The premises of the Via Alton campus of the Elquille Jewellery School can be divided into three main districts. There is an administrative headquarters to the north, and from the centre to the east, classrooms, libraries, exercise rooms, exhibition rooms, etc. The Gemstone Museum displays history, latest technology, research findings and more about gemstones and ores to the west. It is dotted with canteens, botanical gardens, gardens, and student dormitories.

According to the description of the brochure, it is a very vast space, with student dormitories and all the other buildings added up to more than fifty.

"Here and now, the museum..."

"This building."

The two of us walk down the hallway and circle the in-school map. The current location is Central Building One and the destination is west of the campus. The blue lawn overlooking the hallway is so beautiful it looks like you could even do a picnic.

The leaning blue sky of the day must also lead to the city of Riafiat. What will Sputnik be doing now? Would you enjoy your own store number at ease?... I'd be happy if you missed me at all.

- I overheard my voice, and Crewe looked around.

From a nearby classroom. Peeping inside through the glass window of the door, there are plenty of students sitting full of students older than Crewe and one woman in front of the classroom talking about something. I can't hear the details of what you're talking about, but on the blackboard...

"Is it a class on drawing continental maps well?

"You can't have that kind of pinpoint class."

Likewise, he cheeks perfectly on the glass window, says Lieye, who sees the blackboard.

"Maybe a lecture on the continental distribution economy."


Just think,


"You don't understand."

I was spotted.

But honestly admitting it, Crewe's pride won't allow it.

"Wow, I get it!


"Uh, uh, how much would it cost to buy three inks of four copper coins and two candies of three copper coins, like"

"I wonder if that's the distribution economy...... well fine. What I'm doing in this classroom right now is probably studying the continent's monetary system, the history of economic development, the status quo, that sort of thing."

"But isn't that a gem story?

"People who want to run a jewelry store when they graduate will also go to this school. Classes for people like that. Something you can't do business with, even if you're only familiar with gems"


"It must be tough because you have to take the exam and take the credit. School is tough because it requires self-study even outside of class, I'm sure."

Through the window, look at the blackboard again. The formation of a monetary system, transactions using gold denominated currencies. What is the difference between gold denominated currency and continental normal currency...... lots of words are compatible on the blackboard, but I'm not sure about any of them in Krew right now. Sputnik didn't tell me anything about studying, but does he understand?

You'll see. Because he once enrolled in this school to learn it.

Fumikuru imagines Sputnik and himself going to school together. If I had taken the same class, would I have called Sputnik 'you'? Getting along, using one eraser with me, asking me something I don't know... no, even as a student he, I'm sure, studied seriously, so maybe he's better off asking Crewe to teach him.

You think the exam is coming up and studying in an after-school classroom where no one else is? You think the two of us could put together the results of the experiment and come up with a report under a series of names? Two names lined up on the cover, two first joint work or something......

"Very good stuff......"


When I realize it, the students in the classroom are laughing at me holding my mouth down and tickling.

Did the teacher make any jokes or did the class get into interesting content? Some of the students, blindfolded with the other students, still laughed funny. Is there something that interesting? I look at the blackboard again, but it's still too hard for Crewe to know -


All of a sudden, Lee raised his bare voice. Away from the door and behind. I wonder what happened? Though I thought so, I knew right away without having to ask. The next moment, the door opened from the inside.

And. A woman who was standing in front of a blackboard in the classroom earlier, now in front of Crewe, is looking down at Crewe.

I noticed they were peeking into the classroom.

"... Oh, you know, um..."

The woman is frowning. I'm sure he's angry because he interfered with the class.

I can't think of what to say, and Crewe will also raise her voice as meaningless as she does. What am I going to do, be reprimanded? Close your eyes, clasp your neck, and wait - but.

What returns after a beat is a yell, not a yell.

"Oh, you're an experiential school kid."

I don't know what to say, it was very serene.

Open one eye softly, fearful, looking up. Wrinkles had disappeared from between her brows.

"Have you finished your class today?


"Ha, ha."

Stuck in a reply, Lee answered me instead. "I'm done with class, so I wanted to take a look around some more in school," he said, adding a proper excuse for the status quo.

Then she smiled and nodded, "Really?" I didn't think you two were suspicious.

"If it's good, class, listen?

"Are you sure?"

"Go ahead. Use the seat at the back, where it's available"

What does Lee think of the offer? Seeing, she's making a blind eye. Speaking of which, when introducing himself, Lee said he was interested. If you can listen to actual classes, it would be an unparalleled 'experience' for her.

"Well then... nice to meet you"

Say thank you and have them put in the classroom. Through between the seats, he sat in the vacant seat at the rear, side by side with Lee.

Numerous gazes, directed here and there from all over the classroom. Maybe they were giggling because they noticed the crews peeking so hard through the window. Cute, or small, or I hear whispers like that -

"Yes, yes. I'll resume my classes."

I tried to block it, and the teacher slapped my hand twice. Students looking back and watching the Crews turn forward just like they did earlier.

"Students in school, show your experiencing students a good place. Make sure you want to go to school."

The class then resumed and chalk touched the blackboard.

The teacher's gripping chalk takes a new word for it. Krew doesn't know yet, but I'm sure Sputnik does, a line of words. One end of the world.

Unexpectedly, bring your head. the thought of value to oneself.

What can I do to give it value? Can I be next to Sputnik when I know these words written on the blackboard?

- The clock is about to go around 4: 00 p.m. now.

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