The Girl Who Fell from the Polar Star
Chapter 2
Author: 七沢またり
Translator: Just a Dream
Chapter 2 : Contract
In the sundry shop that became quiet, Stella was sighing alone. Although it was still early morning, her mood sank.
She carelessly killed a man. He may also had something interesting. Once killed, there was no way to ascertain that. As she was going to grow up as a human, she had to study many things.
They are also the same human beings. The trashes may had their own thinking or had their own way of living, she should hear about it.
[Master, what are you getting depressed for, come on, Cheer up! I feel lonely. ]
“I don’t care about that”
[That’s not good]
“It’s hard to live like a human. Even so, i can not have much composure with this body. It’s difficult.”
Humans are fragile. Now that She had the Magic Crystal in her hand, as long as she was vigilant, she would not be easily killed. However, if she was suddenly gotten shot in the heart, or her brain got destroyed, she would die in a single blow. Even without that, any blow to this body would lead to fatal injuries. She must be careful.
[But there is still me.]
“Fufu, How reliable. But I can not just always depend on you.”
[That aside, Is it really okay to leave the disposal of the corpses to him? He seems stupid, you wouldn’t know where he would throw the corpses to. ]
“If human dies, it becomes just a lump of meat. My father and mother will continue to live in my heart. — fufu, I feel like becoming a poet, I want to make a nice poetry someday. Doesn’t it seems like i can take out the uncertainty feeling of a human right now? ”
Perhaps, there was a sad feeling, but nothing more. They dead, she was alive. She left the cleaning up of the corpses and the room to that hoodlum Beck. It would be reported to the Stock Company that they all committed suicide. It seemed not necessary to report to the guards. They were the private soldiers of the feudal lord, they did not move based on laws and order. It was the organization of territory management that collected the taxpayers’ fees and taxes. From there it would go into the feudal lord. So, as long as you didn’t go against the organization of territory management, there was nothing to be afraid of. Punishment would naturally be given if someone disobeyed. Stella’s father Glenn chose to die because their way to escape had been sealed.
[Ukeke, What a good thing to say! I hated the most something that doesn’t have a meaning like that.]
“I want to understand, I wonder if bird doesn’t understand such a feeling.”
[I don’t want to understand. currently, i want to stay normal]
“Oh, well. That aside, what will I do from now on? I don’t have money, there is not much food, there is no place to go to escape. If I leave it as it is, the debt collector will come again and again. The hoodlum meat wall seems not very useful. The weird bird is noisy.”
[That’s cruel! ]
Clevar flew around noisily.
“I’m not cruel, it’s a fact.”
After saying that, Stella brought the cold coffee to her mouth. She took the unsold item without permission. The current owner of this shop was herself anyway, so there was no particular problem. By the way, the clothes naturally had been changed. She also had washed her body.
“It tastes bad”
She had a bitter face and put down the cup. Its taste was really bad. She got annoyed. The tongue seemed not yet familiar. It must be improved with top priority. Since long ago, Stella was noisy if it was about coffee.
[It can not be helped because it is already cold]
[Really, what will you do from now on, Master? If you want to escape I will lead you.]
Clevar proposed with a serious look. It was surprisingly difficult to see the expression of bird. But somehow Stella understood.
“For now, I don’t have physical strength to be able to walk around. ….. It is best to do something about the debt and keep the shop managed somehow, but I don’t have any credit or anything to sell. Hmm, I must think about it.”
Even if she looked over the store, there was nothing special. There seemed to be no customer really. There were only the daily miscellaneous goods and groceries covered with dust. There was no money in stock. Even if she wanted to borrow money, there were no people who would believe in such a small girl.
(Then, should i sell a new product? Something that only i can make. Something that fits for the people in this town –)
When thinking about such a thing, the hoodlum with a pale face –Beck came back.
“Welcome back”
“I, I am back”
“Fu fu, you don’t have to be so tense, I am just a 10 years old little girl, you are 20 years old adult man. It is trouble if you don’t behave more firmly. I will rely on you”
Beck was grinning and smiling while strightening his back. He had been given so much fear, so the rebellious mind seemed to be completely withered. It should be fine to leave the chores to this man for the time being. She didn’t know if he could do it satisfactorily though.
