
Sputnik woke up feeling like he'd heard the heavy noise of the house shaking.

He seems to have gotten a good night's sleep, his head is covered, and the fatigue that was wrapped around his whole body is almost gone. I woke up and thought, "I went home last night" and "Why is employee Crewe sleeping next door".

In the morning, I remember talking to the crew who jumped in and said something to me in a frenzy… but I can't remember it clearly. The more I go into a person's futon and see him sleep puffy with a satisfied face, the more angry I get, but if I throw him out with strength, he'll complain aloud. As soon as I get home, I don't want to hear the kid's gold cuts.

When I looked at the clock, I was just pointing to noon. Crewe's Futon Infringement, let's just say I'll sleep a little more today, for the most part - I think so, attracting the duvet once again, exactly at that moment.

- Gwwwwwwwwww!!



The noise echoed throughout the building, causing him to wake up reflexively. Crewe at the same time.

To the sound, or to the sudden motion of Sputnik, or in any case to his surprise Krew slipped out of bed after breaking his posture. "Hiaaah," he screams, rolling over and stopping on the floor.

I asked if I was hitting it somewhere, but thanks to the duvet I got involved in falling out of bed, it looks like I'm not injured. He held his ear, put a futon on him, and said, "Is this an enemy attack? Is it an enemy attack!!" He shouts.

Enemy attack. The word reminds me of a wizard disturbance in the city of Vealton - but that case is well solved. Not so many wizards try to visit a despicable city such as Liafiat City, and many wizards can't use magic in this city in the first place... I know that, but it's not just every bit.

I haven't heard it for a long time, but it sounds uncomfortable to hear somewhere. That's coming from outside the bedroom. When Sputnik got out of bed, he took the cane he borrowed from the hospital. Not to support you, but as a weapon to get rid of intruders.

Leave the bedroom. The sound is heard from the hallway - the shared part - under the stairs, from the store.

When I was about to go down the stairs, Crewe was behind me, bringing a frying pan from his room at some point. "I'll take care of the back," he says with a strange face, "but the source of the noise is on the ground floor, so if anyone was there, it would be the store. It is up to Sputnik, the man in the lead if he is to be attacked.

However, if Crewe is going to 'protect behind' that, he shouldn't jump out in front of Sputnik on his own. I'd appreciate it if you stayed that way.

So in a proper reply, Sputnik goes down the stairs while killing as many footsteps as he can. - It didn't take as long as that, though, until Crewe swung a frying pan to intimidate the area and realized it made no sense where one Sputnik killed his footsteps because he was making a footstep to let go of it with that momentum.

I can still hear the noise from the store. Cutting down the stairs and sneaking into the door leading to the store, Sputnik grabbed the door knob softly, turned it quietly, and opened it.

"For you!

"Don't scream, fool!

He is a brilliant employee who destroys these thoughts until they are completely skinless.

But happy or unhappy, there was no shadow in the store. The identity of the sound is the store's security device. When I sense an intruder, it's starting to sound like it's still making a tedious, deafening noise.

And instead of the intruder, what was showing up in the middle of the store - stacked, it was a big crate. I thought for a moment if it was an explosive, but it looks familiar in the box.

In addition, the box had notes on it.

... understand what happened and how, even without reading the notes.

"Coo. Stop the security device."

"Ah, yes."

Crewe responds to Sputnik's instructions when he puts the frying pan on the floor. In the quieter store, Sputnik walked over to the crate.

Take a sticky note and run your eyes.

The note was a handwriting I was used to seeing, and it said this - 'Anytime, anywhere, quickly, safely, and safely! Yuki, thank you for your delivery flight' Did you think of wording like courier service just for this purpose? Around wanting to come in from shape, I did feel it was the same genealogy as that magic girl.

The contents of this crate belong to Sputnik and Krew's luggage from the city of Vealton.

When returning from the city of Vealton, Sputnik and Krew were troubled by the response to what they bought over there. That's just to say the continental capital, the city of Viearton has many rare items that the city of Liafiat doesn't deal with, and Sputnik bought everything in the city. Crewe also bought groceries into his clothes and stuck with them.

Now the question is, how do we bring these back?

What stunned me about the amount of luggage was the day I refrained from returning home three days later.

