Walk in the warm spring air with tobacco.

Normally it's barbaric like a beloved employee or a mediation police officer hanging his eyes and rushing instantly, but only today, neither of them. It is natural that employees who are visiting the city of Vealton do not come, but I wonder what happened to the other. Did you catch a cold?

No pressure from my sister, no voice to blame on the contrary, smoke that I can smoke without any whim. Sure, it's easy, but it's too easy, it looks like carbonated juice and it's not enough -

And if you think.

"Police, though."

Since Sputnik came to this city, I've heard many more words in my ear.

But that today led me to feel more and more uncomfortable because it didn't belong to the woman I was used to hearing about. Also, based on the fact that its voice was heard somewhat far away, it's apparently not meant for Sputnik.

Move your neck and turn to you with the smoke. At the end of the street, a young man was speaking to the girl.

"You're a face I don't see. What's your name? I wonder if you're not a kid in this city."

"My name is Cecil. The reason for your stay is work."

Sputnik knew that the man who lays questions on the girl, noting something in the notebook, was a police officer, as he had just named him. I only have enough contacts to count myself in, but I still have a bad taste in my left arm - I also have a very distinctive bracelet. Forget your face, you can't forget that bracelet. He rounds his tall in vain, puts his face closer to the girl and asks her job questions.

And it was Cecil, the private secretary of the example, who was looking up at him upright without being cowardly, sometimes. It's two of those combinations I never even imagined.

"Work, alone? And the guardian?

"I came alone. My guardian is in the city of Cokedier.... the bread will get cold, is that enough?"

"It's not good. Because you ran away from me yesterday, didn't you? Even then I said, 'It's the police.'"

"And even if they say so. Because they teach you not to follow, even if someone you don't know speaks to you."


A young man persistently speaking to a girl who apparently dislikes her, the schematic. As far as he's concerned, he probably wants to pull it to the police because there's a chance it's a runaway girl, but if you look at it from someone who doesn't know who the two are, it's the youngsters who are suspicious.

I'm going to help you, but I don't have a special step. I just shouldn't be the one who would be bad for selling a favor. Sputnik walked toward them as he dropped the cigarette to the ground and stepped away.

"Hey, customer."

"Oh, the jewelry store."


Gently raise your hand and call. It was the police officers who noticed Sputnik first. I called him that because I still can't remember his name, but he seemed to understand it was about him. Above all.

I didn't break it and come in, but then I noticed Cecil turned behind Sputnik in a quick move, so Sputnik would be stood between them.

"How's the bracelet working? Do you have good luck?"

If the memory is certain, the bracelet that he - I forgot his name - bought at the Sputnik jewellery store must have had a fringe effect. I mean, Sputnik just put it on himself because it didn't sell too well.

Then he loosened his eyeballs just wondering if this was still the case. With a mellow look to it now, answering with your fingers around your forehead is

"Yes, sir, listen to me."

"What's up?"

"Actually, I recently met a nice looking girl who told me that she's free now, and I said, 'Uh, you're lying - even though she seems to be here'. I think I'm getting a little lucky because of that."

"Well, good for you."

"In complaints that women without that pulse often use."

"If you don't want me to prolong, shut up."

The girl's spicy pointer didn't seem to sound to him happy or unhappy.

I hold my cheeks with both hands and start talking about that and this about the girl I'm interested in, "Pretending to be careless and trying to catch my attention is cute," etc.

But Sputnik, and perhaps Cecil, is also not interested in shards such as this man's love trends. I want to cut up the story where appropriate and leave this place, but this is also a man who talks a lot first. His romance stories while dancing are uninterrupted and the atmosphere is that no matter how much he talks, he doesn't talk enough.

I've heard as many interesting stories as it takes to make money, but if it's not money, it's boring. The more I finally hear, the too one-sided a thought, and it doesn't even seem like a couple will be born there in the future. What an unproductive story.

I have no choice. - When Sputnik, who cut the numbness, started looking for a gap in the love man, wondering if he would run away holding Cecil.

Mixed in love, I said this.

