The Girl Who Spits Up Jewels

[Experience School Day 2] 8: 00 p.m.

Witches Association, Vealton Branch.

It was quite a place for Sputnik, who is not a wizard, to visit alone, but there was no one in Sputnik today who could be brought here more than originally.

The building of the Witches Association Vealton Branch, which was reached, was so crowded that it clapped out. I also thought when I saw the map at Lew's, but now that I actually stand in front of that building, that sentiment doesn't change. If it were this size, would two or three houses be built on a little park site as well? Perhaps it has nothing to do with the wizards, such as the fact that this city is the central part of the continent. Because the heart of this world for them is the headquarters of the Witch Society, where the 'Original Fathers' are located.

of the bungalow, a building without windows. The entry-like door has barely a round window, but cloudy glass is fitted and cannot be peeked inside. I just found out that the lights were on indoors. The lights are on, which means someone is there.

Take a thin, long breath once. Then Sputnik gripped the knob. Metal knobs are crisp and cold. Push open - Ki, or something. I heard a hinge.

Quiet indoors. There was no greeting. There's just someone pointing this way straight back. Because of the deep eye wear of the wizard's characteristic black hood, facial parts can only peek at the mouth. Height and a red bounced on my lips, I found myself saying I was a woman.

Excuse me for the night.

At the same time, Sputnik muttered in the back of his belly, as he hung his self-allusion. - I am a very common, jeweler with no dark behind me whatsoever.

"It's the Witches Association, the Veal Alton Branch. What can I do for you?"

The greeting you return is as if you've forgotten your emotions somewhere.

But I didn't expect a more friendly greeting or anything. Shaping his natural grin, Sputnik recommends words to vomit.

Sputnik came here for one reason. To contact Soaran, the wizard, urgently. That man should probably be in Cokedier City right now. As for keeping in touch, it's just human ability, we have to use the mail. Even the express will take a few days for the reply to return. But the wizard is not.

I just couldn't tell you who I am and why, regardless, stupid honestly. I know that the Witches Association once directed Soaran the Wizard and instructed him to investigate about the Sputnik Jewellery Store.

So. - Even if you don't give me this name, tell me what it conveys.

"We take great care of you more than plain. My name is Kriu Jewelry Store. - Excuse me for being so busy. I would like to contact Soaran, Deputy Branch Manager of the Witches Association Cokedier Branch, and I apologize for interrupting. This is something I would like to put in Soaran's ear as soon as possible, but I hear that the wizards have a special means of contacting me. Sorry to bother you, but is it possible to get in touch with you?

"… we will confirm"

"Thank you. I was wondering if you could tell Soaran about the product" The Girl's Black Button "that we bought with a broken value. In fact, this time, we found a serious defect in this item."

Please wait a moment.

This one says he's doing everything he can to make a sales smile, but the wizard is still heartless. Are you trying to tell me that you don't have the love to swing around when you're a jeweler or something - but it's behind you to learn to be angry there. I can't help but say that the first phase of the prospectus will be a success, as this one requests.

Now, does that man remember the button he once took from our store as a magic girl? Hooray if you remember, even if you don't remember, and you're wondering, "What is it?" It's a complaining success.

- It was unusually quick for the wizard to come back.

I have a bad feeling about it. Tingling irritation, like when diluted hydrochloric acid is accidentally applied to the skin.

What my face, which has only a mouth, moved and told me,

"We will not follow up on any communication with the Deputy Branch Manager of the Caulkdier Branch"

Even, a starkless tone.

But. - It took a little while for Sputnik to swallow meaning and respond. Don't you have anything next?

My own eyebrows are coming, okay.

"... what do you mean?

"Pick it up"

"Is that your will?"

"I can't answer that."

From a clear narrative, I can see the firm will to reject everything.

What's going on? What did that man do? What does this have to do with the situation? Lost, while spinning your thoughts,

"If you're not leaving,"

The wizard's right arm goes up. Whatever's in that hand...

Sputnik put his hands up shoulder height.

"… I'll change it"

Pull here means that one line of request will be broken. I knew that, but I don't have enough to make things rough.

Turn around. Turn right and leave the same door you came in. All the way until the door closed, I felt a gaze on my back. The door closes while I pray you don't move that wand, and I finally exhale the breath I was stuffing unknowingly. - At the same time,

"What are you doing?