[Oh, how pitiful. Sexy guy, you have no luck! involved with Master means that it is the end of your luck. ]
“The bird spoke !?”
It was talking all the time, but he seemed didn’t aware of it. Beck opened his eyes wide and was doubting the reality.
[There are things like this in this world! Come on, you should enjoy your life! Your life may have already over though! Ukeke! ]
“… … I don’t know anything anymore, damn it!”
Beck sat down helplessly. His proud brown hair was also somewhat withered.
“Hey, Beck”
“… What, what is it?”
“Can you tell me more about your former owner?”
“I, I don’t know, I’m just an underling, I don’t know the detailed things”
Beck waved his hands. Seemed like he didn’t understand the instruction.
“You only have to speak everything you know, I don’t order you to talk back, Even if you are Beck, you understand, right?”
When Stella poked his forehead with her finger, Beck stood up in panic and started talking.
The Stock Company that trapped Stella’s father, led by Leroy Stock. It is an organization that fought for supremacy with Pulped Union in the Peabury West District. As the same with the other forces, They held army corps, had a wide range of activities ranging from moneylending, human trading, drugs trafficking, bars, gambling, venues management, selling weapons and dispatching mercenaries. A large number of bribes were handed over to the Georgia family, the head of the Peabury five districts, asking for convenience. In other words, they were worthless people.
“I see.”
“…… I won’t say anything bad, quickly run away from here. Besides, even if you kill me the debt won’t disappear. Even if you can use magic, you can not win against the power of the Stock Company.”
“There is no need to win. It’s good if the negotiation is settled. Well then, let’s go to sell the new product. Beck, please guide me there.”
“Hey, are you listening? If we go, we will be killed!”
The organization didn’t allow betrayal, and someone who looked down on them. Beck and Stella would get punished.
[Partner, its useless to oppose Master. Basically she won’t listen to people’s words! Ukeke!]
“It is like that. Well then, let ‘s go quickly. Human life is short, we should not waste it.”
She let the reluctant Beck to lead the way, they headed to an area with even worse public order. The hoodlums that depended on Stock Company gathered, they sent a suspicious gaze to them. If Beck was not there, she would definitely get abducted or assaulted. As she thought, sparing him was a correct choice.
Finally, they reached the headquarter. It was a luxurious bulding that made you think a nobleman was living in there. There were 10 guards at the gate, there were about 10 people that were hiding. It was a considerable security system. She guessed there were even more armed mercenaries inside. It meant they had that much power.
“Ah, what are you guys?”
The gatekeeper called out suspiciously, ready to draw out the sword any time. He didn’t attack immediately because the other side was only Beck and a little girl.
“Um, I am Beck from the collection team. that, about the debt, this one, I mean, this person wants to talk with Leroy-sama by all means”
“Huh? what are you talking about? are you crazy? President Leroy is busy. He doesn’t have time to talk to an underling and a brat like you. Quickly go home or I will kill both of you! ”
The gatekeeper threatened. It could not be helped, Stella stepped forward.
“Hey, oniisan. I will give you this, can you just listen to my story for a moment? It will quickly end.”
“Oh, what is this? Is it a good thing? Hehe, if you have such a gift, you should take it out quickly. If its just to pass a message–”
She handed the Magic Crystal to the gatekeeper and stepped backward. And then.
“–What, what is this !?”
The Magic Crystal started to emit a black light and sucked something like a steam from the gatekeeper. The surprised gatekeeper tried to let it go, but it had firmly stuck to his palm. He frantically tried to tear it off but it was futile.
“It is terrible, oniisan. it’s absorbing your life force. If you don’t quickly release it, your lifespan will shorten more and more.”
“Don’t mess with me! Oi you guys, do something!! And kill that brat!”
He called his fellow guards in the surrounding. The guards unsheathed their weapon and came forward.
