It's, it's, it's, and.

Aim for the museum while avoiding the eyes of the teachers as much as possible.

I managed to reach the museum even though I made several mistakes along the way. Old, large brick-built buildings, wall-transmitting spreads. The museum has been around since the school was founded, and the building itself is very old. But the hazy hazy hazy hazy is blue because it is still growing.

When the Crews finally reached the museum, half the sky was already at night, but they managed to make it to opening time. Press the door made of large glass and open it. When I saw the two of them, at the reception at the entrance, a man bowed his head.

"Welcome. We charge you for admission."

"Oh, uh"

"We're students at the experiential school. This."

Lee gave him his student ID, controlling Crewe from trying to get his wallet out of his bag. I got it when I was in reception in the undergraduate section of the experience school. Speaking of which, the student asked if he/she would not charge for the use of the in-school facility if he/she presented the student ID.

"Yes, I checked. Thanks."

"Thank you. You too, quickly."

"Oh, uh, yeah, uh"

"It's already thick."

Either way, I needed to unload the bag. Open the bag and explore inside to find a piece of paper with a large business card.

Please, when I gave it to you, the receptionist read out the particulars of the student ID.

"You wanted it at the experiential school, Mr. Crewe from Sputnik Jewelry Store?


"Yes, I checked. Please take your time… and I just wanted to say"


The following reversal strikes me with a feeling of being grabbed by a heartbeat. Would you have done something that wasn't good?

But it ends in concern. And when he laughed, he said to Crewe - not just to Lee and the two of us, but to Lee, he told him this.

"Hate and the closing is at 6: 30, so please be careful with your time"

"Ha, ha."

"Okay.... Go"

Leae encourages me ahead in a subtle way. Krew nodded one thing, and then replied as subtly and naturally as Lee...

"Okay. Oh, Lee, hey, hey!

"Shut up!

I got slapped.

As for Crewe, I was going to behave very naturally, but it seems like I failed a lot. Was it a bad idea that your voice went up slightly, or did you put your right hand and right leg out together?

Lee's hand, which he slapped, grabbed Krewe's left hand as it was. Leaving the reception on an early foot, he proceeded to the bills marked 'Tour Directions' in the building. I sneak back to the receptionist, but he was just talking about something with the officials, and he wasn't looking at this one. I don't think you're suspicious of this one.

He walks until he can't see from the reception and finally lets go of his hand. At the same time, Lee said this in a whisper.

"You're too much of a pain in the ass"

"Ugh. But"

"I'm not here to steal anything. You just have to be grand, grand."


"It's not like you have to claim more than you have to."

... I gently put my hands back on my hips.

Crewe glanced around the building. - The Jewelry Museum. The white-toned building is shimmering like a stakeout, and visitors are quietly looking at the exhibit.

Touch the wall decorated map of the building with your fingers. Main building and south building, north building. A further view of the first, second and third floors, along with the red triangle mark, says' This is the first floor hall of the main building now '. Though that means the Crews will be on the ground floor of the main building right now.

But what about the stairs that go underground? On the map, nowhere.

"Want to go around in order?


I could not come up with any other method than lice crushing, so I propose referring to the 'tour route' bill. But she dismissed it lightly.


"You'll never, ever stop on the way."


That's what I'm saying about Krew on the campus tour yesterday. I stopped on my feet so many times that I was about to get lost, because it was Lee who found me each time.

Sigh liee. That looks a bit like your employer. And what Sputnik goes on to say when that happens, it was always a novel to Krew by decision. I knew that, so let's hurry, I'll tell you first.

"Well, then, what do we do? Why don't we ask the receptionist or something?

"I'd like to go underground. Oh? You're an idiot, you're not telling me. It's not on the map, which means it's not open to the public."

"Oh well..."

Again, look at the map. Nevertheless, I took a closer look around during the tour - so much so that everyone was going to leave me - that if I saw a staircase leading down to the basement or something, it would seem like something I would remember.

What I don't remember though is that I look at the map and realize if I've forgotten...


At the same time, Lee pointed to exactly the same spot that Crewe was looking at.

"During the tour, did you go?

"You didn't go, did you?"

Found in the map is the letter 'Works Exhibition Room'. A small room leading from the edge of the main building's first exhibition room. The description on the edge of the map reads: 'We exhibit the work of school students, graduates'.

Speaking of which, during the campus tour, behind the museum room was a place lined with lots of glass cases. When I stepped in to see what was going on here, I heard the teacher say, "Then I'm moving on to the next exhibition," and I rushed back to everyone...

... but Krew thinks.

I think I heard the name of this room called The Works Exhibition Room somewhere. time not in class, since today, to someone somewhere - surely it is -

"Let's go."

He returned what he had in mind to me with Lee's voice.

I don't know why, but today, it's kind of, it's a lot of blurring. Thanks, I often can't think together or remember.

But I want to avoid being pointed out that "I'm finally doing it again." I replied that I understood, and I was about to walk out about after Lee - heh, I noticed.

In the building that should be quiet. Yet the receptionist is more noisy.

"... I wonder what's going on"

"What is it?

Leae seems to have wondered too, tilting her neck. But that's just what I should say, her decision is fast. Turn around. When I turned right, I went back to the receptionist who was filled with small runs.

Hide in the corner and softly peek at the receptionist. I wonder what's happening - watching, Leae accidentally turned this way and once she put her finger on her lips, she made a call. I know you mean come here quietly, but for some reason you have a bitter look.

Kill the footsteps as much as possible and walk over, similarly looking softly at the reception. Although the staff at the reception had been turned into female staff, unlike earlier, that would not be what Lieye wanted to say. It's not that trivial, because something obviously unusual was happening at the reception. That 's--

"I just heard about the kid being here."

"We will contact the customer and the student's parents from the staff, so please pick them up..."

"It doesn't work that way. It is my job to bring that child back to Mr. Kruelol. Just pull it off and bring it to me!

"What is that guy? Seriously, it's a pull."

"... dull"

I'm embarrassed that I'm getting along with that weird guy, and I'm disappointed.

That man, who has named the brother-in-law of the Lord Sputnik and accompanied him on a visit to the city of Vealton in Crewe, is not a good idea. The name, after all, I still can't remember.

From a leaky conversation between the two of them, they still had reports of a crew search in the school. Now that I showed my student ID at the museum reception, a museum official found out that Crewe had come to the museum. Officials followed the news and went to contact the Academic Division, but just left the museum to bowl in with the man - which seems to be happening now.

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