Suddenly there was a woman's voice from close range and her heart bounced.

I jump out in a hurry, and I stare at someone. but it wasn't surprising that he was there.

"What, that reaction. Have you forgotten my dear sister's voice?

say, but it would not be an excessive response as a reaction when a woman's voice is inadvertently heard where the wizard is wary. A woman with a strange gaze at her younger brother for taking a low profile - Yuki. I said, "Good evening," with my hands up gently, like a cloud.

"Where have you been, you"

"Hmm? With the station. And because I've come all the way here, I've been showing my face to old acquaintances."


"'Cause we'll have to arrange a leg to go home"

Yuki's reaction to what is natural. "Why do we have to go right and left in this place forever? I said." "Besides, following the wizard's dubious invitation, it's not dangerous to keep staying in a place like this" makes sense.

Yuki's legs move out. And Sputnik walked out.

"I said this evening's train ends on a 10: 10 flight. I would have liked to get on that if I could, but it would be subtle now... though running all night in a carriage is also an idea, and I think it would be a smart way to leave in the first flight in the morning"


"So. What about you?


"What have you been up to? That you came out of there, you mean you've been standing around against the wizards, that kind of thing?" Send out the wizard who brought me here. "

"You don't have a lot of weapons, do you?"

"The gem I gave you, you didn't bring it?

"One-on-one, we don't know how many enemies we still have. Can we attack in a situation?"

A gem that can disable magic, conceded from Yuki. It's in the bag, but not many. I don't know how many wizards there are in this building, but I didn't think I could control everyone where I used them. A fight you can't win doesn't make sense where you set it up.

Where ordinary humans have challenged the wizard to battle in the spot without all the tools and information, there is no way they can win. When Sputnik thought that one day he could beat the magic girl because he had quite a few tools and quite a few circumstances on the other side - inadvertently behind his head, I remembered something.

Once upon a time, a gem that crippled a magical girl.

How is Yuki getting that one?

- What if I'm involved in her death?

I say the fantion was an excellent wizard. Suppose Yuki had the means to bury it. I wonder how that was done. I wonder how this woman made the fantion a deceased.

"Not really. There was a guy who seemed to know what was going on and was going to be able to ask for help, so I just wanted to make contact."

"Llang, you mean you?

I was told the right answer, and my nose whispers. But if you think about it, you didn't have to hide the man from Yuki. If she also notices Soaran the Wizard's, face as a magic girl.

"I went to a jeweler I knew after I broke up with you. So I talked a little bit, had a little trouble breaking up with my nuts... and while I was doing that, I remembered that pervert. I thought that guy might know something, so I came to the Witches Association Veer Alton Branch..."

"The journey. Sure, he could use magic in Liafiat City. It might not be strange to be involved in this one. So, Mr. Lyan, what?

"... no"

Yuki nods like she's good at it and throws questions at me. That's what I thought too - Sputnik waved the first time. To teach you that the story wasn't that easy.

"I couldn't get him to catch me"

"You mean you're already off? Or are you busy?

"No.... they kicked me out without explaining the circumstances"


Did I look like this when the wizard proclaimed that earlier? Apricot-like Zhu's lips just slightly open, not surprisingly, but an unexpected, void-poked look.

Yuki's, looking at the brown eyes swinging behind her glasses, Sputnik told her earlier. Pretending to be a jeweler I know of Soaran the Wizard, asking me to take over because I wanted to apologize because there was a defect in the product, and the answer I returned - try to get as close as possible to what the Wizard said earlier.

Yuki's neck tilts. The hem of her shaken hair followed, hiding her jaws, ears and necklace.

"Llang, what happened?

I don't know.

"The mystery didn't just get deeper and deeper. Fool."

I don't have a word to give it back.

"But it's not easy for me to find out about the Wizard's inner affairs... right now. Hey, me, because I have somewhere to go. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"To where?

"Nothing. It's not a big deal."

From the grinning look on Yuki's face, I can't read the back.

"If you have somewhere you want to go too, go during this night. VIALTON (HERE) Even if it was an unknown wizard plot that brought me to the city, I came because of it. I'll use it for you at best."

Think of it as a one-way trip float, words you don't know for real or for jokes.

Yuki took a step back and said, "Well, then." I turned my heel back, lost it again in the night, and didn't come back as it was.

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