The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 233 CO · Self-destruct!

"Uchiha bounces back!

I saw the flame group fan blooming with white light, and in an instant, the big shark bombing technique in front of me was absorbed.


Hoshigaki Kisame paled in shock.

In the next second, a huge storm of energy was released from the flame fan!


Hoshigaki Kisame raised his sword Samehada and blocked it, absorbing part of the energy shock.

But there was still most of the power left, which sent him flying out.

The Samehada in his hand was blown away, and Hoshigaki Kisame fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"see it?"

"This is the power of Uchiha!""

Uchiha Fugaku waved his flame fan with an arrogant look on his face.

"That ninja...

"It's Madara's weapon!"

Onogi's eyes were fixed on the flame fan in the opponent's hand.

When he was young, he witnessed Uchiha Madara's weapon with his own eyes.

"Able to bounce back all attacks? 35

"It's a tricky ninja tool.

Ai frowned.

"It seems that this Hokage is still hiding deeply."

Terumi Mei was thoughtful.

The victory of Uchiha Fugaku's first battle was a good encouragement for the Konoha Jōnin's battle.

"I carry a lot, so..."

"I will not lose!""

"Sage Mode!

Namikaze Minato enters Sage Mode.

Speed ​​and power have been doubled!

"Sage Art Massive Rasengan!"

"Magnet Style · Sand and Iron Realm! 35

"Bang bang bang!

The duel between the two, the result is that Namikaze Minato injected the magic Chakra's attack stronger.

The puppet Third Kazekage was beaten to pieces.


"My greatest masterpiece!"

Sasori was furious, and at the same time, his fear of Namikaze Minato was the highest.

I saw him throw out a pair of extra-large scrolls.

Hundreds of puppets flew out of it.

Then through the Chakra core at the heart, the wire connection is released.

"Red Secret Technique · Hundred Machines Exercise!" 9

"This is my ultimate art, come on gold glitter!"

The talent of a puppet master lies in how many puppets he can control at the same time.

Sasori's puppet art has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of this field!

Facing Sasori's challenge.

Namikaze Minato didn't give in.


In Sage Mode, his instant technique moves faster.

The naked eye can only faintly see a golden shadow passing by.

"Spiral Flash Super Wheel Dance and Roar Three Styles!

I saw countless golden flashes flashing rapidly in the sky.

At an astonishing speed, the hundreds of puppets were quickly smashed into pieces!

"Stop being arrogant!

"It's only just beginning!

Sasori snorted angrily.

As more and more puppets are destroyed, fewer and fewer puppets remain.

But Sasori's control has become stronger!

Because the number is smaller, the control will be more flexible.





The puppet dodged Namikaze Minato's speed attack.

Fired from the mechanism. Thousands of poisonous gases were released to attack.

Densely packed with various hidden weapons, saturated blows!

According to normal skills, it is impossible to avoid all attacks.

But Namikaze Minato jumped straight to another space using the Flying Thunder God Technique.


"Don't try to run!

Sasori raised his arms and drove the Chakra scrolls pre-installed inside.

"Scroll・Flame Prison Array!"

The jet from the palm of the hand, the mouth, the launch. The ultra-high temperature flame column!

Soon the surrounding area will be filled with fire!


" Sage Art Massive Rasengan!

Namikaze Minato came through the sea of ​​fire wearing a giant Rasengan.

"Scroll · Eclipse Column!

Sasori instantly changes the scroll's ninjutsu.

From the jet. Mouth, launch. High pressure water column!


Massive Rasengan broke through the water column with a destructive force.

In the end, it hit Sasori heavily.


Sasori's whole body puppet was blasted, and Chakra's core fell to the ground.


"Finally knocked him down. 35

Namikaze Minato's breathing was a little short, and the fairy shadow on his eyes disappeared.


"Two companions have already been defeated!"

Loquat Shizang's face became anxious.

Appearance is carefree, but in fact he is the most affectionate man in the Xiao organization.

Very concerned about the safety of companions.

"The Profound Truth of Hatake Style: Collapsing Flash!

Hatake Kakashi took the opportunity to stab.


Loquat Shizang was stabbed to the point, and the beheading knife in his hand fell to the ground.


"Is it my turn this time?

"It's really like a dragon's way to die."

Loquat Shizang finally complained and swallowed.

`.Art is to explode, drink! 35

Deidara rides a clay dragon and bombards Senju Itachi from the air.



Senju Itachi dodged, and struck back with a seal.

"Fire Style·How Longfire Technique!"

A fiery fire dragon spewed out of his mouth and hit Deidara in the sky.

"Nice Fire Style, too bad it didn't hit me!"


Deidara takes advantage of air superiority and can easily avoid Fire Style attacks.


The fire dragon submerged into the clouds, and the high temperature created the updraft and created the thundercloud.

"Underestimate me is your biggest mistake!"

Senju Itachi raised his palms high and guided the thunderclouds of the sky through Chidori.


"How to control lightning in nature?

Deidara's face changed drastically.

Because of his clay secret art, his weakness is his fear of Lightning Style!

Seeing the thunder and lightning in the sky, Ju (Nuo Qian Zhao) gathered a fierce thunder beast.

Deidara hurriedly drove the clay dragon down.


“Lightning Style˙ Kirin!”

Senju Itachi, driving the Thunder Beast, attacked in the direction of Deidara.

I saw a flash of lightning.

After a few seconds, there was a deafening roar of thunder.

"Rumble Rumble Rumble! 35

The high-speed blow of tears was impossible to dodge.

Deidara was hit on the spot and fell to the ground with serious injuries.


"I didn't expect my art to be defeated by a woman!""

"I do not accept!!!'

Deidara is furious and looks like she can't afford to lose.

I saw that he took out all the clay from his pocket and stuffed it into his chest and mouth.

"Now, let the world see my ultimate art!


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