"Hey, I'm in such lovely love, but I was having trouble without someone to talk to. He's always listening to me. He's not here at all."

"... seniors?

I knew who it would show. - Police officer nuts.

"That concierge, you went somewhere"

"Did you not hear that? The store owner, he seemed to be close, so I thought he went after I made myself clear."

"I don't know. Transferred? Fired?

Aside from whether he was close or not, Sputnik only admitted to the woman's care-giving and persistence and enthusiasm for duty. It's odd that that woman should quit her job in this city and leave somewhere without a call or a greeting. Is something wrong?

And thoughts.

"No, just a trip"

It's a vacation.

I don't have an in-laws to ask you to even report that.

But traveling gracefully when people are hurting their stomachs because of stress is a guy who can't even put himself on the wind of a existence that keeps the city safe. By the time he got back, I decided to fill a book full of notebooks and admit (I complained) to him, but that's not what I should talk to this guy about right now.

Sputnik waved loosely to get rid of the featherworm.

"This child belongs to our employees... friends, like"

"Employees. Oh, Crewe's?

"Sort of. I've come all the way to see him, but he's not here right now, and he wants to wait in this city until he gets back. I'll prove it's not a runaway."

Pretending to be nothing, I answer. I see Cecil looked up at this one as surprised at the edge of his sight, but I hope he doesn't react too unnaturally because he's suspicious.

To Sputnik's words, he flaunted his shoulders. Worried about losing money, things like that.

"What. Then I wish you would have told me so... No, I'm sorry. You've come a long way and you've done something wrong."

"Uh... no. No."

With his head lightly lowered, Cecil set aside a beat and shook his blanket. I don't know if the whispering, blushing, "This is the one, excuse me," apology came to his ear, but to see where I chuckled at Cecil, it seemed like we were going to make up.

He turned to Sputnik for an abbreviated salute.

"Well, here I am."

"Thank you for your patience. You're busy."

"Yeah, well, embarrassing.... That doesn't mean there's a particularly big case going on. During my senior vacation, I'm taking over my senior duties, but I can't get around to this anymore. It hurts to see how much seniors usually looked around the city."

So the patrol to the jewelry store didn't even come? A slight fatigue could be seen in the bitter laughter made frowning. Actually, I guess I don't have time to talk about love or anything.

Then when he greeted him two or three words, he left Sputnik and the others - but a few steps have been taken, and he is hooked up with the children as soon as possible. Hearing a child jump "Mr. Fall play -" on his panicking back, Sputnik finally remembered his name.

"Thank you very much."

Thanksgiving I heard from behind. Looking back, Cecil was bowing her head deeply.

Thank you very much, I feel itchy.


"Thank you. Bread."

"... just the feeling"

I take one round bread out of the paper bag and give it to Sputnik. Somehow I didn't feel like receiving it. When I answered that, I "didn't hesitate" to stick out further.

"I had it yesterday as well, but it was very tasty. If I may."

"Ha. Don't hesitate."

When I received the bread, the contents of the bag I saw were...

"Then I'd like to go back to the inn and get some lunch. See you later."

"Wait a minute."

I held Cecil back on her heels because I couldn't help but notice the contents of the bag introduced as' lunch '.

"What, that's your lunch?


"Anything else?

"This is everything, though."

"Just round bread?

"I'll drink water, too."

That's not the problem.

The contents of the paper bag she had in her hand were round bread. To be even more precise, 'it only contained round bread'. Two breads as big as Sputnik's grip. That's all. Even if it includes what I gave you earlier as a thank you, it's three.

Wouldn't it be too primitive for a girl's diet of her age to look so different from Crewe's? If I let Crewe grip more gold for "eat what you like," I'm sure he'll have the extra luxury of adding two desserts or two cups of juice.... Also, even if you didn't, it's a far too unbalanced diet to just eat one meal.

"There's nothing else to eat."

"With snacks"

"I don't think it's bigotry."

Yeah, roar, think a little.

I just asked him out, and he won't be punished.

"Hey, hang out for lunch. There's something I'd like to hear."

- Nothing.

There are no more children to look after, and it's not shabby.

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