The whole journey was smooth, without any glitch. Soon after, Qian Ci had reached their meeting destination inside a restaurant within the tallest building in the city. The whole restaurant had transparent glass which overlooked the city and it rotated slowly. Whoever attended the restaurant not only just coming for the food, but they were also coming for the view. Even though you just sat on one place, since the whole restaurant rotates, you would be able to see every part of the beautiful city.

The night had settled in and the city lights had come into life. It looked like stars in the middle of the dark sky. Perfectly lit up, unmoved by the people bustling around. The moving cars and public transport looked like a perfect comet who moved steadily in the same pace.

Qian Ci who went inside the restaurant, ushered by the restaurant manager into one private corner which had the best view. She totally felt like she had become of the galaxy owner who owned all the stars around her. Sitting with a glass of red wine, which apparently had been pre ordered by Mo Ting assistant, she sipped her drink, enjoying the night view in front of her. She was a homebody and rarely went out, especially with Li Si Cheng over protectiveness and her student life. It limited her knowledge that such gorgeous view existed inside the city. If only she knew earlier, she would surely ask Si Cheng to ask her on date more often.

"You seem to enjoy the view a lot," a deep and friendly voice came from behind her and she saw Mo Ting had stood there, accompanied by Ye Bai who gave her devilish cute smile which always made her blush.

"Yes, thank you for inviting me." Since Qian Ci stood near the window while admiring the view. Ye Bai acted as a prince and pulled out a chair for her to sit down, before giving his all and opened the napkin to put it on top of her lap.

"Ye Bai, stop it. Are you working in host club or something?" Mo Ting scolded him to faster sit down. He was afraid his action would take unnecessary attention. He had asked for the perimeter to be secured since he also knew that this woman husband was not easy to deal with. Remembering how Si Ye Han reacted before, Li Si Cheng was more unpredictable. Rather than clearing the mess, he had asked Lu Che to clear every paparazzi that would follow them and blocked their access from the hotel perimeter.

Even though they had done the necessary, he did not lower his guard for even one second. He was working in professional way but he also understood that Ye Bai was still quite new in the industry. She was agile and smart but she might not be able to block for every possibility yet. As of now, Ye Bai was a rough diamond in the industry, it would need time for him to sharpen her skill before it outshone everyone, including him. That was another possibility he found it very thrilling. He dreaded and yet anticipated such a strong opponent from the industry.

Once they were all seated down, a fine looking gentleman with perfectly tidy black suit came over and poured the same wine to each their respective glasses, while reciting the menu of the day. Qian Ci chose salmon as her main while both Mo Ting and Ye Bai chose beef steak as their main. The waiter had finally finished taking all their orders and three of them were left alone to chat.

At first, they just talked about weather, Qian Ci school and other unimportant discussion to loosen up her initial awkward and to get to know each other better. Even though Mo Ting always looked aloof, he could be quite friendly and open when needed. Different from Ye Bai, who was always friendly and could make jokes for Qian Ci to laugh.

Their food had finally placed on the table and it was like unspoken sign that the serious discussion would be brought up sooner or later. Qian Ci was the one initiated the serious topic,"I am thankful for both of your invitation here. May I know what is it about?" She carefully asked her question.

Mo Ting and Ye Bai looked at each other, and Ye Bai nodded slightly, giving sign to Mo Ting to start the discussion.

"Mrs. Li, do you know about our newest movie collaboration starring both my wife and Ning Xi?"

"Of course, I know. The internet and TV were totally crazy after your press conference. It was lasted a few days as top news."

"I will go straight to the point. We would like to ask you to make one OST song for the movie."

Qian Ci who was eating, stopped her action while she was portioning her fish. "Me? Creating an OST?"

"Yes, we saw how you performed during Gremmies Award and we have asked Song Yi Fan about your capability. He guaranteed that you can definitely do it."

"Even godfather too?" Qian Ci was so amazed by how much faith they put into her. She was a novice, and she couldn't imagine such a big opportunity would knock on the door. It was exhilarating yet scary at the same time.

"So, what do you think, Mrs. Li? We have plan to use your OST as our promotional activity."

"Can I have the story line in short?" Feeling all excited, Qian Ci put her plate to one side.

Knowing the discussion went very smoothly, Mo Ting and Ye Bai was also getting more excited. They quickly gave her an idea about the movie summary and Qian Ci started to ask more and more specific question as well as what kind of vibes they wanted the song to be.

Mo Ting thought it would be good to have more ballad concept, as it could use both Tang Ning or Ning Xi emotional scene and used it for promotion, while Ye Bai shared that it would not bad to have slightly upbeat song to promote using their action scene.

Since both idea was very appealing to Qian Ci, she stored whatever info in her mind and signed the contract immediately without even asking Si Cheng lawyer to verify. She totally believed in both of their capable hand.

Once the discussion finished, Mo Ting asked permission to leave earlier as Tang Ning had already waiting for him at home to play with their son. Understanding their situation, Qian Ci stared longingly, remembering her long lost baby and made her face looked sadder. Unconsciously, her hand grabbed the nearest glass and gulped it down, only to realize later on that she drank a full glass of wine.

As she stood up, she swayed slightly since she drank wine without any food on her stomach. Her head felt slightly dizzy and she almost fell down if Ye Bai did not manage to catch her on time. Worries filled Ye Bai face and he guided her towards lobby area, while calling for Qian Ci designated driver of the day.

While waiting on the lobby, Ye Bai kept her hand on Qian Ci waist and let her head rested on his shoulder, since she kept saying she wanted to vomit out.

"Oh, everything is turning." Qian Ci weakly said.

"I know. Bear with it, I have called your car. It should be arriving soon." Qian Ci head started to loll and Ye Bai swift hand caught it on time before returning her head to his shoulder.

From the corner of the carpark, a reporter who waited for hours outside was snatching their picture non stop, with a wicked smile on his face. He retreated slowly, blending with the dark when he made the phone call," I get it. This time they will be ruined."

"Hold it. Don't release it first. It is not the time yet."

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