“If you come close, you will meet with the same fate as this person. By the way, if you kill me, it will running wildly and suck up all the life in this whole area, so be careful with how you treat me, okay? If you think it’s a lie, you can try it yourself”
Stella laughed heartily. The gatekeepers were completely in disturbance, They quickly took a distance from the man who held the Magic Crystal. It was as Stella said, they felt their whole body exhausted the moment they approached. They knew instinctively that there was something bad about it. Their instinct told them that they should not come close. Human seemed to have the ability to feel such things.
“O, oi !! Please do something about it !!”
“After about one minute, you will die. If you just say ‘yeah’, I will even return the life force that had been sucked in. So, I would like to hear your answer”
“I understand, I understand, Please release it quickly! I beg you please forgive me already !!”
He kneeled as he was about to cry, so Stella took the Magic Crystal. The black light settled down and something like white steam returned to the man’s body.
“Fufu, I am glad you are an understanding person. Well, I am also busy, so please show me the way quickly.”
“…, what, what the heck is going on?”
“Do I need to do it again?”
“No, no, I understand. I will guide you as promised. But at least let me know your business first.”
“I absolutely don’t want to talk twice because it’s troublesome, it will be a waste of time.”
Stella smiled and refused, urged him to go ahead. Clevar stroked the head of the man with its wing as if to comfort him.
Led by the pitiful gatekeeper, Stella and Beck were guided to the President’s Office. They seemed to have heard the fuss outside already, as armed mercenaries crowded around in the surrounding. There was a man served by a young woman sitting in a luxurious chair in the center. He is probably Leroy Stock. He had a flourishing muscle, his head slightly lose the hair. He was exactly just like the leader of a bandit. It seems that he not only had power but also business talent. Otherwise He would not be able to enlarge the company this far. While thinking such a thing, Stella walked to the front of Leroy.
Leroy dismissed the woman and while smoking a cigar, he looked down on her. In his rough hand there was a ring with huge jewelry shone glitteringly. Stella thought it was a bad taste.
“Oh, if I’m not mistaken, aren’t you the daughter of the sundry shop Glenn? You don’t need to persoally come here, our men will come to visit you. Is it about the matter of debt repayment today? It seems to be delayed.”
“Yes, they certainly came, but I can not return something that i don’t have, so I come here to negotiate. Because early in the morning today, my parents died in an unfortunate accident.”
“That’s unfortunate. In fact, our man seemed to have been killed as well this morning. There was a report just now. Did something happen?”
Although it was a polite word, Leroy looked at her with a murderous intent. He seemed to feel a bad sign as he directed his gaze at the Magic Crystal that Stella brought. He seemed to have heard her threat that said if she died, it would rampage and make the surrounding involved. Even so, he accepted the meeting because he still had an honor. This business would not work if he was looked down by a child.
“Yes, It’s a little unfortunate accident.”
“So it’s like that. Well, it is a common occurrence in this town.”
Leroy signaled the servant to bring a chair behind Stella. She sat down without reserve and brought the glass that was presented to her mouth. There seemed to be no poison.
“Oh, this is a delicious juice”
“I am glad you like it, it is also popular among the noble ladies. … By the way, It is not about repaying the money today but you have a talk with me, right? we are both mutually busy so shall we get into the main subject immediately?”
“Okay, as I mentioned earlier, my parents died and I have no property other than that store. Even if i want to return the money I’m not in the condition to be able to return it. So i want to exchange it with a certain thing.”
“…… Oh, That’s a considerably convenient story…. what on earth can you show me?”
Leroy urged with his chin.
“You are selling a dangerous thing that makes human to become disabled, right? It’s something forbidden by the church. Um, I heard it from Beck.”
“………., You bastard, you told it to a brat like this!”
The surrounding mercenaries clicked their tongue, they placed their hand on the sword. Although it was an open secret, they could not admit it from the front. It was prohibited by the bishop of this continent, the Star Church. To admit it meant that they challenged a fight with the church, the Heretical Inquisition Officer would come to intrude in.
“Hii, hiii, please forgive me! President, I am being threatened.”
Beck came closer to Stella while crying. He was a man that could not get used to become a meat wall. As expected of Beck. Clevar became alert.
“Stop it, such a garbage, you can always kill him any time. …. little girl, please continue.”
