Qian Ci had not recovered from the attack and yet San San and Xu Li did not show any sign of stopping. They were getting closer and wanted to do more to Qian Ci than just a slap. San San started to push Qian Ci body with her finger, trying to provoke Qian Ci even more.

However, Qian Ci was not someone who was easily provoked. She let San San did whatever she wanted and kept her gaze locked inside. When San San saw Qian Ci unwavering attitude, she could feel herself tremble inside. As clueless as she looked right now, she knew for sure who was backing up Qian Ci.

Xu Li noticed San San wavering attitude and shouted at her. "San San, what are you doing? Are you being a coward now, our goddess was being attacked."

"I did not attack anyone. Please stop putting words into my mouth." Qian Ci coldly replied.

"Stop spouting nonsense, you bitch." Xu Li jumped towards her and Qian Ci dodged, which made her fell directly towards the floor. Her face flushed due to embarrassment and she was directing that feeling to anger and attacked Qian Ci.

She aimed for Qian Ci long hair.

"Arrgh!" Qian Ci screamed in pain. She could feel her hair was pulled apart. Even though there was violence happened in front of them, the crowd did not offer for help. They just stood there and watched.

The poor admin girl bawled her eyes out, she did not expect things to spiral out this way. It was just a simple room booking, how could things escalated to violence. She was scared and could not do anything to protect Qian Ci. If they dared to do such things to her, how about her? She was just a lowly staff.

"What the hell is happening here?" Professor Lin was walking passed and saw a ruckus happening right under his own department.

"It's Professor Lin!" Everyone started to whisper and excited to see how the show continued on.

"Professor!" Xu Hua started her act.

"Xu Hua, explain to me. What is happening here?" As expected from Xu Hua, Professor Lin recognized her directly and asked her question.

Xu Li had released her grip on Qian Ci hair but she was still glaring at her.

"Professor, it was nothing much. The newly hired admin girl made a slight mistake and allowed someone outside our department to use my practice room. Xu Li and San San were just trying to protect me and scolded the person who did not know the rule under our music department."

Xu Hua had sweetened the fact and made as if Qian Ci was a total outside who did not know the rules of music department. Even though Professor Lin was famous for being just, he also had a very strong of protectiveness against his music department. Whenever other department started to push anything towards music department, always Professor Lin who stayed strong as a first line of defense against any outsider attack. Xu Hua knew his weakness very well and she was now using it to redirect her attack back to Qian Ci.

'So what if your husband is Li Si Cheng, in this music department, no one able to cross Professor Lin.'

"Who dares to make such ruckus under music department?" Since Qian Ci hair was messy all over and covering half of her face, Professor Lin did not recognize her. "You, the messy hair, come over here." Professor Lin asked Qian Ci to come inside his room.

Since no one had messy hair except for Qian Ci, she moved forward and went inside to Professor Lin's room. With every steps that she took, San San, Xu Li and Xu Hua was slowly celebrating their win against her, so sure that Professor Lin would surely stop her arrogance.

"I did not want to cause more ruckus outside. Tidy up yourself."

"Yes, Professor Lin."

"How you know me? Who are you?"

Upon hearing Professor Lin comment against her appearance, Qian Ci tidied up her hair, slowly revealing who she really was.

"It's me, Professor. Su Qian Ci from Business Management." Qian Ci smiled. She had known Professor Lin from her godfather, Song Yi Fan.

"Qian Ci, my dear. What happened?" When Professor Lin saw who she actually was, his attitude took a sudden turn of 180 degrees.

"Actually what Xu Hua said earlier is correct. I indeed booked the room with the admin girl help. But I did not know that the practice room was always booked under Xu Hua. I am sorry, Professor Lin. I did not mean to cause such disturbance in the campus."

"What do you need the practice room for? How could you never tell me about it?"

"It's just a simple thing. I thought things could settle pretty quickly. Anyway, I need it to practice for my new song. Did you know about the new movie collaboration by Tang Ning and Ning Xi? They contacted me to create OST."

Professor Lin eyes beamed with satisfaction. He had always known Qian Ci was so talented. Ever since Song Yi Fan introduced her to him and he saw her talent directly, he had always wanted to scout her over to music department. With her talent and skill, she would surely be the pride of music department. Unfortunately, she was strong willed to learn about business and music just a hobby for her.

"Hmm, I get what you mean. It is true that I give special instruction to Xu Hua about the practice room, since she is always attending national competition. But, I can have a work around for you. Let's go out."

"There is no need, Professor. I don't want to be a burden to you."

"Nonsense. You are Song Yi Fan's goddaughter which makes you mine too."

Everyone was waiting for a good show outside the room. San San and Xu Li even tried to eavesdrop but they could not hear anything. After all Professor Lin room was equipped with soundproof equipment. When the door opened, San San and Xu Li quickly retreated as to not raise Professor Lin suspicion.

"Ling Er." Professor Lin called the admin girl.

"Yes, Professor." Ling Er felt weak. She had thought all along she might lose the job sooner than expected. She had no hope ever since Professor Lin looked angry and asked Qian Ci to go inside his room.

"I will only say this once, not only to Ling Er but everyone here. Practice room 1 will always be reserved for Xu Hua. Even though there is vacancy, no one could use it. Understand?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Xu Hua, Professor Lin still loves you the most." Xu Li started to praise her non stop.

"Yes, Xu Hua Jie. You are indeed our music department pear." San San echoed.

Xu Hua arrogance was floating high, like hot air balloon ready to fly.
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