
"Now what have you done, you!

I haven't had a fist bone or anything dropped in years.

To the shock of the encounter, Sputnik squatted on the spot without being able to scream.

The servant took me, and I came - 'back' for Sputnik, the reception room at Kroolol Mansion. Is it sweet or curious about the phrase "if any of you are with me, ask me to invite you", nuts, yuki, soaran and iraja are also present. Yuki alone seemed to have managed to calculate no, but she was the only one who would let him get away with it. I almost dragged him in.

It rarely took place for a good reason, such as a call from Crew Lol, and I don't see any elements that might be salvation in retrospect of the current situation. So I didn't come home from the bottom of my heart, but I also knew from the rules of thumb that if I ran away, it would only be bad for me to run away.

So I also knew that maybe this would happen.

I knew it, though.

Face up, face up to the pain. I could see a crew lol running white eyes and dyeing his face red in a thin blurry vision with tears.

"You say you've been taking care of me since I was a student, and you still don't trust me! If you cut me in the front, bow my head, and ask for help, I'll shut up and help you too... No, I'll do one or two of the sermons, but I'll help you, but this, I'm not supposed to be grateful!

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, Osama. - No, wait a minute, Mr. Kruelol!

Crewl, who opened the door to the reception room, punched him in the head without hesitation when he saw Sputnik bowing his head as he stood. To Sputnik, who dropped his hips on the carpeted floor, an anger that keeps relenting relentlessly. I remember when I was a student, but I manage to get back on track as a jeweler and beg.

"Wait!? Which side down to give me orders, etc."

"Oh, please calm down, Chairman of the Crew Lol Jewelers! I'm sorry to bother you, but will you calm down and talk to me? Sputnik, are you okay? Your head just sounded amazing, didn't it? I mean, what did you do this time?

It just seemed like I saw the nut that broke between them and

"What, Sputnik? What did you do to this raccoon father? I won't allow you to do something funny without me."

Yuki walks over to Sputnik's back and even makes her tongue nod.

But the verse that comes to mind...

"That kid's earrings"

No, when I was about to say.

Crew lol told me yes, it was pompous.


"You must have made it."

Making earrings has happened many times before. I've sold it, of course. I have more than one to narrow it down to just what I've shown crew lol.

But I immediately guessed which one he was referring to now.

Employee - No, were you no longer an employee now?

Crewe always does, that.

"When I saw that one, I said, 'Is it an earring, not a piercing'? If you prefer, that design accessory, I thought it might pierce you."


"'I'm sure Sputnik thought he didn't have to bother drilling a hole in his ear,' she said. It is"


Or it didn't mean I was in a rusty mood, but the answer became something I would spit at more than I thought I would. That's all I asked, it was enough.

I mean, you lied to me. That there's no way a human being who would even hesitate to drill a small hole in Crewe's ear could act like he was hurting her and letting the gem spit out. And he was furious that he lied so badly.

Not because the reply was sharp, I guess, but Crewlol shut my mouth for me.

Sputnik gently opens his hands and raises them to shoulder height. I sighed.

"Fine. It's my loss. - I tried to use you."


Sputnik's acknowledgment of his inaction seems to have somewhat absorbed his anger at you. The spear moves to Yuki.

"Are you here too? Now take me to my people."

Side by side I saw Soaran and Ilaja sitting on the couch.

The two of them should have no knowledge of Kruelol, but it seemed they had already guessed who he was, and Ilaja leaned against Soaran as if he were, and Soaran clasped his neck.

"What are you up to"

"Nothing this time, my adoptive father. I was just telling them about me until now."

Yuki sees Sputnik. As he pursued it, his slender, sanwhite-eyed glanced at Sputnik. With both of you gazing...

Second, it reminds me of something else. Speaking of which.

"... how did I get called to this city?

Because of the lack of instructions, it became scattered, right and left wings.

I still don't know what they brought me here to do in the end - but Yuki laughed, "That's enough."

"Because I've done it already. You have a role to play, too."


I wonder which of the things Sputnik did in the city of Vealton was what Yuki wanted. Reuniting former alumni? Visiting the Witch Society Cokedier Branch? No way, though, it's not about showing the nuts the wrong reasoning.

"My adoptive father accidentally found out about Crewe's 'physique'. What do you mean, you told me to explain, but if I'm honest with you, I don't care what you think, I'll be waiting for your sermon, okay? I didn't like that, so Sputnik asked me to go instead. But Sputnik, because you don't quite make it to the Crew Lol mansion. It's a broken bone to guide you well."

"For that......!?

What a poor lottery they pulled!

Seeing stunned Sputnik, Yuki smiled bitterly, "Ma, but".

"I thought you needed to see Krew."

Yes, is she feeling better?

When I saw him last night, he seemed to be able to walk well, although he was only falling asleep. There was no appearance of fever, but then what happened?

"Mr. Crewe, did you even summon me for a cold?

"No, don't worry, it's just overwork. Because of this, Mr. Ilaja, would you care to pay him a visit, too? I'm sure Crewe would be surprised."

"... Sputnik"

He didn't seem interested in talking about Yuki and Ilaja, and Krulol called Sputnik to overlap with their conversation. of the crew lol overlapping his two, albeit feminine, pleasant voices. That was a rare and powerless way to call him.


"Tell me why you lied to me like that."

Such a lie.

That I let Crewe come to him until I tailored myself to the bad guy. It's

"... because I didn't know why they brought me to this city"

Because there was absolutely no explanation, and I was thrown out by this city of Vealton.

"But I only knew there was a wizard involved in this matter because the way you brought me here from Liafiat was magic. The city of Vealton now has a coo. I expected it might be a cou tangled problem, but I didn't even know exactly what its contents were. I needed someone to think about the worst and make sure that it protected Ku from the wizard's hands..."


I was just going to be honest this time. But.

Crew lol shook his head without force. That's not what I want to hear.

"Then why didn't you say so from the beginning?"

This was another rare and strangely lonely tone for him.

- Rely on me.

Behind your ears, resuscitate.


"... excuse me"

This one also, feeling strangely honest, bowed his head.

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