“I can make a medicine that can cure a human that have became disabled. You have an abundant business ability, surely you understand the meaning of this, right?”
Stella drank the juice, then she hit the glass with a finger, requesting for a second. The servant woman hesitated but began to fill the glass with purple liquid. Stella held the Magic Crystal to display it. Purple light was emitted suspiciously.
“With this crystal, I can turn a water into a medicine. That is a truth or not will be proven immediately. Fufu, I will sell this only to your company. In return, I want the debt to be cancelled, and stop harassing my store. That’s the condition. ”
“…… Hmm, I can not believe it, you have to demonstrate it right now. I will be troubled if you look down on me”
“Of course I will show you, are there any materials?”
“… Hey, bring here the appropriate trash, who was supposed to be dealt with”
Leroy gave the order, then a person whose consciousness was hazy was brought in. It was a result for continuing to use the dangerous drug regularly. He got a bliss until reached this condition so he wouldn’t complain . There was no need to help but it was for Stella’s life. Let him got back to hell.
Stella transformed the water in the glass. She gave it to Leroy, then made the subordinate took it immediately. The disabled man was groaning, but soon regaining his consciousness. It would be like a hell now. He would get improved by continuing taking the medicine, and the desire for the drug would also continue.
“…… I see. Certainly, there seems to be an effect. This one is a trash that should already be disposed, but can it really be healed?”
“If he takes the medicine in the long term, he can completely healed, please continue taking it for about a week . The price you sell to someone will be decided by yourself. The delivery of goods will be handled by this Beck.”
Naturally the drugs here would flow to the upper class as well. Not only in this town, but in the whole continent as well. They would eventually suffered from the after-effect. There, if he offered this medicine at a high price, they would jump at it. Then if they recovered, the fools would dyed their hand with the drugs again. There were always people that could not escape from pleasure. Leroy could gain huge profits by manipulating that loop.
Leroy also seemed to notice this profit. His face changed.
“In order to monopolize this skill, there is also a way to confine you”
“I wonder, can you do it?”
“There is no reason I can not –”
Obstructing Leroy’s words, Stella raised the Magic Crystal. Leroy’s complexion changed and cold sweat started to pour down. He seemed to smell something sinister. It seemed that his survival instinct was high.
Of course, if she used this to exercise magic to kill everyone, Stella would die from the backslash. That’s why she made a concession like this.
“In that case, I will just make this to rampage, I want to live a human life. If I can not do that, there is no meaning to live. I will take you along with me to hell.”
Stella declared. Actually, she didn’t intend to do so. This was just a threat. Actually she just had to make the situation into chaos, then she would escape with Clevar’s help. Naturally Beck had to serve as a meat wall.
Leroy thought for a while and then nodded deeply.
“Okay, you will sell it only to my company. I will withdraw your debt and never harass you again. I promise with my name as a guarantee.”
“Fufu, humans really are nice since they are so understanding.”
“However, that shop is in my territory. You don’t need to pay the tax, but it’s belong to Stock Company, don’t forget it. Betrayal will be compensated with death.”
“Fufu, what a wonderful face. Of course it’s okay. For something like this, humans usually sign a contract, right? I want to try it too.”
Stella demanded. Her eyes shone like a child. If that mouth was not distorted, it might had been suitable for her age.
“Understood … … Oi”
Leroy brought a contract, then they mutually signed on it. The contract was successfully tied.
“It’s done with this. We carried one for each other, right? It’s really a wonderful method, because It’s end with just talk and don’t have to shed blood.”
Stella laughed while shaking her small body, Leroy showed a slight fright. Then, he muttered in a low voice.
“… …. You, are you really 10 years old? Don’t tell me you are actually a witch in disguise or something?”
“Please stop the joke. I am Glenn’s daughter Stella, the only one who ended up survived, the helpless and pitiable 10 years old little girl. So don’t be too rough to me, because I am very vulnerable. It would be terrible if I am broken, right?”
While smiling bewitchingly like a witch, Stella stood up slowly. There was no business here any more.
Translator’s Note:
The second chapter of Stella, hope you enjoy it. Feel free to notice me if there is any mistake.
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