When Ye Wan Wan reached her apartment, she slowly pulled her wig out from the top of her head. Sweats started to form under the wig and as the act of show had concluded nicely, and no one at her home, she could enjoy the moment just being herself.

Feeling the stickiness of her skin, she slowly stripped off her clothes along the way and went straight to the bathroom inside the bedroom. Her bathroom was sleek, as every furniture and appliances inside was hand picked by Si Ye Han. He always wanted the best for her.

She did not mind at all and let him do whatever he wanted, as long as he was happy. To her, this new feeling called love was still foreign to her. How could she imagine such thing exist between her and Si Ye Han. She used to be afraid of him, dreaded his presence and even tried to run away a few times. Even with all those rebellious act she did in the past, he never resented her at all. He would be the first person who stayed true by her side, regardless of all critics and hateful remarks coming from family branches. Only him had a very strong faith with her. How could she not love someone so loyal and selfless, and how of all things that happened in this world did she deserve such wonderful thing called love.

Wan Wan let the hot water rained over her body to wash all her tiredness away. Indeed, taking a hot shower after such a long day was still the best option. If she had more energy, she would resort to use the hot bathtub with lavender salt instead. Wrapping herself with the big white fluffy towel, Wan Wan walking out from the bathroom, humming a cheerful song and went straight to her walking wardrobe, taking an oversize shirt for sleeping. No one inside the apartment except her, she did not expect any companion to come today. As per her knowledge, Si Ye Han had a shareholder meeting until very late.

Once she wore her pajamas, she stretched herself on top of her bed, without even drying her hair properly and without her knowing, she had fallen asleep.

Si Ye Han called his house to check Wan Wan whereabouts.

"Is Wan Wan at home?"

"No, Master. I remembered she said if she is not coming home tonight, she would stay at the penthouse downtown."

"Hmm, okay. I am not going back tonight."

"Yes, Master."

Si Ye Han asked the driver to drop him off at Wan Wan penthouse and dismissed his driver for the day. He glanced over at his Patek Phillipe watch and it showed the time had reached 3 AM. The meeting was taking longer than he would have expected.

He took the lift straight to the penthouse and immediately after he opened the door, he was welcomed with a dim lighted penthouse and silence.

'Where is she?' Si Ye Han walked around the penthouse, from living room to kitchen. Finally he noticed a trail of her wig and clothes which scattered all over the floor and made a small pathway towards her bedroom.

Following the trail left behind, he did not even need to open the door. The door was slightly ajar and he could see her lying on top of the bed, without any blanket. Her slightly damp hair was wet to his touch and he could only shook his head in dismay. He always did not approve of her working since she would always ran dry on her energy and went asleep everywhere.

Carefully, Si Ye Han lifted her body and opened the blanket before tucking her safely inside. He quickly took a shower and lied beside her, hugging her body and let her use his arm as a pillow throughout the night. There was no need to have any conversation, just like this, by her side, he felt content.

The Next Morning

Su Qian Ci had woken up the entire night and finished her first draft. She couldn't believe herself who could compose such a difficult request within fortnight. Immediately after she wrote the last note on her paper draft, she called Lu Che.


"Yes, Mrs. Li. Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"Umm, the thing is, I think I am done with the first draft of the song."

"You what?" Lu Che quickly composed himself, he felt he sounded a little bit rude just now. "I am sorry, Mrs. Li."

"It's okay. I am going to try and perfect it at school later. Maybe we can meet up after that? So I could let you hear it firsthand."

"Let me try to arrange and I will contact you back."

"Oh, okay." Su Qian Ci felt too excited and she forgot how busy Mo Ting and the rests of people were. How could she dare to ask for a meeting.

She couldn't wait to show it to them, it was not only for her but she wanted Si Cheng to be proud of her. Their wedding anniversary was coming soon and she wanted to present both the songs and achievement to him, to show that she was no longer the student Su Qian Ci, but a composer who could stand proudly by his side.

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