’t be recognized it at all. One could only tell from her beautiful figure, white neck, and delicate soft limbs that she was a young, beautiful woman.

The fireworks in the night sky were still exploding one after another, but everyone was silent for a moment.

Was this still the rumored new emperor who was not close to women?

Immediately, as if a pot had exploded, everyone whispered.

“On an occasion like today, there is a woman in His Majesty’s Chongming Pavilion!”

“I heard that a few days ago at the stables, the Emperor brought a woman and carried her directly into the Imperial tent!”

“Yeah! When we came back that day, weren’t we still waiting for His Majesty to bring that woman into the palace? Today, it seems like it’s just a whim of an interest!”

“Hey, do you think that woman is the same one from a few days ago?”

“No! There were no palace maids on the racecourse that day, only the daughters and maids of the noble family. This one looks like a palace maid, maybe one that serves the royal family!”

“I can’t believe that His Majesty is so, so informal!”

The crowd’s discussion came from below, making Chu Ning, who was already nervous, clench Xiao Kezhi’s shirt more tightly, shiver, and bury her face even lower for fear of being seen by others.

Just before the window was opened, he seemed to be teasing her. He lifted the hood she was wearing and threw it aside, and when she was panicking to the point of despair, he took her by the waist and thrust her head into the protection of his chest.

She was like a helpless fish, dragged out of the water, unable to breathe, and then thrown back into the water.

“Are you afraid?”

The deep voice entered her ears through his broad chest, and the powerful vibration made her whole body tremble.

She leaned against his chest, rubbed nervously a few times, and said in a trembling voice, “I’m afraid, Your Majesty. Don’t make fun of A’Ning, alright?”

She now understood that his temper was so arrogant and unruly, and he was drugged today, which made him lose all restraint. She just hoped that his reason was still there, and he wouldn’t really embarrass her.

It was probably because of her nervousness and obedience that made him very comfortable. He couldn’t help but chuckle, and the hand he held on her slender waist also squeezed quietly, then gently stroked her back.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m here.” He lowered his head and whispered in her ear. It was only for a moment that she was comforted. At this time, the effect of the incense had not yet passed, and he resisted its effect with much difficulty after seeing her weak and helpless. His heart was soft and crisp.

The position of the two fell into the eyes of outsiders, and it looked more extreme than it was.

Everyone was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do, especially Qi Chenxiang, who originally wanted to go to the hall, felt even more complication in her heart.

She had just thought that the Emperor was having a tryst with Second Lady Zhao in his hall, but when she suddenly saw him appearing in the Chongming Pavilion, she subconsciously felt happy. But when she saw a woman in his arms again, that little joy vanished again, followed by a burst of resistance and unhappiness, and even a bit of disappointment.

The mysterious woman who was on the racecourse last time was still unknown, and today, there was another maid. It seemed that he didn’t take these women to heart at all.

He really was not a person to be trusted!

Seeing that the beauty in his arms had already been teased enough, Xiao Kezhi glanced down at the assembled crowd and said solemnly, “Today is New Year’s Eve. It’s time to get rid of the old and replace it with the new. Everyone enjoy yourselves at the banquet—eat and drink to your heart’s content!”

His voice fell, and everyone shouted in thanks again.

Xiao Kezhi didn’t stay any longer. He closed the window, turned around, picked up the beauty in his arms, and was about to leave.

“Your Majesty!” Chu Ning exclaimed in fright, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to stabilize herself, “Where are we going?”

“Bedroom.” He was a man and an emperor, so he didn’t have to care about other people’s comments, but she was different. Moreover, although he also liked stimulation, he knew the boundaries. The incense was still in effect. If he stayed here, he would be bound by many constraints, and he really didn’t know what he would do.

When Chu Ning heard this, her heart tightened, and she leaned on his shoulder and said, “But, there are so many people outside—”

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Kezhi had already stepped down the steps, pressed her head into his arms again, and pushed the door open.

“No one knows who you are.”

“But, the Crown Prince, he still…”

She leaned against his chest, her tone sad. He was in a trance. Her whole body was numb, and he couldn’t help lowering his head and kissing her neck, “Be good, I have arranged it a long time ago. He won’t wake up.”

This time, Chu Ning was completely sure that he did manipulate Xiao Yu’s food and drink. In this way, she no longer worried, let him carry herself on the palanquin, sat directly on his lap boldly, and pulled open the front of his shirt to bury herself inside.

The palanquin was lifted up. He stroked her head and neck with one hand and clutched the wooden handrail with the other, so tightly that blue veins popped up. The shaking was unendurable.

He took a deep breath and urged in a hoarse voice, “Hurry up.”

The servants, who were carrying the palanquin. lowered their heads one after another, endured the hot sweat all over their bodies, and accelerated their pace towards the Feishuang Palace, but they made the palanquin shake even more.

Liu Kang acted thoughtfully. Before the two left the Chongming Pavilion, he had already cleared the way. But with the thousands of guests in the banquet hall, at least a few of them were snooping at the Emperor.

Fortunately, the moonlight was dim. No matter how they looked, they could only see two hazy figures clinging to one another.

After an unknown amount of time, the palanquin finally stopped outside the Feishuang Palace.

Xiao Kezhi’s face was tense. His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and carried her on his shoulders, strode into the hall, shouted “No one is allowed in”, and pressed her directly on the door.

“Your Majesty, remember to be gentle. Don’t torture A’Ning like before…”

She was in a stuffy place for a long time. Her cheeks that were originally as white as jade were crimson, and there were tears in her eyes, which made her look pitiful.

But the more she acted like this, the more he felt unbearable.

“Gentle? But today I can’t bear it anymore.” He gritted his teeth and tore the maid’s clothes aside.

Otherwise, why would he still only think about her even after being drugged?

He didn’t have time to think about this issue. He only knew that he couldn’t restrain himself, and the restlessness inside him was like a roaring wave.

He sunk into the quagmire.

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