The journey home is long and the city of Liafiat is far away. I wanted to keep my baggage to a minimum, so when I was thinking about sending it in the mail, Yuki said, "If that's about it, magically sending it won't punish you."

It should be noted that Crewe also said in relation to these, "You can take it home yourself! He claimed," and managed to lift it with his crotch, regardless, without moving off the floor with her thin arms - where he was too uptight to fart, he turned his face bright red and abstained.

"Sometimes it's important to rely on people," Kruelol said embarrassingly - it also sounded like paranoia to hit Sputnik somewhere - and Kruel thanked him and bowed his head.

And now you've delivered it, he said.

But. Yuki's appearance, who was supposed to have brought the crate, was not already in the store, and he was left running and writing at the edge of the note. "Sorry I rang something!".

Without cutting off the security device, carrying such large baggage and showing up suddenly in the store, the device would also try to do its part. Maybe even touched the show window out of curiosity.

Anyway, Yuki, who was surprised by the noise, escaped as it was because the punishment went bad, something like that? Due to the current situation of Yuki, the clerk of the Crewl Jewellery Chamber of Commerce and the Witch Association, she is so busy that she is not in a state of anomaly in our store that the possibility of rushing to work cannot be discarded, but in any case the results are the same.

Totally. In an attempt to find the murderer, not knowing he was already gone, he grabbed the frying pan again and looked at Crewe peering into the shadow of his desk or shelf, "Come out, I'm not afraid, it hurts a little".

"Coo. It's here."

"Are you the enemy!?


Bu 'oh, and the frying pan rips the air.

After swinging it out, I called him, wondering if he would ever let me go, and he stopped by with the color of his vigilance exposed - but when Sputnik noticed the presence of the crate he was tapping and showing, his expression became much brighter.

I hang my hand to loosen the lid of the box and make it easier to open it, but when I saw it, Crewe stopped "I'll do it myself".

... After a visit to the City of Vealton, it feels like Krew's independence has flourished.

I guess that's a good thing in itself, but somehow it's not enough. Hanging his hand on the lid and watching the muffled crew roar with a bright red face, somehow, I remembered the crew lol I saw in the middle of the commotion - "How could I not say that from the beginning"

Loneliness you can't rely on to be nearby. Helplessness.

Crewe's face turned this way unexpectedly.

"I knew I couldn't do it"

"Look, look."

However, for what it's worth to know about the draw, Sputnik thought that maybe this guy is smarter than himself.

I learned some strange weirdness at the bottom of my belly, but if I laughed now, Crewe would surely be mad at me for feeling like he made a fool of himself. The emotions that have crept up gently bite me to death.

With the power of an adult man, it was easy to open the box. As I lowered the lid to him, Crewe peered into the box with the same momentum as the dog that was eating the deposit.

The happy face remains her usual, so I want to give her an extra mouth.

"See if there's any loopholes in it."


But Crewe didn't seem to think of it as an 'extra word'. I replied well.

Sputnik also lowers his back on the floor, opens his box and alters the contents.

I used two large boxes to pack Crewe's stuff, and Sputnik used three. Inside Sputnik's crate, in addition to the statement of treatment costs, prescribed ointments, pain relief, etc., liquor and foods not handled in Liafiat City, I bought a large number of books - not only management guidelines and the latest technical books, but also "books I was just curious about" that had nothing to do with commerce.

It's not even in Liafiat City, and it's not something you can't buy if you pick it up, but it's also different from your willingness to buy when you still have the real thing in your hands.

And then there are a few pieces of clothing and various daily items procured locally. I meant to have the minimum, but it wasn't enough and I bought a lot more. Now, if they told me to do the journey jeweler again like I used to, I couldn't, I smudged.

Take another copy out of the box and confirm the title. This was a spare time novel I bought at a store in the hospital. It's something you didn't have to bring home on purpose. I thought if you gave it to Yuki, you would have read it - and so on, I felt my gaze.

Crewe wrinkled between his eyebrows and watched this one carefully.

"The book."


"Are you a sad one"

"It's a disgusting one."

What do you think the store owner is?

I watched this one for a while as I observed, but I gave him a word about what it was like to "well, I'll believe you," and went back to packing my stuff.

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